Chapter 1260 Cangyue Sacred Land Yuesiyun!

“This Dage, wait…”

Just when Jiang Chen was about to enter the Land of Silence, a crisp voice suddenly came from his ears.

Jiang Chen tilted his head and saw an eighteen or nine-year-old girl slowly walking towards Jiang Chen.

The girl has clear pupils and long slender eyebrows, just right.

Long eyelashes embellishment, coupled with fair and flawless skin, small cherry mouth, it is a rare little beauty.


Jiang Chen cared more about the girl’s beauty than the girl’s clothes.

The girl was wearing a light white long skirt, and the chest of the long skirt was embroidered with a simple picture of the sea and the moon.

Beside the map of Canghai Mingyue, there is still the word Cangyue!

“Is the girl in front of me a disciple of Sacred Land?”

Seeing this pattern, Jiang Chen thought of Cangyue Sacred Land almost immediately in his mind.

Since he subdued Feng Wuying, Jiang Chen has also gained a deeper understanding of the Zhongzhou mainland during this period of time.

In addition to the five holy cities, there are also eight hidden Sacred Lands in the Central State Continent.

Although these Sacred Lands are not as exposed as the five holy cities, each hidden Sacred Land is no weaker than the Kamikaze City, which is the head of the five holy cities. It can be described as unfathomable.

Back in the endless sea, the mysterious woman who rescued Meng Qingxue was from one of the eight Sacred Lands, Cangyue Sacred Land.

If the girl in front of him was really from Cang Yue Sacred Land, he might be able to inquire about Meng Qingxue from her body.

“This Dage, my name is Yue Siyun, I come from Cangyue Sacred Land, this is the first time you have come to the Land of Annihilation?”

“We are still short of people here, do you want to be together?”

“The Land of Annihilation is very dangerous. If you don’t form a team, it is very dangerous.”

The girl smiled sweetly at Jiang Chen and stretched out her palm generously.

Sure enough, he is from Sacred Land!

Jiang Chen was overjoyed when he heard the girl’s introduction.

He smiled and nodded: “Okay, my name is Jiang Chen, this is my servant, don’t mind if I bring one more person in.”

Jiang Chen is indeed very strange to the Land of Silence.

It’s not bad to join the group of girls in front of you, and go in with them.

not to mention……

Since this girl named Yue Siyun was from Cangyue Sacred Land, he happened to come in contact with her, and it seemed that she could find out about Meng Qingxue.

Yue Siyun smiled lightly and said, “Of course, one more person has more strength.”

“Siyun, who is this guy?”

At this moment, a mature and capable, glamorous woman wearing a black tights also came over.

Yue Siyun quickly said: “Sister Mei, aren’t we still sending people, why not let this Dage and his servant join our team.”


The cold girl glanced at Jiang Chen and categorically refused.

Although the aura of the two of Jiang Chen was well hidden, she could not see the Cultivation Base of the two of Jiang Chen for a while.

But the appearance of these two people in front of them is obviously a young man of a big power, bringing a bodyguard to meet the world in the land of silence.

Such a young man is very difficult to serve.

Allowing such people to join the team will only add endless trouble to their team.

“Sister Mei, this is Dage. My instinct tells me that Dage is good, and it will be safer to be with him.”

Yue Siyun pulled the glamorous woman’s sleeve and insisted in a low voice.


The cold girl heard Yue Siyun’s words, and a strange expression flashed in her beautiful eyes.

She and Yue Siyun have known each other for a long time, and she has a certain understanding of this girl from Cangyue Sacred Land.

Although this girl is only the Cultivation Base of Shenhai Fourth Stage, she has an incredible ability, as if she can predict some things and avoid bad luck.

Last time.

They entered the land of solitude several times because of Yue Siyun’s ability to turn the tide of good fortune, and walked out of the land of solitude unharmed.

“Since you insist, let them do it, get ready, and we will set off right away.”

The cold woman finished speaking, turned and walked into the crowd.

Not long after, I saw the glamorous woman walking over with a tall young man with a long sword on his back.

“Qin Mei, which family’s elder brother, came to the Land of Silence and brought a servant, don’t you want them to join the team?”

The tall young man looked at Jiang Chen’s master and servant, with an unhappy expression on his face.

“Gu Jian, if you are not satisfied, you can find other teams to join!”

Qin Mei snorted coldly, without explaining, she directly dragged Yue Siyun into the land of silence.

Jiang Chen didn’t even bother to look at Gu Jian, and followed them lazily with Feng Wuying.

Gu Jian’s expression fluctuated for a while, but finally followed.

It didn’t take long for the group to enter the land of silence.

Jiang Chen instantly felt countless murderous intents hidden around him.

This murderous intent seemed to treat himself as a prey.

Not only that, but he also smelled heavy blood in the air.

The ground was full of corpses, including Demonic Beasts and humans. Some of the corpses even looked extremely fresh, apparently just recently died.

From this scene alone, Jiang Chen has completely felt the cruelty of the Land of Silence.

Just when Jiang Chen was frightened, in the mountains not far away, two Ling Ran auras of Killing Intent came.


The huge black tiger with a huge head of ten feet suddenly jumped out, like two small hills, blocking Jiang Chen and the others.

“Two black cloud tigers of the sixth rank late stage. Gu Jian, you and I are one person; Jiang Chen, you are responsible for protecting Siyun’s safety.”

When Qin Mei spoke, he took the lead and rushed towards one of the Black Cloud Tigers.

Gu Jian also drew his long sword and slew the other Black Cloud Tiger.

When Jiang Chen saw this, he was also happy.

Both Qin Mei and Gu Jian are both in the Eighth Stage Cultivation Base of Shenhai, and there is absolutely no problem in dealing with the two Black Cloud Tigers in front of them.

He directly chatted with Yue Siyun next to him.

“Siyun, what are you doing in the land of silence?”

“Come to find Big Sis. After Big Sis entered the Land of Desolation a year ago, it hasn’t come out until now. I want to know what happened to her.”

Yue Siyun’s worries flashed between Liu’s eyebrows, and immediately looked up at Jiang Chen: “Jiang Chen Dage, how about you?”

“I also came here to find someone.”

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, and then changed the subject: “I heard that there is a legendary Taiyin Breaking Body in Sacred Land of Cang Yue, I don’t know if it is true?”

“it is true.”

“Cang Yue Sacred Land 6 Elder Yue Qianyin, is the legendary Taiyin desperate body.”

“However, it is said that Qianyin Elder recently accepted a disciple of the Taiyin Desperate Body, and now Cang Yue Sacred Land has two Taiyin Desperate Body.”

Yue Siyun smiled and said.

Hearing Yue Siyun’s words, Jiang Chen was suddenly excited.

It seemed that the girl in front of her really knew the existence of Meng Qingxue.

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