Chapter 1147 Can still kill you with one move!

“Haha… Brother Jiang Chen is indeed a trustworthy person, and it’s time to come back.”

Long Li smiled heartily.

His gaze swept over Jiang Chen, his pupils suddenly shrank: “I haven’t seen him for more than a year. It is really embarrassing for Brother Jiang Chen to grow up to such a point.”

Although he also knew that Jiang Chen was talented close to monsters and had the guidance of the experts in the Central State Continent, his strength was bound to be very fast.

But Long Li still didn’t expect that Jiang Chen’s strength Ascension would be so terrifying.

With the Cultivation Base of his Shenhai Sixth Stage, Jiang Chen couldn’t see the strength at all.

Now Jiang Chen’s breath can be described as unfathomable!

He even had a feeling that Jiang Chen’s strength nowadays is not inferior to his father who reached the Ninth Stage of Shenhai before!

A monster who reached the peak of Shenhai at the age of twenty exists!

Even in the history of the Northern Wilderness Continent, it is probably the only existence!

Thought of this.

Long Li’s heart also showed a touch of excitement that could not be concealed.

With Jiang Chen’s help, he might really hope to uncover the secrets of the Long Family Heritage this time.

“Jiang Chen!”

Looking at Jiang Chen who appeared in the discussion hall, the other high-level core members of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce may not feel anything yet.

Only Long Ling clenched his fists, his expression extremely unwilling, and his gaze towards Jiang Chen almost burst into flames!

The place of the Long Family Heritage Site should belong to him in the first place.

But his father found Jiang Chen, and this guy defeated him with a single move, taking away the place that originally belonged to him!

More than a year.

Jiang Chen disappeared from the Northern Wilderness Continent, and there was no news. Seeing that the land of inheritance was about to open, Long Ling thought he could once again replace Jiang Chen into the land of inheritance.

But who knows that Jiang Chen just rushed back at this critical moment!

“No! I must not let Jiang Chen take away my spot so easily!”

Long Ling gritted his teeth, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

Since losing to Jiang Chen in one move that day, Long Ling has accumulated a lot of work and painstaking efforts over the past year, and his strength has grown rapidly.

Now he has already reached the peak of the Ninth Stage, and even the Yuan Dan in his body has begun to transform into the Shenhai, with the strength of a half-step Shenhai Stage.

Long Ling believed that even if he fights Jiang Chen again now, he might not give Jiang Chen to someone!

Thinking of this, Long Ling did not hesitate.

He took a deep breath and directly stood up and said loudly: “Father, the land of inheritance is about to open. Since Jiang Chen is back, we will determine the final candidate today!”

Long Li glanced at Long Ling lightly, shook his head and said: “Don’t be sure, you are not Brother Jiang Chen’s opponent.”

Now Jiang Chen’s strength is unfathomable, at least he has reached the seventh stage of Shenhai, even if he is against Jiang Chen, he will probably not be an opponent in all likelihood.

My own son wants to challenge Jiang Chen, it is no different from looking for death!

“Whether it’s an opponent, you won’t know until after the fight.”

Long Ling snorted coldly, and then looked at Jiang Chen provocatively: “Jiang Chen, the place of the Long Family Heritage has always been based on strength. If you have the ability, you will fight with me again.”

“Fight with you?”

“Forget it, I don’t want to bully people.”

“Although you have gained a lot of strength this year, I still only need one move if I want to defeat you.”

Jiang Chen shook his head and said lightly.

He was a majestic king of the Soul Realm, and he went to compete with a guy who hadn’t even made a breakthrough in Shenhai. Isn’t this bullying?

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