Chapter 1146 Come to the appointment!

Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce, conference hall.

Long Li, the chairman of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce, was seated at the top of the conference hall.

On both sides of him are Elder of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce and the senior leaders.

Including the core disciple, such as Long Ling, the young leader, are all in it.

“Father, you are finally out.”

Long Ling looked at Long Li, who was in the first place, with an expression of extreme excitement.

“At the beginning, I fought with the strong of Blood Demon Palace. Although I suffered heavy losses, it was a blessing in disguise. In the past six months, the Closed Door Training and Cultivation Base have increased a lot.”

Long Li smiled faintly, and immediately asked: “How is the situation outside during my Closed Door Training period?”

“You were seriously injured half a year ago, and the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce had to act low-key, resulting in the Black Dragon City being taken over by the Kamikaze Mercenary Corps.”

“The Kamikaze Mercenary Corps has become more arrogant after taking control of the Black Dragon City.”

“Now that my father’s injury has recovered and his strength has improved to the next level, it’s time for us to take back control of the Black Dragon City.”

Long Ling said angrily.

“Yeah, during this period of time our Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce has repeatedly tolerated, but the Kamikaze Mercenary Group has made every inch of it.”

“Now is the time to give some color to the Kamikaze mercenary group.”

“This Black Dragon City will always belong to our Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce, and it’s not a trivial kamikaze mercenary group!”

The rest of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce all echoed one after another, all looking like gearing up.

During this period of time, the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce has been suppressed by the Kamikaze mercenary group.

There is no doubt that everyone is holding a breath in their hearts.

Now that Long Li has successfully exited the customs, how can they continue to endure it?

“This matter is not in a hurry, let the Kamikaze mercenary group toss for a while, and they can’t do anything about it.”

Long Li waved his hand and said: “Now the land of the Long Family inheritance is about to open, wait until this matter is over before dealing with the Kamikaze mercenary group.”

Hearing Long Li’s mention of this matter, Long Ling’s eyes lit up slightly.

“Father, the land of inheritance is about to be opened now, and Jiang Chen is still missing. I think I should enter the land of inheritance instead of him.”

Hearing this, Long Li couldn’t help but sigh softly.

To be honest, Long Li still prefers Jiang Chen to come to the place of Long Family inheritance as scheduled.

For the Long Family geniuses of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce, Long Li can be said to know very well, with their abilities, the possibility of passing the test of the land of inheritance is very small.

Only Jiang Chen, the enchanting genius who was once famous in the Northern Wilderness, might have such a glimmer of hope.

But Jiang Chen’s hope of returning to the Northern Wilderness when he first went to the Zhongzhou Continent is undoubtedly extremely slim.

“According to my estimation, the inheritance place will be opened within ten days. If Jiang Chen attends the appointment in the future, you will replace him to the inheritance place.”

Long Li sighed lightly.

After losing this opportunity, he had to wait another ten years before he had a chance to unlock the secrets of the Long Family Heritage.

“Hehe…Chairman Long, I’m not a wordless person, Jiang Chen, since I promised you, how can I fail to speak?”

At this moment, a faint chuckle suddenly sounded in the discussion hall.

The sudden sound made Long Li startled slightly.

He suddenly raised his head and looked towards the door, and saw a slightly familiar figure slowly walking into the hall.

Long Li was overjoyed immediately: “Jiang Chen, you… are you back?”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly and said: “Chairman Long, Jiang Chen promised to help you solve the secrets of the Long Family. He came to the appointment today. It shouldn’t be too late.”

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