Chapter 1286 The emperor’s bloodline supernatural powers, Haotian pupil!

Looking at Jiang Chen, who was determined to put him to death, Xia Yuanfeng looked frightened.


At the critical juncture, Xia Yuanfeng had no time to think about it.

He urged the blood of the emperor in his body to the limit, and his pupils instantly turned into a piece of gold, and two golden beams of light with the supernatural power of Haotian also burst out of his eyes!

“Haotian pupil, Feng Young Master finally used the emperor’s bloodline and supernatural powers.”

The two Haotian Sacred Land people were also excited in their hearts.

Haotian pupil!

Haotian Sacred Land Great Emperor’s bloodline supernatural powers, only geniuses with the Great Emperor’s bloodline level up to seven stars or more have a certain chance of awakening.

It can be said.

In the entire Haotian Sacred Land, there are almost a handful of people who have now awakened bloodline supernatural powers!


Although Haotian pupil awakening is extremely difficult, its power is extremely overbearing, not inferior to any imperial martial arts!

No matter how strong the opposite guy is, he will never be able to stop the wind Young Master’s Haotian pupil.

“The Emperor Tianjiao is really extraordinary. It seems that Xia Yuanfeng should still have a lot of hole cards in his hand.”

Seeing that Xia Yuanfeng displayed such a powerful bloodline supernatural power, the divine fetal realm energy body couldn’t help narrowing his eyes slightly.

Her figure just about to make a move also stopped abruptly.

Since Xia Yuanfeng still had a hole card to fight Jiang Chen, she didn’t plan to help each other at this time, letting the two continue to consume each other.


Even if Jiang Chen was resolved, Xia Yuanfeng would still be a big trouble.

“Jiang Chen, Xia Yuanfeng is not what you want to kill.”

“Since you have to force me, even if it is dead, I will drag you to bury you with me!”

Xia Yuanfeng smiled grimly, two dazzling pillars of destruction, like golden rainbows piercing through the world, cutting through the space.

Wherever Jin Hong passed, I saw the power of thunder in Jiang Chen Realm’s space, which was quickly annihilated at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Just blink of an eye.

Jin Hong pierced through a hundred meters of space and landed on Jiang Chen’s Thunder Realm barrier.

“Boom! Boom!”

Two earth-shaking explosions resounded across the sky instantly, and endless golden light of destruction swept away.

Under the impact of the destroying golden light, Jiang Chen’s Thunder Realm barrier was constantly changing and twisting.

“Ha ha……”

“Jiang Chen, weren’t you arrogant just now?”

“I want to see how you can block my bloodline supernatural powers!”

Xia Yuanfeng laughed triumphantly, and two ruined golden lights burst out of his eyes again, trying to completely destroy Jiang Chen’s Thunder Realm barrier in one fell swoop!


Just when Xia Yuanfeng thought that this strike would be able to break the Jiang Chen Realm barrier.

I saw above the silver Thunder Realm, a red Fire Realm enchantment exuding the aura of burning weather, directly superimposed on the Realm Realm enchantment of Thunder Dao.

In an instant…

The power of terrifying thunder and the power of burning flames filled the entire Realm space at the same time.

The golden beam of light erupted from Xia Yuanfeng’s Haotian pupils was annihilated in the Realm space in the blink of an eye.

“This is the bloodline supernatural power of your Haotian Sacred Land, and it’s nothing more than that.”

Lightly shattering Xia Yuanfeng’s bloodline supernatural powers, Jiang Chen flicked his fingers with a contemptuous expression on his face.

“Fire Road Realm? Realm stack!”

Xia Yuanfeng’s pupils suddenly shrank, and an unbelievable horror appeared in his eyes: “You…you actually have the second Realm power?”

Comprehend the power of two Realm, the invincible King of Heaven with Realm!

This kid in front of him is definitely a terrifying existence that is enough to win the ranking of the emperor of Tianjiao.

“How can you imagine the power I have?”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly, and immediately stared at Xia Yuanfeng coldly: “If this great emperor’s bloodline and magical powers are your last support, you can go to death.”

Haotian Sacred Land, an emperor founded by Emperor Haotian, the number one powerhouse in Shenwu Continent thousands of years ago.

Although the Great War of Destruction tens of thousands of years ago wiped out the Emperor Realm of Shenwu Continent, there is no more Five-Star Emperor Sect in the world.


Even if the vitality of Haotian Sacred Land was greatly injured in that battle, the power that can be passed down cannot be underestimated.

Today’s Haotian Sacred Land still ranks first among the eight hidden Sacred Lands, and its strength is unfathomable.

It can be said.

Haotian Sacred Land’s status in Shenwu Continent now is nothing compared to ten thousand years ago. It is still the master of Shenwu Continent, and it is no exaggeration to describe it as the number one power in Shenwu Continent.

The matter of the five holy cities has not yet enchanted.

At this time, Jiang Chen didn’t want to collide head-on with the more powerful Haotian Sacred Land.

And Xia Yuanfeng in front of him was obviously not a good-natured character.

Once he is allowed to leave, I am afraid this guy will really instigate Haotian Sacred Land to attack him and the Human Palace.


For Jiang Chen, the best way now is undoubtedly to kill the people and leave Xia Yuanfeng’s possession in this ancient emperor’s mausoleum!

“Jiang Chen, stop here.”

“I will give you the energy body of the divine fetal state.”

“Although you are very strong, you are not inferior to the Emperor Tianjiao on the list of Emperor Tianjiao, but if you really kill me, I guarantee that the entire Shenwu Continent will not have a place for you!”

Xia Yuanfeng slowly took a deep breath and said directly to Jiang Chen in a solemn voice.

In the face of strength far superior to own Jiang Chen, Xia Yuanfeng compromised.

As the so-called gentleman takes revenge, it is not too late for ten years.

With his strength, he was not Jiang Chen’s opponent at all.

Now, the most important thing for him is to leave this place and save his life first.

“If you say nothing, just give up?”

Jiang Chen looked indifferent: “From the moment you want to destroy me and the Human Palace, in my eyes you are no different from the dead!”

With this coldly voice falling.

Jiang Chen directly controlled the thunder and flames in the Realm space, and moved toward the suppression of Xia Yuanfeng overwhelmingly.

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn’t intend to let him go, Xia Yuanfeng’s expression also instantly became frightened.

He flipped over his palm, and a mysterious jade medal was crushed directly in his palm.

In an instant…

A bright white light burst out from the jade medal.

White light shines on the void.

I saw an illusory white figure directly condensed in that dazzling brilliance.

“Dage, help…help me!”

Xia Yuanfeng looked at the white figure condensed above her head and couldn’t help but yelled quickly.

The white figure ignored Xia Yuanfeng.

He looked up at the suppressed power in mid-air, and a golden palm on his palm rose up into the air, lightly blocking the attack of Jiang Chen Realm’s power.

at the same time.

His cold voice also resounded in this area instantly.


“Your Excellency is so courageous, you dare to kill the people of Haotian Sacred Land!”

“My Xia Yuanhao’s brother, can you move if you want?”

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