Chapter 1273 Ye Chengjun, see your highness!

“How can this kid’s power be very similar to the inherited martial arts of Nirvana City?”

Ye Chengjun was in horror, almost unable to believe his own eyes.

To know.

Their inheritance of martial arts in Nirvana City did not come from the Shenwu Continent, but from another world outside the Shenwu Continent!

Could it be that in addition to their Nirvana City on the Shenwu Continent, there are still human races living here in the Xuanling Continent?

“Haha… Night City Lord, pick me up.”

Just when Ye Chengjun’s heart was shocked, there was a hearty laugh in his ear.

The next moment…

Ye Chengjun saw that one side was covered with a huge black square seal with countless weird black threads, suddenly suppressed from mid-air.

A strange aura that made the soul tremble also instantly filled the void.

Ye Chengjun suppressed the horror in his heart, and the golden vitality on his palm kept pouring out of his body!

“The Seal of Annihilation!”

The golden vitality condensed like lightning in Ye Chengjun’s hands, turning into a hundred-zhang golden palm print.

The golden glow on the golden palm prints swallowed, and the surrounding space instantly annihilated a series of space cracks visible to the naked eye.

As if under this palm, the world will die for it!


Under the gaze of more than a dozen eyes, the golden palm print and the black square print violently collided like two meteorites across the sky.

The earth-shattering explosion of energy resounded between heaven and earth!

The terrifying storm of meeting swept across the sky centered on the two Jiang Chen.

A series of pitch-black cracks over a hundred feet long, like the big black mouth of a giant swallowing beast, quietly appeared in the void.


In the void, the wind of destruction swept across the world.

Under the impact of this storm, everyone retreated a distance of tens of feet.

And in the center of the storm.

Both figures retreated violently in the void.

Every time their soles fell on the void, they would stamp out a space crack in the space under their feet.

“Tsk tsk…”

“The Lord of Nirvana is indeed well-deserved!”

“Since I have mastered this seal, you are the first to be able to take my seal so easily!”

Jiang Chen stepped on the void for more than ten steps in a row. He looked at Ye Chengjun, who had only stepped back seven or eight steps to stabilize his figure, couldn’t help but exclaim.

Ren Huang Yin, this is the martial arts of his father Jiang Wuya, not only powerful, but also mysterious.

Even if it is the existence of Xiao Yangwu, the ancestor of the Xiao family, facing his mark in a haste, I am afraid that he will be in a hurry and embarrassed.

But Ye Chengjun, the Lord of Nirvana, could easily take it.


With Jiang Chen’s eyesight, it is naturally not difficult to see that Ye Chengjun’s previous palm seems to have not used his full strength!

This can be seen.

This City Lord Ye Chengjun was definitely much stronger than the ancestor of the Xiao family.

If there is a real battle, even if Jiang Chen has all his cards, I am afraid he may not be able to defeat him!

Ye Chengjun didn’t care about Jiang Chen’s exclamation at this moment.

He stared at Jiang Chen closely, and an incredible horror appeared on his face: “You…how do you master such a Martial Skill? Where did you get this Martial Skill?”

The Martial Skill Jiang Chen just displayed is not only the same as their Martial Skill, the inheritance of Nirvana City, but it is even more powerful than the imperial martial arts of Nirvana City.

Such a Martial Skill, even in the Profound Spirit Continent human race, is definitely not something ordinary people can master.

Even the people who master this Martial Skill are still above their ancestors, the Extinct Sword Emperor!

Ye Chengjun never thought of it.

There are still people in Shenwu Continent who have mastered such Martial Skills!

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “This Martial Skill, the Lord of the Night City should probably have heard of it. This is the first seal of the Human Emperor Seal, the Seal of Soul Destruction.”

Human Emperor Seal!

Ye Chengjun couldn’t help being stunned when he heard this somewhat familiar name.


He suddenly thought of something, his body trembled in vain, and he couldn’t help but screamed out of his mouth.

“Human Sovereign Seal? You…who are you, how could you have the Human Sovereign Seal?”

Human Emperor Seal!

This is the martial skill of the human race of the Xuanling Continent, and only the emperors of the past are qualified to master the Martial Skill.

The sacred martial arts of the human race of the Xuanling Continent, unexpectedly appeared in this world.

Could it be…

The human emperor of the human race of the Xuanling Continent, has also been to the Shenwu Continent before?

“Under Jiang Chen, this man’s seal was left to me by my father Jiang Wuya.”

At this moment, Jiang Chen did not hide anything from Ye Chengjun.

He is almost certain now that Nirvana City must have a close relationship with his father.

Ye Chengjun’s mind suddenly shocked.

According to the records left by the ancestors and the sword emperor, the name of the emperor of the generation of Xuanling Continent is Jiang Wuya!

Human Emperor Jiang Wuya!

Ye Chengjun never thought of it anyway.

The emperor of the human race of the Xuanling Continent has actually been to the Shenwu Continent, and he has left offspring in the Shenwu Continent!

Ye Chengjun took a deep breath, and suppressed the doubts and horror in his heart.

Under the stunned expressions of everyone, he half kneeled in front of Jiang Chen: “Ye Chengjun, the disciple of the Ye Family, pay respects to your Highness!”

All the time.

Nirvana City adheres to the legacy of the ancestors, punishes the blood spirit remnants, and waits for the opportunity to return to the Profound Spirit Continent.

Only for thousands of years, Silence City has been unable to find a way back.

Ye Chengjun didn’t expect that this time he would meet the descendants of Human Emperor Jiang Wuya who stayed in Shenwu Continent!

Now that Jiang Chen exists, they might really hope to return to the Profound Spirit Continent.


Looking at Ye Chengjun, who was half kneeling in front of Jiang Chen, there was a dead silence around him.

Whether it is the Emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm behind Ye Chengjun, or the two of Feng Wuying and Hei Sha, they are all like hell, almost unable to believe their own eyes.

The City Lord of Dangdang Silence City, after actually fighting against Jiang Chen, bowed down in front of Jiang Chen!

This… This f*ck shouldn’t be so outrageous.

“The Lord of the Night City does not need to give this great gift. I have many things to ask you. Please also let me go into the valley afterwards.”

Jiang Chen said very politely.

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Ye Chengjun responded, and then ordered the many emperors of the Divine Embryo Realm in Nirvana City to return to Nirvana City first, and he followed Jiang Chen towards the Black Fiend Valley.

“This son is really a heaven-defying person with great luck.”

Feng Wuying recovered from the shock for a while, and couldn’t help but mourn for the five holy cities.

With Jiang Chen’s strength, there are not many people who can suppress him in the five holy cities.

Now, if Jiang Chen conquered Nirvana City, with the background of Nirvana City, even if the five holy cities joined forces, they might not be able to shake Jiang Chen at all!

Jiang Chen, as if he was an emperor born in accordance with the destiny, is a figure who can dominate the destiny of Shenwu Continent.

The five holy cities, this time I’m afraid they really provoke an existence that shouldn’t be provoke.

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