Chapter 1145 Come to the Black Dragon City again!

Leaving Bloodmist Mountain.

Jiang Chen didn’t rush back to Great Xia Country, but came to the only city in Heilongling, Heilongcheng.

Before leaving the Northern Wilderness.

Jiang Chen made a two-year agreement with Long Li, the chairman of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce.

Now that the agreed time is coming soon, since he has come to Black Dragon Ridge, he plans to go to the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce to take a look.

Blood Mist Mountain is not far from Black Dragon City.

After half an hour.

Jiang Chen came to the gate of Black Dragon City and walked directly into the city gate.

“Boy, stop!”

But at this moment, two guards wearing armor stopped Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen raised his head: “What’s the matter with you two?”

One of the guards faintly looked at Jiang Chen and said, “Boy, this is the first time you have come to the Black Dragon City? The first time you enter the Black Dragon City, you need to pay a thousand lower-grade spar to purchase the city entry order!”

“Purchase an entry order?”

Jiang Chen frowned slightly and said, “I have been to Black Dragon City more than a year ago. It seems that I don’t need to purchase an entry order.”

“You also know that it was a year ago.”

“Since half a year ago, my Kamikaze mercenary group was in charge of the Black Dragon City. You must purchase an entry order to enter the city.”

“If you don’t want to buy a city entry order, then just leave me alone!”

The other guard looked proud and authentic.

Jiang Chen’s eyes narrowed slightly.

The Black Dragon City was built by the Long Family of the Northern Wilderness of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce, and has always been in charge of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce. When is it the turn of Kamikaze to own the regiment?

It seems that over the past year or so, Black Dragon City seems to have undergone a lot of changes.

“Heh… what a domineering kamikaze mercenary group!”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “I don’t want to buy the entry order today, so what can you do with me?”


“Who is this kid who dares to challenge the Kamikaze mercenary group?”

“The kamikaze mercenary group is so powerful that even the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce has to retreat. This kid is simply dead.”


At this moment, many passers-by at the gate of the city couldn’t help but shook their heads secretly, and they looked at Jiang Chen with a look of pity.

“Boy, even the people of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce must follow the rules set by my kamikaze mercenary group. What kind of thing do you dare to run wild here?”

The two guards were furious and stared at Jiang Chen with murderous expressions: “If you dare to go one step further, kill Wuxia!”

“What about the rules of the Kamikaze Mercenary Corps?”

“As long as I am willing, no one’s rules will restrain me at this genius!”

Jiang Chen smiled proudly and strode directly towards the city gate.

“court death!”

The two guards shouted angrily, their spears directly provoked a spear light measuring several feet long, and shot them away at Jiang Chen.

“The two ants of the first stage condensed pill, dare to block my way and get out of me!”

Jiang Chen glanced at the two with disdain, but his faint voice swept out with a terrifying power.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of the two guards’ mouths, and their stature was like a kite with a broken line that fell several feet away.

They looked at Jiang Chen with pale faces, and said in anger: “Boy, are you really going to be an enemy of my Shenfeng mercenary group?”

“Isn’t it just a kamikaze mercenary group? If you are an enemy, then be an enemy. Why should I, Jiang Chen, be afraid?”

“If you want to settle accounts with me, come to the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce.”

“But… if you are an enemy of me, be prepared to bear the cost of being an enemy of me!”

Jiang Chen glanced at the two faintly, and walked directly into the Black Dragon City.

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