Chapter 1259 The land of silence!

Jiang Chen dissipated the black square seal in his hand and stared at Xiao Yangwu scorchingly: “Do you know the whereabouts of my master?”

Since the ancestor of the Xiao family had bowed his head, Jiang Chen didn’t plan to continue doing it.

after all.

After all, Yandi City is a four-star Sacred Land that has been passed down for thousands of years, with a rich heritage.

He came to Yandi City today to find out the whereabouts of Master Xiao Duli, and there is no need to fight to death.

“According to our guess, Xiao Duli should be in the land of silence now.”

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn’t plan to continue, Xiao Yangwu couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.


Jiang Chen frowned slightly: “Where is Xiao Tianhan, let him come out to see me!”

Jiang Chen was obviously very dissatisfied with Xiao Yangwu’s uncertain answer.

“Jiang Chen, you really didn’t disappoint me and your master, you have grown to this point so quickly.”

“I am in the land of the Xiao family ancestor, so I can’t come out to see you for the time being. The ancestors guessed right. When the five holy cities wanted to want your master, I let him go to the land of silence.”

“This place of dying is a special area in the Zhongzhou mainland. Outsiders are not allowed to enter it without authorization.”

“But… I’m worried that the five holy cities will cooperate with the Land of Silence. You can go to the Land of Silence and find your master as soon as possible.”

At this moment, a divine message suddenly spread into Jiang Chen’s mind from the depths of Yandi City.

After getting the information he wanted to know, Jiang Chen didn’t plan to stay in Yandi City for a long time.

He glanced at Xiao Yangwu lightly, and directly greeted Feng Wuying to leave quickly, leaving only a coldly voice slowly resounding over Yandi City.

“Xiao Yangwu, one word of advice. If you don’t want Yandi City to be destroyed in your hands, you’d better not trouble me.”

“Also… don’t let Xiao Yuanchen, Xiao Baiyi and the others suffer a bit of grievance in Yandi City.”

“Otherwise, all consequences are at your own risk!”

Xiao Yangwu looked at the direction where Jiang Chen and the other two disappeared, with an extremely ugly expression.

This kid slaughtered all quarters in Yandi City, and his unpredictable Martial Skill forced him to bow his head.

Now when he left, he even dared to threaten him with words.

He is the dignified ancestor of the Xiao family, the peak emperor of the Fifth Stage of the fetus, has he ever been as humiliated as he is today?

“Old ancestor, today Jiang Chen made a big disturbance in Yandi City, which greatly damaged my face in Yandi City. We really let him leave so easily?”

Xiao Galaxy Cluster came to Xiao Yangwu’s side and said unwillingly.

“Do you think I want to?”

Xiao Yangwu didn’t say in a good manner: “The power that the kid has now, even I am not his opponent. If you don’t let him leave, what can you do?”

Although with the background of Yandi City, if you really want to keep Jiang Chen, he does have that ability.

But this time, Yandi City is bound to pay a huge price.

the most important is.

Jiang Chen’s mysterious black square seal was too terrifying, he didn’t want to risk falling and force Jiang Chen to stay.

“Old Ancestor, after Jiang Chen leaves Yandi City, he will definitely go to the Land of Annihilation.”

“We can tell the other holy cities about this, and they may be able to reach cooperation with the Land of Nirvana as soon as possible.”

“As long as the Land of Silence takes action, Xiao Duli and Jiang Chen are doomed to fly hard.”

Xiao Galaxy Cluster’s complexion was gloomy, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

“Yes! This matter is left to you.”

Xiao Yang Wu’s face also showed a touch of murderous intent.

In today’s battle, Jiang Chen made a big fuss in Yandi City, which made him and Yandi City lose face.

If Jiang Chen is not eliminated, how will Yandi City gain a foothold in Zhongzhou in the future, and what face does he have to face the ancestors of Yandi City?

From the moment he gave in to Jiang Chen earlier, Xiao Yangwu vowed to live with Jiang Chen endlessly!


Even at all means, he will completely destroy Jiang Chen this time!

The Land of Annihilation, a relatively special area in the Zhongzhou mainland, is located at the intersection of the five holy cities in Zhongzhou.

This place is not under the jurisdiction of any side of the five holy cities.

The land of nirvana, dominated by the nirvana mountain, is a dangerous ancient relic in the Zhongzhou mainland.

Ten thousand years ago.

The Land of Annihilation is an unowned land for the Practitioner of the Central State Continent to explore and seek opportunities.


After the World War 10,000 years ago, a peerless powerhouse who called himself the Sword Emperor of Nirvana occupied the Land of Annihilation and became its master.

The Nirvana Sword Emperor built the Nirvana City to dominate the land of nirvana, and set the rules that emperors of the Divine Embryo were not allowed to enter.


The Land of Annihilation never participates in any disputes between the Central State Continent, and its sole purpose is to kill the blood practitioners on the mainland.

Later, the Hall of Blood Demon swept across the Zhongzhou mainland, and the Land of Annihilation became the backbone of the Hall of Blood Demon.

Especially the Sword Emperor Nirvana, in the event of destroying the Blood Demon Hall, is even more indispensable.

the more important thing is.

The Nirvana City built by the Nirvana Sword Emperor is very powerful.

Even the four-star Sacred Land is not willing to provoke it easily.

It is precisely because of this.

Many forces in Zhongzhou have acquiesced in the existence of this special region of the Land of Annihilation.

Over time.

The Land of Annihilation has also become a paradise for people with special identities, and some people who have been hunted down or wanted by Sect have gone there.

And Silence City, for these people who came to the Land of Silence, never interfered and restricted.


The situation in the Land of Annihilation is extremely chaotic.

The environment here is crueler than anywhere else in the mainland, where killings are everywhere, and human lives are like ants.


Crisis and opportunity coexist.

Although the Land of Annihilation is dangerous, it is also an extremely rare treasure in the Zhongzhou Continent. Almost every day, many practitioners enter it to seek opportunities…

Jiang Chen left Yandi City and hurried towards the Land of Silence with Feng Wuying all the way.

Three days later.

The two finally came to the outskirts of the land of silence.

I saw an empty flat ground outside the Land of Annihilation, and there were already hundreds of Practitioners gathered here.

These people obviously want to enter the land of dying and seek opportunities.

They were in groups of three or five, looking back and forth at other nearby figures.

Jiang Chen even found out that some people still put up hiring signs.

after all.

The Land of Annihilation is very dangerous, even if some Divine Soul Realm kings enter it alone, they may not be able to walk out alive.

Most people choose to form a team of about four people.

The four are in formation, facing some threats, there will be no dead ends.

“There is still one person left. Is there anyone who wants to go in with us? Our team has a Divine Soul Realm King sitting on the ground, but the strength requires at least Shenhai Seventh Stage or above.”

A three-person team yelled a few words, and quickly gathered the last one.

Divine Soul Realm King, here is a very rare existence.

Being able to team up with such a strong player can at least guarantee a little more safety.

Jiang Chen ignored these people, and directly took Feng Wuying strode towards the land of silence…

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