Chapter 1233 One person, one sword, no one can stop!

“Enemy attack! Enemy attack!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen was like cutting melons and vegetables, killing one of his own companions with a sword, and the only water dragon gang Practitioner at the gate of the city, his expression finally became terrified.

He even crawled and ran into Shuiyun City, yelling in panic in his mouth.

The cry of the water dragon gang Practitioner quickly attracted the attention of many water dragon gang members in the city.

They all surrounded the city gate one after another.

And at this moment.

Jiang Chen also carried the blood dragon sword and slowly walked in from outside the city gate.

“Where did the hairy boy dare to come to my water dragon gang to make trouble, it’s just looking for death!”

Watching Jiang Chen swaggering into Shuiyun City, he led a middle-aged man from Shenhai Seventh Stage with a loud shout, commanding the members of the Water Dragon Gang behind him to kill Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen looked indifferent and waved the blood dragon sword in his hand at will.

Every time he swings a sword, a member of the Water Dragon Gang falls in a pool of blood.

No matter whether it is the Condensed Pill Realm or the Divine Sea Realm, almost no one can stop Jiang Chen’s understatement of the sword.

To the end.

Even if the middle-aged man from Shenhai Seventh Stage took the shot himself, he was still easily cut off by Jiang Chen’s head.

The headquarters of the two-star force Water Dragon Gang.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this might be Longtan Tiger’s Den, but Jiang Chen seemed to be in an uninhabited state, and it was impossible to stop it.

To the end.

Even a water dragon gang of Shenhai Ninth Stage, Elder, took the shot, but was still beheaded by Jiang Chen with an understatement.

Looking at Jiang Chen who was like a murderous god.

The faces of many members of the Water Dragon Gang showed horror, and they backed away.

For a time.

Jiang Chen’s whole body was within a hundred meters, and there was no one in an instant!

“Clang! Clang! Clang!”

A rapid alarm sounded over Shuiyun City.

Immediately afterwards.

Strong breaths rose from the center of Shuiyun City, rushing toward the gate of the city.

The first middle-aged man wearing a blue dragon-patterned robe with a mighty imposing manner is indeed Lan Yuan, the leader of the Water Dragon Gang!

“Jiang Chen, it turned out to be you!”

Looking at the familiar figure below who was killing in Shuiyun City, Lan Yuan couldn’t help but shrink in vain.

Why did this kid come back, and also killed the Water Dragon Gang’s headquarters in Shuiyun City?

Jiang Chen was born in the Canglan League, and even if he returns after learning about Canglan, he should return to the Canglan League first.

And now Shen Xuanji, who is in charge of the Canglan League, has surrendered to the Water Dragon Gang.

In the Canglan League, there is a Divine Soul Realm King from the Xuanbing Palace sitting here, waiting for Jiang Chen to throw himself into the net.

Now that Jiang Chen has entered Shuiyun City alone, I am afraid that both Shen Xuanji and the Xuanbing Palace powerhouse have already encountered an accident.

Thought of this.

Lan Yuan’s heart also became extremely gloomy in an instant.

This kid’s Cultivation Base, I am afraid that he has already made a breakthrough in the Soul Realm King.

Originally Lan Yuan thought.

This time, using the power of Xuanbing Palace to destroy the Canglan Alliance, it was almost foolproof.

But only now did he realize that he still looked down at Jiang Chen a little.

In just three years, Jiang Chen has grown to such a terrifying level that even the powerhouse of the Divine Soul Realm in Xuanbing Palace has fallen into his hands!

To know.

The Divine Soul Realm King in Xuanbing Palace, his strength is not inferior to him, he is the powerhouse of Divine Soul Third Stage.

Although as early as three years ago, Lan Yuan had seen Jiang Chen’s enchanting talent.

But he still didn’t expect Jiang Chen to be such a heaven-defying evildoer!

“Lan Yuan, you can finally give it up!”

Jiang Chen looked up at Lan Yuan in mid-air, and his indifferent voice slowly resounded in mid-air.

“Jiang Chen, I really didn’t expect that you would suddenly appear in my Shuiyun City.”

“You are worthy of being a peerless evildoer who has overwhelmed many king-level geniuses. It is really shocking.”

“But… you shouldn’t be back. If I were you, I would never choose to appear at this time.”

Lan Yuan took a deep breath, and then looked at Jiang Chen lightly.

Jiang Chen expressionlessly: “You reveal my news to Xuanbing Palace, and use the hands of Xuanbing Palace to destroy the Canglan League. I will naturally come to you to seek justice.”

“Huh! A mere remnants of the Canglan League dare to come to my water dragon gang to run wild. Gangmaster, why don’t you talk nonsense with him and just kill them.”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, the two elders beside Lan Yuan were furious, and the half-step king’s will was swept out in an instant.

Obviously, these two old guys are already powerhouses who are infinitely close to the Divine Soul Realm.

“Jiang Chen, why are you doing this?”

“At first, you only stayed in the Canglan League for less than half a year. Now there is no need to fight for the Canglan League alone with the Water Dragon Gang, right?”

“If you leave right now, I will conceal things about appearing in Shuiyun City for you. Everyone has nothing to do with each other, how?”

An imperceptible light flashed across Lan Yuan’s eyes.

He is a very cautious person, and now that he can’t see the depth of Jiang Chen at all, he naturally won’t rush to start with Jiang Chen.

As long as Jiang Chen is stabilized first, he can contact Xuanbing Palace, summon the powerhouse of Xuanbing Palace, and besieged Jiang Chen!

“Lan Yuan, since I, Jiang Chen, dare to show up, I am not afraid of owning whereabouts will be exposed.”

“Put away those careful thoughts in your heart, you won’t have this opportunity.”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly, and the Blood Dragon Sword shook his finger at Lan Yuan: “From the moment you revealed my identity to Xuanbing Palace, in my eyes, you are already a dead person!”

“Jiang Chen, don’t think I give you some Face, you really think I am afraid of you!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen was determined to act on him, a cold light flashed in Lan Yuan’s eyes: “Do it, kill him for me!”


As Lan Yuan’s voice fell, two elders who had long been uncontrollable beside him stepped out at the same time, and an aura of terror instantly swept the world.

“Boy, die.”

The two shouted loudly, and the terrifying Yuanli palm tore through the space, with an ice-cold aura that solidified the space, and came towards Jiang Chen’s suppression.

“I can’t help myself!”

Jiang Chen lifted the blood dragon sword in his hand, and two invisible Sword Qi cut out directly at the void.

The invisible Sword Qi cut through the sky, and instantly greeted the two giant Yuanli palms in mid-air.


Only two soft noises were heard, and the two seemingly powerful Yuanli palms were like thin pieces of paper, which were easily cut into pieces by the invisible Sword Qi.

The next moment…

I saw the two old men who were originally aggressive in the air, and the aura on their bodies quickly dissipated. The whole person seemed to be frozen, and their movements changed from extremely fast to still.

After this situation lasted for about two or three seconds, the bodies of the two old men broke from their waists and fell into the air.

With a sword out, two powerful men who stepped into the Divine Soul Realm with one and a half feet were cut into two without any resistance.

Jiang Chen has one sword and one sword, almost no one can stop him!

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