Chapter 1234 Eight-Rank Flood Dragon, I also cut it with a single sword!


Seeing the corpses of the two old men falling from mid-air, the surroundings suddenly fell into a dead silence!

The gazes of all the Water Dragon Gang disciples looking at Jiang Chen were beyond shock.

Even Elder, who stepped half of his foot into the Divine Soul Realm, was killed by Jiang Chen with a single sword!


This kid is also terrifying!

Such power is definitely no less inferior to the existence of the Soul Realm King.

Can their helper Lan Yuan really be able to stop it?

“This guy… really broke through the Divine Soul Realm.”

Seeing this scene before him, Lan Yuan’s eyes shrank suddenly.

One sword instantly kills two and a half powerful men who step into the Divine Soul Realm, I am afraid that only the real Divine Soul Realm king can do it!

What horrified Lan Yuan’s heart even more.

Jiang Chen’s two swords just now were completely random blows, and he didn’t use his real strength at all.

Even if he wanted to kill two people with the strength of his Divine Soul Third Stage, I’m afraid he couldn’t do such an understatement.

“The strength of this son is unfathomable and unbeatable!”

Lan Yuan’s eyes flickered slightly.

He is a very life-saving person, so naturally he would not choose to fight Jiang Chen recklessly without being sure.

If the Water Dragon Gang is destroyed, it will be destroyed. As long as others are still alive, another Water Dragon Gang can be established.

Stay with the green hills, no worries about no firewood!

He decided to leave the Water Dragon Gang first and pass the news of Jiang Chen’s appearance to Xuanbing Palace.

By the time.

With the arrival of the Xuanbing Palace powerhouse, even if Jiang Chen has monstrous power, he is destined to escape!

Thoughts flashed.

Lan Yuan suddenly raised his palm and waved in front of him, suddenly a violent spatial fluctuation was heard in the air.

The next moment…

A pitch-black crack about three feet in size also slowly emerged in front of Lan Yuan.

“Is it going to escape? It’s a pity you can’t escape.”

Looking at Lan Yuan’s actions, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but raise a slight arc.

The long sword in his hand was raised slightly, and it directly slashed out with a volley!

call out!

The invisible Sword Qi split the space, and in the blink of an eye, it slashed into the cracks in the dark space.

As soon as Lan Yuan stepped into the space crack with half his foot, he found that the space channel he had opened had been smashed by Jiang Chen’s sword!

“Jiang Chen, don’t deceive people too much!”

Lan Yuan was frightened in his heart, and his face instantly became extremely difficult to look at.

“I don’t just want to bully you, but I want to kill you.”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly: “No matter how you struggle, you are destined to die today!”

When coldly’s words fell, Jiang Chen raised his hand and swung a light sword!

This seemingly plain sword seemed to contain a horrible Sword Ray that could cut through even the heavens and the earth, which made Lan Yuan feel like a death crisis in his heart.

Lan Yuan’s expression changed drastically, and his whole body’s momentum burst to its limit in an instant, and the majestic vitality quickly surged out of his body, transforming the dragon into a hundred zhang ice dragon, and greeted Jiang Chen’s sword.


Sword Ray fell on the Baizhang ice dragon, like cutting tofu, instantly splitting the ice dragon in half, and then slashed towards Lan Yuan with an invincible force.

In an instant…

A shadow of Death instantly filled Lan Yuan’s heart.


Lan Yuan’s thoughts moved, and a dark scale armor exuding an icy breath appeared directly on his body ghostly.


Sword Ray instantly landed on Lan Yuan’s body, and saw Lan Yuan’s body trembled, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and his figure flew upside down like a broken kite.

Lan Yuan’s figure fell from a thousand meters of void, and slammed into the Great Hall of a hundred meters in Shuiyun City.

Great Hall shook violently, and was directly knocked out of a huge human-shaped cavity. The entire Baizhang Giant Hall has a feeling of crumbling.

“The leader just lost like that?”

Seeing this scene, the many members of the Water Dragon Gang below all looked pale, like a mourning test.

Their water dragon gang leader Lan Yuan, a dignified soul king, was defeated by Jiang Chen’s understatement!

This… how is this possible?


Just when many members of the Water Dragon Gang were in horror, a coughing sound came from the silent Shuiyun City.


A Daoist shadow smashed out of the huge hall of hundreds of feet, and it was Lan Yuan astonishingly.

At this time, Lan Yuan’s hair was scattered all over his head, and the corners of his mouth had blood stains. On the black scale armor on his body, there were also countless visible cracks, which looked miserable and miserable.

He raised his head to look at Jiang Chen, his eyes also showed unprecedented panic.

If it hadn’t been for the Water Dragon Gang, the treasured armor of the town, I’m afraid he would have died by Jiang Chen’s sword at this moment!


“It turns out to be an eighth-grade spirit armor that can withstand a blow from the emperor of the Divine Baby Realm. It’s no wonder you can survive the sword I just now.”

“But… I want to see if you can still block my next sword!”

Jiang Chen took a surprised look at the black scale armor on Lan Yuan’s body, and the blood dragon sword in his hand rose again.

“Jiang Chen, you forced me to do this!”

Seeing Jiang Chen raising the sword again, a hideous look appeared on Lan Yuan’s face in vain.

I saw a spit of Blood Essence from his mouth, and his hands quickly changed into a bloody curse imprint on his chest, and then directly shot it towards the bottom of Shuiyun City.

“With my blood, I will sacrifice to the Lord Dragon Emperor, and I also ask the Lord Dragon Emperor to help!”


Following Lan Yuan’s words, a loud bang came from below Shuiyun City. The huge Shuiyun City trembled as if it had been subjected to an earthquake.

A fierce aura, like an angry dragon awakening, rose from the bottom of Shuiyun City.

In an instant…

The wind and thunder surging between the sky and the earth, a huge black phantom also condensed in the void in an instant.

The black shadow is a hundred meters in size, covering the sky and the sun and the earth across the sky above Shuiyun City.

Its body is somewhat similar to that of a dragon. It is covered with black scale armor. Its eyes are as huge as a copper bell, with protruding pieces of flesh crossing between its eyes, making it look terrifying.

“It’s interesting, I didn’t expect that this Water Dragon Gang still has the remnant soul of the Eighth Stage Flood Dragon!”

Jiang Chen looked at the black shadow in mid-air, and a surprised look appeared in his eyes.

“Boy, are you the one who disturbed the emperor’s sleep?”

The ghost of the dragon in the sky looked down at Jiang Chen below, and there was an extremely cold light in his eyes.

“Haha…A mere eighth rank flood dragon remnant soul, dare to call the Dragon Emperor in front of me, it’s really ridiculous.”

Jiang Chen smiled contemptuously: “Don’t say that you only have a remnant soul left, even if your body is here, I can still kill it with a single sword!”

“Boy, dare to be wild in front of the emperor, you are looking for death!”

When Jiaolong Xuying heard Jiang Chen’s words, he was furious.

Seeing it roared up to the sky, the huge Shuiyun City was like the end of the day, and it was instantly enveloped by the sky.

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