Chapter 1232 The Sword Suppresses the Water Dragon Gang!

Sword Domain!

Jiang Chen unexpectedly displayed the Sword Domain that can only be used by the Sword Emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm!

When everyone was shocked, their faces were full of ecstasy.

Doesn’t this mean.

Their Canglan League gave birth to an emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm?

Powerful in the Divine Embryo Realm, this is a powerful existence that can establish a three-star overlord force.

As long as Jiang Chen is there, even if Xuanbing Palace wants to deal with their Canglan Alliance, I am afraid they have to weigh it.

“Jiang Chen, stop it.”

“As long as you let me go, I promise that Xuanbing Palace will not be an enemy of you. From now on, everyone will not be against the river.”

“If you kill me, you will completely offend Xuanbing Palace, which will not do you any good!”

Xuanfeng recovered and hurriedly shouted to Jiang Chen.

With the strength of his Divine Soul Third Stage, in front of the Divine Embryo Realm powerhouse, it is almost indistinguishable from the Ants.

If Jiang Chen is allowed to do it, he might be dead today.

“Now thinking about not being an enemy of me? It’s a pity that it’s too late!”

“In order to force me to show up, you Xuanbing Palace recklessly suppressed the Canglan League and killed my people in the Canglan League. Now that you want the well water to avoid the river water, do you think it is possible?”

Jiang Chen’s eyes were cold like a knife: “When I kill you, I will go to Xuanbing Palace and let you pay for it!”

“Jiang Chen, Cang Wuya and many people related to you, Xuanbing Palace did not kill them.”

“Now they are all locked in Xuanbing Palace. As long as I return to Xuanbing Palace, I promise that the palace owner will let them go.”

“If you insist on killing me, they will never get out of Xuanbing Palace alive!”

Xuanfeng’s expression was sullen and he screamed, with a vaguely threatening tone in his tone.

“Don’t worry, people from the Canglan League, Jiang Chen, I will rescue them from Xuanbing Palace. You don’t need to worry about it, you can die with peace of mind.”

With Jiang Chen’s indifferent voice falling.

In the fiery red enchantment, blazing flames, Sword Qi, spookyly emerged from the void.

“Do not……”

Xuanfeng suddenly looked desperate and horrified.


He was only halfway talking about a wordless word in his mouth, and the whole person was drowned by hundreds of flames, Sword Qi.

Under Jiang Chen Burning Heaven Sword Domain.

With the Cultivation Base of the Third Stage Soul of Xuanfeng District, there is no resistance at all.

Just blink of an eye.

Xuan Feng has been strangled by Sword Qi in the Sword Domain, completely turning into nothingness.

“Senior Brother Zhao, Shen Xuanji and Xuanfeng Fuzhu, no one can threaten you, the affairs of the Canglan League will be left to you for the time being.”

“You lead everyone to kill the remaining Water Dragon Gang disciples in the Canglan League and rebuild the Canglan League.”

With one move to solve Xuanfeng, Jiang Chen couldn’t help looking at Zhao Yulong below.

Zhao Yulong hesitated slightly and said, “Junior Brother Jiang Chen, now the Canglan League is a waste of time, I think it is better for you to lead everyone.”

“You heard it just now. I am now wanted by the five holy cities in Zhongzhou. The Canglan League was robbed this time, and everything happened because of me.”

“I shouldn’t stay in Canglan League for a long time, otherwise it will only bring endless trouble to Canglan League.”

“Canglan League matters are left to you, I will deal with some things.”

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he was about to turn around and leave.

Zhao Yulong was surprised: “Jiang Chen, where are you going?”

“Go to the people in the five holy cities to settle the accounts!”

“But don’t worry, before leaving, I will smooth the Water Dragon Gang and Xuanbing Palace, so that the Canglan League will have no worries!”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell, and his figure disappeared into the void in a flash, leaving only a faint voice slowly resounding in the sky.

In the northern part of Zhongzhou, along the coast, Shuiyun City.

This is a giant city under the jurisdiction of the Water Dragon Gang, the two-star force, and the headquarters of the Water Dragon.

The predecessor of the Water Dragon Gang was just an inconspicuous little gang in Shuiyun City.

Because the first host of the Gang got the inheritance of the ancient ruins by coincidence, it soared to the sky and created the two-star Water Dragon Gang.

After the Water Dragon Gang became a two-star force, it did not abandon Shuiyun City and moved the Water Dragon State to the rich mountains of Spiritual Qi.

It is precisely because of this.

The Water Dragon List is also one of the few Sect forces in the Central China mainland that uses the city as its headquarters!

Jiang Chen left the Canglan League and walked straight towards the Water Dragon Gang.

Half a day later.

He landed in front of the heavily guarded gate of Shuiyun City and strode towards the gate.

“Boy, who are you?”

“This is the headquarters of the Water Dragon Gang. Non-self Water Dragon Gang disciples are not allowed to enter.”

“If you dare to step forward, kill without mercy!”

At the door, a middle-aged Practitioner saw Jiang Chen coming oncoming, and he couldn’t help but drank harshly with an unkind expression on his face.

Beside the middle-aged Practitioner, several Water Dragon Practitioners also drew out their weapons one after another, staring at Jiang Chen murderously.

Chen Fan carried his hands on his back and said lightly: “I’m here to find your water dragon gang to settle the accounts. I will quickly inform your helper Lan Yuan and let him get out and die.”

Hearing this in the middle-aged, his complexion suddenly changed.

He stared sharply at Jiang Chen: “Boy, who are you on earth?”

Jiang Chen expressionlessly: “Who am I, you are not qualified to know, let you help Lord Long Yuan get out.”

“Where did the hairy boy dare to come to my water dragon gang headquarters to run wild, I think you are getting impatient!”

The middle-aged Practitioner’s face was cold, and with a wave of the long sword in his hand, a transparent ice Sword Qi struck Jiang Chen directly like lightning.

“It’s you who live impatiently!”

Looking at the oncoming ice Sword Qi, Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent, and he didn’t mean to dodge at all.

He just raised his palm and flicked his fingers, and a sharp sword finger instantly shattered the ice Sword Qi of the middle-aged Practitioner.

The sword fingers smashed the ice Sword Qi with no loss of energy, and hit the middle-aged Practitioner’s chest like a heavy hammer.


The middle-aged Practitioner spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person flew upside down more than ten feet away, slamming heavily on the wall behind him.

“You…you dare to kill people in my water dragon gang?”

Seeing that Jiang Chen killed the middle-aged Practitioner with one finger, several other Water Dragon Practitioners were suddenly furious.

Since the collapse of the Canglan League, the Water Dragon Gang has taken over most of the forces of the Canglan League, and now it can be said to be soaring!

They didn’t expect it.

The boy in front of him really dared to run wild in the Water Dragon Gang and openly killed the Water Dragon Gang disciples!

“Today I want to use my sword to crush the Water Dragon Gang. If I don’t want to die, just go away!”

“Whoever dares to stop me, don’t blame me for being ruthless under the sword!”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell coldly, and the blood dragon sword flashed out of thin air in his palm. He lifted his sword and slammed into Shuiyun City.

“Dare you kid!”

Upon seeing this, several Practitioners of the Water Dragon Gang were furious, and they were about to rush to intercept Jiang Chen with their weapons.

call out! call out! call out!

Jiang Chen quickly swung the blood dragon sword in his hand, and the sharp Sword Qi slashed out.

The Practitioners of the Water Dragon Gang had not reacted yet, and the sharp Sword Qi had penetrated their chests, and then the eyes went dark, and they fell to the ground.

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