Chapter 1261 Don’t listen to good people, you will suffer!

“Siyun, is your new disciple of Qianyin Elder called Meng Qingxue, how is she now?”

Regarding the pure-minded girl in front of him, Jiang Chen didn’t have much scruples, and asked straightforwardly.

“Of course it’s very good. Sister Meng entered Cangyue Sacred Land in just a few months and reached the peak of Shenhai Ninth Stage from Shenhai First Stage. She is known as the first genius of Cangyue Sacred Land in a hundred years.”

Yue Siyun couldn’t help showing a look of worship on her little face.

After a while.

She just thought of something, and suddenly looked at Jiang Chen with a look of surprise: “Hey… Jiang Chen Dage, how do you know Senior Sister Meng’s name?”

“She and I have known each other for many years.”

Jiang Chen explained with a smile, and then pondered slightly: “Siyun, I can help you find Big sis in the land of dying this time. After you return to Cangyue Sacred Land, pay more attention to the light snow for me, how about it? ?”

Taiyin desperate body, a peerless god body.

This physique, for some special people, has a fatal temptation.

Even if Meng Qingxue was in Cangyue Sacred Land, it was not absolutely safe.

If Yue Siyun is paying attention in secret, once something happens, he can get news as soon as possible.

“no problem.”

Yue Siyun didn’t even think about it, and quickly nodded in surprise.

With her Cultivation Base of Shenhai Fourth Stage, it is almost impossible to walk in this cruel and dangerous place of nirvana. It is undoubtedly a very difficult thing to find Big sis on your own.

As for Jiang Chen in front of him, Yue Siyun felt his extraordinary when he first saw him.

Intuition tells her that Jiang Chen is a very powerful person, and even the entire land of silence will be shaken by him.

the most important is.

This is still a trustworthy person!

If she can get Jiang Chen’s help, she might really hope to find Big sis.


“We are fighting in the front, and some people are leisurely, and they are talking so happily here!”

At this moment, a faint humming sound suddenly rang in Jiang Chen’s ears.

Jiang Chen looked up slightly, and saw that Gu Jian had returned from killing the Black Cloud Tiger, and was looking at him with a sarcasm.

“We chatted happily, what to do with you?”

“This is the captain who arranged for me to protect Siyun. If you don’t agree, you can go to her.”

Jiang Chen said lightly: “What’s more, can’t you cope with these two Demonic Beasts? It’s just the sixth-rank late stage Demonic Beasts, but it’s not worth my shot.”

“Ha ha……”

“Boy, there are a lot of people pretending to be forceful in this world, but it’s the first time Daddy can pretend to be like you.”

Gu Jian seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world, and suddenly couldn’t help laughing with disdain.

Demonic Beasts, the sixth-rank late stage, are just two of them. It’s not worth the shot!

Do you really think you are the King of Soul Realm? Or is it the emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm?

“Okay, don’t make a noise!”

“Gu Jian, I still said that. If you are not satisfied with my arrangement, you can leave at any time.”

Qin Mei walked over with a sword with a cold face.

Although she and Gu Jian have known each other since childhood, Qin Mei has never caught a cold with Gu Jian.

If it wasn’t for this guy’s strength and knowing the whereabouts of her father and Dao Yunguo, she would not choose to team up with Gu Jian to enter the Land of Desolation.

Gu Jian heard Qin Mei’s scolding and couldn’t help but snorted and stopped talking.


In his eyes, there was a flash of cold light that was not easy to detect.

This woman who thinks she is superior, when he gets to the place this time, he will let this woman kneel in front of him and beg for mercy!

The group continued on the road.

In the next half day, Jiang Chen and the others also encountered a lot of fierce beasts along the way, and some people who wanted to give them ideas.

However, these guys are not strong, and they can be solved by Qin Mei and Gu Jian’s abilities.

But Jiang Chen and Yue Siyun stayed leisurely in the center of the team.

As for Feng Wuying, he also stayed beside Jiang Chen silently, never making a move.

Not long.

Jiang Chen and the others came to an ancient mountain that looked very huge.

Looking from a distance, Jiang Chen could feel that the entire mountain range exudes a violent breath of silence.

“Gu Jian, the front is Ji Mie Mountain. The place you mentioned should not be far away, right?”

Qin Mei raised her head to look at Ji Mie Mountain ahead, and a look of joy also appeared in her cold eyes.

“It’s really not far.”

Gu Jian smiled and said: “From here on into Ji Mie Mountain, we only need to go deeper than three thousand meters to reach there.”

“A quarter of an hour rest, we are ready to enter the Silent Mountain.”

Qin Mei took a deep breath, and immediately made a decision.

“Captain Qin, if you don’t want to get into trouble, it’s best not to enter Jiuye Mountain from here.”

At this moment, Jiang Chen’s lazy voice suddenly rang in everyone’s ears.

“Boy, what do you know?”

“Here is the closest to our destination. If we don’t enter the Silence Mountain from here, we will spend at least half a day or more.”

Gu Jian sneered disdainfully, “Do you know how dangerous it would be to stay in the Land of Silence for a long time?”

“Sister Mei, I also feel that it’s inappropriate to enter from here, or let’s go in another place.”

At this moment, Yue Si also quickly said his own idea.

When Qin Mei heard Yue Siyun’s words, a hesitant expression appeared on her glamorous face.

Qin Mei may not care about Jiang Chen’s words.

But now that Yue Siyun said the same, she couldn’t help but not pay attention to it.

“Qin Mei, how about that? I’ll go to Ji Mie Mountain to investigate first. If it is really dangerous, let’s go in from another place?”

Gu Jian said suddenly at this moment.

He can’t wait to take Qin Mei to that place now, so naturally he doesn’t want to waste any more time.

Qin Mei thought for a while and felt that Gu Jian’s method was good, and could not help but nodded: “Okay, let’s do it like this.”

Seeing Qin Mei’s agreement, Gu Jian also quickly swept towards the Silence Mountain by himself.

“Jiang Chen Dage, will Gu Jian be okay?”

Yue Siyun couldn’t help but whispered while looking at Gu Jian who was heading towards Ji Mie Mountain.

“If you don’t listen to good people, you will suffer.”

Jiang Chen smiled confidently: “At most ten breaths, he will roll out of the Silent Mountain in embarrassment.”

Seeing Jiang Chen’s self-confident appearance, Qin Mei was about to ask, suddenly the tigers roared in the Silence Mountain!

The next moment…

The ground within a radius of a hundred miles shook violently like an earthquake!

Immediately afterwards.

I saw a figure that was crawling and crawling escaping from the Silent Mountain.

Behind him, hundreds of huge black cloud tigers rushed out murderously like ten thousand horses.

In particular, the head of the Black Cloud Tiger is several times larger than the ordinary Black Cloud Tiger, and the whole body is exuding a tyrannical king’s might.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Qin Mei’s expression finally couldn’t help but change drastically!

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