Chapter 1271 Annihilation Order!

The middle-aged Yingyan looked at the two Jiang Chen in front of him with a gloomy expression.

Since the establishment of Nirvana City.

Almost all the forces on the Shenwu Continent are in awe of Nirvana City for three points.

Even after tens of thousands of years, the rule that the Divine Embryo Realm cannot enter the Land of Annihilation has never been broken.

But now in the Land of Silence, a Burning Heaven Sword Emperor Xiao Duli came first, and now these two divine birth realm emperors appeared in front of him.

These outside divine birth realm emperors ignored the rules and entered the land of nirvana, undoubtedly beating the face of nirvana city!

Could it be that the forces of Shenwu Continent want to smash their faces with Silence City?

“Although your strength is tyrannical, no one can break the rules set by me in Nirvana City!”

“Since you want to see me the City Lord of Nirvana, it’s as you wish!”

The middle-aged eagle eye stared sharply at the two Jiang Chen, and saw that his palm moved, and a token flashing with a mysterious golden rune also appeared in his palm.

call out!

Under the urging of the middle-aged eagle eye, the mysterious token instantly turned into a golden beam of light and rose into the sky, and finally condensed into two golden fonts on the vast void:


The golden word nirvana, like two suns emitting dazzling light, illuminates the sky above the entire land of nirvana.

For a time.

The whole place of dying is shaking!

Some people who knew something about Silence City couldn’t help but take a breath.

Annihilation Order!

The highest-level assembly signal in the legend of Nirvana City, known as the summoning order of the emperor of Nirvana City, finally appeared again!

“Ji… Order of Death!”

Outside the Black Sha Valley.

Qiu Tiansha looked at the word nirvana that hung high above the sky, and the corners of his mouth could not help but tremble, and even his words became a little unfavorable.

“Master, I didn’t expect the people in Nirvana City to directly use the Nirvana Order. I’m afraid it will be a little troublesome now.”

Looking at the situation in the void, even Feng Wuying next to him showed an extremely solemn expression on his old face.

“This Order of Death, is it amazing?”

Looking at the expressions of the two Feng Wuying, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but asked curiously.

In the eyes of Jiang Chen.

This decree of nirvana should be a means of signaling in nirvana city, which can notify the powerful in nirvana city to come to help.

Qiu Tiansha has been in the land of nirvana for a hundred years, and he is more afraid of the strong in the city of nirvana, he can still understand.

But Feng Wuying was born in Kamikaze City, the first of the five holy cities. It is also the emperor of the Third Stage of the Divine Fetus. Shouldn’t it be so fearful?


Jiang Chen had to admit that the strength of Nirvana City was indeed terribly strong.

Just relying on this means of illuminating the void of thousands of miles with the font signal, it is by no means an ordinary divine birth realm emperor can do.

“The Order of Nirvana, once again known as the summoning order of the emperor of Nirvana City!”

“As far as I know, in the ten thousand years since the creation of Nirvana City, a total of three orders of Nirvana have been used, and each time the emperor on the Supreme Emperor list has fallen!”

“The last time Nirvana City used the Nirvana Order was three thousand years ago. At that time, a blood emperor in the Seventh Stage of the womb led people into the Land of Nirvana, but was still easily killed by the Nirvana City!”

“Because of the unfathomable strength of Nirvana City, no one has dared to break the rules of Nirvana City for thousands of years.”

Feng Wuying took a deep breath and said slowly.

“Ha ha……”

“Boy, as soon as my nirvana order comes out, no matter who you are, if you dare to challenge my nirvana threat, you will undoubtedly die today!”

As soon as the death order came out, the burly middle-aged man couldn’t help but laughed triumphantly.

“Okay, since the death order is used to call people, just wait here quietly.”

Jiang Chen gave him a faint glance: “If it weren’t for the Martial Skill you just displayed, I can slap you now!”


Seeing that Jiang Chen didn’t put himself in his eyes so much, the burly middle-aged man suddenly became furious, and he wanted to rush directly to fight Jiang Chen desperately!

The middle-aged Hawkeye glared at him suddenly: “If you don’t want to die, just wait for me!”

On the opposite side, there is a strong man at the pinnacle of the third stage.

This kind of existence, even in Silence City, can suppress him.

not to mention……

Regardless of the pinnacle emperor of the third stage of the gods, Jiang Chen can break through the gods of the gods at the age of twenty, which is absolutely comparable to the enchanting emperors on the list of the emperor of the gods.

A Tianjiao emperor on the list of the emperor of Tianjiao, is it comparable to the emperor of the first stage of ordinary divine womb?


Just as the middle-aged Eagle Eye stopped the burly middle-aged who was furious, there was a sudden bang in the sky.


The terrifying spatial fluctuations spread out from the endless void.

I saw a crack in the space measuring a hundred meters in size, suddenly tearing open from the sky.


A series of tyrannical auras also spread from the cracks in the void…

Looking at the situation in mid-air, the faces of the two middle-aged in the golden robe of Silence City finally showed a look of joy.

They wiped out the city lord, and finally came with the powerhouse of the night city!

“This is a long-distance space channel. I am afraid that at least a strong person above the fourth stage of the womb can be opened.”

Feng Wuying looked up at the situation in the sky, his eyes condensed slightly.

And Qiu Tiansha on the side, his face turned pale.

For thousands of years.

Nirvana City used a total of three Nirvana Orders, and each time they faced the pinnacle powerhouse of the famous Continent, but no one had ever survived under the Nirvana Order.

This time, they are probably dead.

Jiang Chen stared at the huge space passage in the void, his expression didn’t panic at all, instead he showed a look of expectation.

With his current power, as long as he is not a peerless emperor above the seventh stage of the divine fetus, it will not pose much threat to him.

not to mention……

There was a vague feeling in Jiang Chen’s heart that this Silent City had a relationship with his father Jiang Wuya in all likelihood.

Whether this battle can really be fought is still unknown.

If it is as he expected, maybe he still has a chance to take advantage of the trend to conquer Nirvana City.

By the time.

Nirvana City can become a great help for him to deal with the five holy cities!

Whoosh whoosh…

Under the gaze of Jiang Chen and all of them.

A group of golden robe figures slowly emerged from the cracks in the void.

The leader is a young man in a golden robe standing holding his hands.

His eyes are deep, his aura is as vast as the sky, he is not angry and prestigious, like an emperor coming, people can’t help but feel like he wants to worship.

And behind the young man in Jinpao.

The nine tyrannical emperors of the Divine Baby Realm followed closely, and they also slowly stepped out of the cracks in the space.

this moment.

Under the call of the order of nirvana, ten god-tier fetal emperors of nirvana city, carrying the monstrous power, came crashingly!

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