Chapter 1231 People in Xuanbing Palace should be killed!

King of Soul Realm!

This is the existence of Cang Wuya, the leader of their Canglan League, will Jiang Chen be his opponent?

Even after seeing Jiang Chen’s powerful ability to kill Shen Xuanji with one palm, many people in the Canglan Alliance still showed a worried look.

“The light of rice grains, how dare you compete with Haoyue for glory?”

Looking at the will of the soul that swept over, Jiang Chen let out a cold snort, and the huge will of the soul instantly collided with it.


The void space suddenly burst into an invisible wave.

The two souls collided in mid-air, and Jiang Chen seemed to be unaffected at all, still standing proudly in place.

But in the depths of the Canglan League, there was a muffled hum.


The Divine Soul Realm King inside suffered a lot from the confrontation between the two Divine Soul Realm will.

Jiang Chen used to take a lot of Profound Spirit Sacred Spring, and his soul power was comparable to that of Realm’s Practitioner.

Now that he is promoted to the Divine Embryo Realm, it is the combination of three or five Divine Soul Peak Kings, and the Divine Soul Will may not be able to match him.

And the Divine Soul Realm hidden deep in the Canglan League, but the strength of the Divine Soul early stage.

If it is not too far apart.

He burst out with all his strength, and could easily kill the opponent with the will of the soul!

“Jiang Chen, you are wanted by the five holy cities, and you dare to show up openly. It’s almost your own death!”

At this moment, a frightened voice resounded abruptly on Canglan Mountain.

Immediately afterwards.

An icy energy that pierced through the heavens and the earth suddenly soared into the sky from the depths of the Canglan League.

The icy energy filled the void, and before people arrived, the overwhelming cold air had already swept in.

In the face of the rolling chill, Jiang Chen remained unmoved.

He stared at the silver-robed old man in Cold Bing Jin blankly, and said coldly, “Are you from Xuanbing Palace?”

“Yes, old man Xuanbing Palace Elder Xuanfeng!”

The silver-robed old man said with a proud face: “Jiang Chen, I have been waiting for you for a long time. If you don’t want to suffer the pain of flesh and blood, you can just take care of it.”

Samsung Power Xuanbing Palace!

Hearing the words of the silver-robed old man, everyone’s complexion changed drastically.

When the Water Dragon Gang attacked the Canglan League, the reason why the Canglan League was instantly defeated was because the Water Dragon Gang came with the strong from Xuanbing Palace.

Even the leader of their Canglan Alliance, Cang Wuya, was turned over and suppressed in front of the Xuanbing Palace powerhouse.

They never thought of it.

Xuanbing Palace actually left a Divine Soul Realm Elder in the Canglan League, just to wait for Jiang Chen to return!

“This old guy turned out to be Elder from Xuanbing Palace! Why would people from Xuanbing Palace take action against Canglan League?”

When Zhao Yulong heard the words of the silver-robed old man, his heart was equally frightened.

No wonder Canglan League would be easily defeated by the Water Dragon Gang. It turned out that people from Xuanbing Palace participated in it.

The three-star power Xuanbing Palace, this is the hegemonic power in the northern part of Central State.

It can be said.

The Canglan League and the Water Dragon Gang are both two-star forces within the Xuanbing Palace’s sphere of influence.

Both will attack a large amount of cultivation resources on Xuanbing Palace every year to seek shelter from Xuanbing Palace.

All the time.

Xuanbing Palace turned a blind eye to the battle between the Canglan League and the Water Dragon Gang, and would never participate in it.

Zhao Yulong really couldn’t understand.

Why did Xuanbing Palace help the Water Dragon Gang to attack the Canglan League this time!

Zhao Yulong’s expression was hard to see the extreme, if Xuanbing Palace wanted to destroy the Canglan League, then the Canglan League would be really dangerous.

“A silly early stage king who wants me to catch it?”

Jiang Chen sneered at the old man in Yinpao: “Old guy, I really don’t know where you have the courage to say this in front of me. Don’t say it’s you, even if your Palace Master Xuanbing came, I’m afraid there will be no such thing. qualifications!”

“Hmph, I’m not afraid to flash my tongue when talking big.”

Xuanfeng smiled coldly: “Jiang Chen, you are no more than the strength of the Soul Realm. In front of Xuanbing Palace, you are just a slightly stronger ant.”

“Ha ha……”

“I, Jiang Chen, are not afraid of even the five holy cities in Zhongzhou, how can the mere Xuanbing Palace take it in my eyes?”

“Xuanbing Palace, because I am alone, will not hesitate to destroy the Canglan League at all costs. You people in the Xuanbing Palace should be killed!”

“Today I will behead your dog’s head first, then kill the gate of Xuanbing Palace, and level your Xuanbing Palace!”

Jiang Chen laughed wildly and domineeringly, an overwhelming might, like an angry dragon waking up, instantly swept the audience!

In an instant…

Jiang Chen is like an emperor looking down on sentient beings, aloof.

All the disciples of the Canglan League, including Zhao Yulong, were shaking at this moment with a feeling of wanting to worship.

Feeling the breath of the weather on Jiang Chen, Xuanfeng’s face also showed an incredible horror.

With the strength of his Soul Third Stage Realm, when facing Jiang Chen’s breath, he still couldn’t help feeling horrified.

“This kid… how can he be so strong?”

As far as he knows.

When Jiang Chen appeared in the Canglan League three years ago, he was only a mere condensed pill realm.

Although his talent is extremely enchanting, he quickly broke through the Divine Sea Realm and became the most dazzling genius in the history of Canglan League.

But even so.

It’s absolutely impossible for this kid to reach such a terrifying point in just two or three years, right?


This was also when Jiang Chen was wanted by the five holy cities, and Jiang Chen’s affairs in the five holy cities were not revealed.

If you let Xuanfeng know.

As early as more than a year ago, Jiang Chen had already broken through the Divine Soul Realm, defeating the first genius of the five holy cities, Feng Qingyi, and he was afraid that his eyes would stare out.

“Xuanfeng, you are the first person to see my true power since my breakthrough.”

“You can be proud of being able to die under Realm.”

“Burning Heaven Sword Domain, now!”

As Jiang Chen’s words fell, a strange wave between heaven and earth rippled away.


A fiery red Realm enchantment condensed in the void in an instant, covering the space of Xuanfeng’s body.

“Sword Domain!”

“Sword Domain of the Sword Emperor of the Godborn Realm!”

“You…you are already the emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm!”

Xuanfeng looked at the fiery red Realm enchantment around him, his whole person was like a ghost, and there was an inconceivable panic in his eyes.

The emperor of the divine birth realm.

This is a peerless powerhouse at the top of Shenwu Continent.

Even if it is their three-star power, Xuanbing Palace, there is only one emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm sitting here!

Xuanfeng never expected that Jiang Chen would become the emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm from a small Practitioner in a few short years!

this moment.

Xuanfeng finally understood why the five holy cities wanted Jiang Chen at all costs.

The speed of this child’s growth is too heaven-defying, there must be some earth-shattering secret hidden in the body!

A shocking secret enough to make all the five holy cities crazy!

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