Chapter 1285 There is no one in this world who I dare not kill!

“Haha… let me disappear from this world?”

“Jiang Chen, you think you are in the world with amazing talent, but you are nothing more than a frog at the bottom of the well.”

“Since my cultivation, among my peers, the only ones that can make me value are those who are on the list of the emperor of the emperor of the emperor, who are peerless emperors of the emperor of the emperor, what are you?”

Xia Yuanfeng laughed wildly with disdain, and the space of a hundred meters around was surging with him.

As if with a gesture, this guy can make the sky thunder come, the thunder and lightning will destroy the world, and the void will burst.

His dignified Haotian Sacred Land is the true legend of Tianjiao, and the Divine Soul Realm can defeat the ordinary Divine Child Realm emperor!

Now that he is promoted to the Divine Embryo Realm, how can he be afraid of this kid in front of him?

The reason why he was polite to Jiang Chen just now was because Jiang Chen was not weak, and wanted to use Jiang Chen to help him deal with the divine fetal energy body in front of him.

Since this kid doesn’t know what’s good or bad, and insists on being an enemy of him, don’t blame him for being merciless!

After solving this kid, he still has the confidence to hunt down that divine fetal realm energy body, just paying a little more price.

“Fight, wait for you to lose and lose, and the emperor will just take advantage of the fisherman’s profit.”

“I thought I wanted to rebirth with this little girl’s body, I am afraid it will take a long time to complete.”

“But… if there are two Divine Embryo Realm Emperors’ Blood Essence as a guide, I might be able to get rid of this state soon.”

Seeing that the two of Jiang Chen were about to do something if they didn’t agree, a strange smile could not help appearing in the cold eyes of the divine fetal realm energy body.

“You are so nonsense!”

“Since my Jiang Chen debut, as long as I want to kill someone, no one has ever been able to live!”

“Even if you are really the emperor of the emperor, I can still kill you today!”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly, and raised his hand as a punch.

In an instant…

Peng Bai’s Yuan Li, surging crazily in the space in front of Jiang Chen, turned into a 100-meter golden long dragon, tearing through the sky, and rushing towards Xia Yuanfeng.

With a wave of Xia Yuanfeng’s palm, the light of thunder and lightning in the sky turned into thousands of silver threads, entwining the golden dragon like a cobweb, and finally strangled it.

With one move, Jiang Chen’s fist was smashed, and Xia Yuanfeng moved his palm and hit Jiang Chen with a backhand.

“Jiang Chen, today I will let you know what is the real Emperor of Heaven on the mainland!”


With Xia Yuanfeng’s palm shot, I saw hundreds of meters of space around him, and countless mighty thunder powers rushing towards Jiang Chen overwhelmingly.

The terrifying Destruction Thunder tore through the void, causing all the world to tremble.

“Tianjiao Emperor?”

“Just like you, is also worthy of being called the Emperor of Heaven?”

“I can even suppress the supreme emperor on the supreme list, not to mention rubbish like you!”

Jiang Chen had no expression on his face, and directly smashed the oncoming thunder with a sharp punch.

“The kid is arrogant!”

Xia Yuanfeng yelled, and his figure instantly turned into a thunder light rushing out towards Jiang Chen.

at the same time.

I saw the power of thunder in the hundreds of meters of space around him, also condensed into a realm, covering Jiang Chen’s whole person.

“Thunder God is coming!”

Xia Yuanfeng urged Thunder Road Realm to the extreme, countless thunder powers swam in mid-air, and finally turned into a huge thunder phantom.

Lei Guang Xuying was holding the Thunder God’s giant hammer and wearing the Thunder armor, as if the real Thunder God had descended, and rushed towards Jiang Chen below.

“It’s nothing but Realm, and dare you pretend that Thor is coming in front of me?”

Jiang Chen smiled contemptuously, a realm space that resembled thunder and purgatory was also condensed in an instant, and it collided with Xia Yuanfeng’s realm.


A Nine Heavens Thunder descended from the void, blasting on the huge thunder phantom.

The ten-foot-high thunder light phantom, under this nine heavenly divine thunder, burst open with a bang, and instantly turned into nothingness in the air!

at the same time.

I saw Xia Yuanfeng’s Realm barrier, also under the impact of Jiang Chen’s Realm’s power, that shattered like a mirror.


The Realm barrier was violently shattered by Jiang Chen, Xia Yuanfeng’s body trembled, and his whole face was pale on his knees, and a mouthful of blood could not help but squirted out wildly.

The shocking scene in front of him immediately caused the entire valley to fall into a dead silence.

Both Cheng Kang and the other two disciples of Haotian Sacred Land are all hell at the moment, unable to believe Own Eyes.

Even the divine fetal realm energy body opposite, there was a touch of horror that could not be concealed in his eyes.

She originally thought.

The two people in front of them were both Emperors of Heaven, who had made breakthroughs in the Divine Emblem at a young age, and the only result of a major battle would be to lose both.

And she can take advantage of this opportunity to reap the benefits of the fisherman.


Imagination is beautiful, but reality is cruel.

She never imagined that this dark young man named Jiang Chen was already so powerful!

Even Xia Yuanfeng, who was also the Emperor of Tianjiao, was hit hard by Jiang Chen in an instant!

“It seems that you have to work with Xia Yuanfeng first to solve that kid.”

The eyes of the divine fetal realm energy body flickered slightly.

Jiang Chen’s strength was too strong, even so strong that she was extremely jealous.

If Xia Yuanfeng died in Jiang Chen’s hands, she would definitely not be Jiang Chen’s opponent!

Now, only by teaming up with Xia Yuanfeng to kill Jiang Chen, can they gain a glimmer of life!

“You…who are you?”

Xia Yuanfeng was embarrassed by Earthly Branches and propped up his body. He raised his head to look at Jiang Chen on the opposite side, his expression extremely frightened.


The strength of the black-clothed youth in front of him is really terrifying!

Even if he had been promoted to the Emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm, he couldn’t even stop the opponent’s move.

Such a character is probably no less inferior to those peerless evildoers on the list of Emperor Tianjiao!

Jiang Chen looked cold, like a god overlooking all living beings, coldly said: “I am the one who made you disappear from this world!”

“Jiang Chen, you…you can’t kill me!”

“I am the true disciple of Haotian Sacred Land, and my Dage is the supreme Tianjiao Xia Yuanhao on the list of Tianjiao Emperor!”

“If you kill me, Dage and Haotian Sacred Land will not let you go!”

Xia Yuanfeng’s complexion changed drastically, and he quickly shouted at Jiang Chen.

“Haha…what about Haotian Sacred Land, what about Tianjiao, who is ranked number one in the Emperor’s List?”

Jiang Chen smiled proudly. In the Thunder Realm, the endless thunder was rolling, and the cold voice was instantly resounding through the world.

“Don’t say it’s you, even if you, Dage Xia Yuanhao, dare to provoke me, I can still kill you!”

“In this world, there is no one whom Jiang Chen dare not kill!”

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