Chapter 1272 The Lord of Nirvana, Ye Chengjun!

Ten emperors of the Divine Embryo Realm!

In addition to the two middle-aged in golden robe who came earlier, as soon as the decree of Nirvana in Nirvana City was released, twelve emperors of the Divine Embryo Realm gathered in an instant!

Even Feng Wuying, the former chief of the Godwind City, Elder, had an unconcealable astonishment in his old eyes.

There are so many divine birth realm emperors, almost double the number of Divine Wind City, the head of the five holy cities!

Such a huge power is really terrifying!

It is indeed a horrible existence that makes countless four-star Sacred Lands on the mainland evade.

Nirvana City is really well-deserved!

“Welcome the city lord’s arrival.”

The two middle-aged in Jinpao looked at the young man in Jinpao who stood proudly in the first place, and could not help hurriedly saluting.

“Ye Chengjun, the contemporary lord of Nirvana City, the 81st strongest in the Supreme Emperor’s List, did not expect this one to come in person!”

Feng Wuying looked at the young man in the golden robe, and couldn’t help but said with astonishment on his face.

This one is comparable to the ancestor of the Feng Family of the God Wind City!

Twelve emperors of the divine birth realm, and one of them is on the list of the supreme emperors!

With such a luxurious lineup, it would be easy to destroy any force in the five holy cities.

Even if Feng Wuying knew that Jiang Chen’s heaven-defying power was a peerless evildoer who could overwhelm Xiao Yangwu, the ancestor of the Xiao family, he still couldn’t help but be frightened!

This time, Jiang Chen is considered to have played a big game completely.

And Qiu Heisha, who was behind Feng Wuying, was even more embarrassed at this moment, almost not being directly softened to the ground by the battle in front of him.

At this moment.

A total of sixteen emperors of the Divine Embryo Realm gathered in front of him!

Originally, Qiu Heisha had always believed that the peak king of the Ninth Stage realm of his own soul was already regarded as a rare powerhouse on the mainland!


Qiu Heisha felt his own insignificance for the first time today.

In front of these guys, his little Divine Soul Realm is almost indistinguishable from the ants on the ground!

“Ye Xing, why use the Death Order?”

Just when Feng Wuying and the others were horrified, City Lord Ye Chengjun looked at the two middle-aged in golden robes faintly, and his majestic voice slowly spread in the air.

The middle-aged eagle eye quickly said: “Report to the city lord, there are two divine birth realm emperors here, breaking the rules of my nirvana city, and entering the land of nirvana without authorization, please also ask the city lord to decide.”


When Ye Chengjun heard the words, the faintly golden eyes fell on Jiang Chen and Jiang Chen in response.

at the same time.

His voice with overwhelming power also exploded in Jiang Chen’s ears.


“I’ve been in Nirvana City for thousands of years, and no one has ever dared to break the rules here.”

“Now, again and again, there are emperors who provoke me to the majesty of Nirvana City. Do you really treat me as a display of Nirvana City?”

With this faint voice fell.

Even Feng Wuying, who reached the Third Stage of the Cultivation Base, couldn’t help but let out a muffled grunt, his face instantly turned pale.

Only Jiang Chen stood still with his hand motionless.

He looked up at Ye Chengjun in the void, and a strange light appeared in his eyes: “Are you the Lord of Silence City Ye Chengjun?”

“It’s this seat!”

“Your Excellency has such an ability at a young age, which really surprised me.”

Ye Chengjun looked at the young man in front of him, and there was also a touch of surprise that was not easily detectable in his eyes.

This child is only the First Stage Cultivation Base of the Divine Child, but he can be unaffected by the pressure he has just now, which can be described as the most enchanting.

Such a Tianjiao figure, even if compared to Xia Yuanhao, who is the top of the Tianjiao Emperor list, I am afraid that he will not be inferior in the slightest!

Ye Chengjun really didn’t know.

When did Shenwu Continent have another such terrifying peerless evildoer?

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “The Lord of the Night City praised him absurdly.”

“Boy, I didn’t come here to gossip with you.”

“No matter who you are, or how enchanting you are, the rules of my Nirvana City cannot be broken!”

“For your good talents, this seat can give you a chance, as long as you surrender to this seat, this sin can spare you not to die!”

Ye Chengjun snorted coldly, but his faint voice contained a trace of unquestionable majesty.

“It’s not impossible for me to surrender to you, as long as you can pick me up!”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flashed, and he smiled and said: “But…I have a hunch that you may be the one to surrender after you pick me up.”


Hearing Jiang Chen’s extremely arrogant words, I was used to seeing Jiang Chen’s arrogant Feng Wuying, and I couldn’t help but take a breath.

The city lord of Nirvana City in front of him was even more terrifying than the ancestor of the Xiao family.

Such a strong person, Jiang Chen even dared to provoke!

This guy…Will f*ck be so mad?

And behind Ye Chengjun, the group of emperors of the Divine Embryo Realm in Nirvana City were obviously completely irritated by Jiang Chen’s arrogant words.


“Where did the Maotou boy dare to speak up in front of my Nervous City Lord!”

“It’s just a divine fetus First Stage Realm Emperor, why don’t the City Lord take action, let me kill you with the palm of my hand!”

As an old anger fell, only a golden robe old man in the second stage stage of the divine fetus stepped out, raising his hand to suppress Jiang Chen with a huge golden palm.

“I’m talking to your city lord, when will it be your turn to interrupt, get out of me!”

Jiang Chen’s face became cold, and the phantom of the Golden Dragon of Baizhang instantly emerged from behind, the golden dragon flame pierced through the world, and the palm prints of the old man in the golden robe were annihilated in the blink of an eye.

The old man in the golden robe suddenly snorted, and his whole person retreated tens of feet away in embarrassment.

Defeat the Second Stage Realm King with one move!

Seeing this scene, the complexions of the many divine birth realm emperors behind Ye Chengjun couldn’t help but change slightly.

Especially the burly middle-aged man who was going to work with Jiang Chen before, couldn’t help wiping out a cold sweat to himself.

Fortunately, he didn’t do it just now, otherwise he might not even know how he died.

“Okay! What an arrogant kid!”

“You are the first to dare to attack my people in Nirvana City in front of my seat!”

Ye Chengjun’s golden eyes finally passed a cold anger: “Let’s do it, I have to look at it. With your next move, what can I do to make you surrender to you!” ”

“Then you have to be optimistic.”

Jiang Chen’s faint voice fell, and immediately peeped his palm, the majestic Yuanli suddenly surging out of his palm.


Yuan Li madly converged in Jiang Chen’s palm, and a mysterious and unpredictable black square seal was also slowly condensed in his palm.

And at the moment when the black square seal on Jiang Chen’s palm condensed.

Silence City Lord Ye Chengjun’s pupils suddenly shrank, and an unbelievable horror appeared in his eyes in vain!

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