Chapter 1137 I alone can step down the Blood Demon Hall!

“Hall Master of Blood Demon, roll out quickly and die!”

Booming shouts entered the Great Hall from outside, and immediately everyone in the Great Hall was dumbfounded.

Especially the blood-clothed youth who had just spoken had a look of shame on his face.

He had just decided that the three sects would not dare to do anything to the Blood Demon Hall, who knew that someone had already killed the door outside!

“Heh… I have underestimated the people of the three sects. I didn’t expect them to really dare to come here!”

The blood-clothed youth smiled coldly.

He directly raised his head to the figure on the King’s Scarlet Throne: “Hall Master, please call for orders, go and punish the invading enemy!”

“Since the people of the Three Sects dared to kill the Blood Demon Hall headquarters, they must have some support!”

“You and the two guardians, lead the blood demon hall powerhouse to go together, don’t underestimate the enemy.”

“If Xiao Duli shows up, I will do it myself.”

Above the throne, the voice of the head of the Blood Demon Hall resounded again.


Hearing the command of the Hall Master, many Blood Demon Hall masters in the Great Hall, under the leadership of the three people of Xue Li, quickly swept outside the Great Hall.

Not long.

The bloody figure took the lead, flashing out of the dense mist on the top of the bloody mist, and the cold voice resounded through the world.

“Who is going wild in my Blood Demon Hall!”

Jiang Chen stood proudly in the void with his hands in his hands.

He looked at Xueli and the others who rushed out of Xuewu Mountain, and said lightly: “I am Jiang Chen, I came here to find you Blood Demon Hall to settle the accounts?”

“Are you Jiang Chen? Xiao Duli’s disciple?”

The bloody eyes shrank slightly.

For this name, Xue Li is no stranger to the senior officials of the Blood Demon Hall.

More than a year ago.

The Blood Demon Palace was about to be born, precisely because this guy named Jiang Chen attracted the mysterious powerhouse Xiao Duli, and had to evade his edge temporarily.

“Yes, I am Jiang Chen, let your palace master get out and see me.”

Jiang Chen looked indifferent, and his whole body was like a peerless swordsman pulling out a divine sword.

“Huh! Our Lord, can you see you if you want to?”

Xue Li smiled coldly: “Even if your master, Xiao Duli, comes, I am afraid that you don’t have the qualifications to be wild in my Blood Demon Hall headquarters, what are you?”

“You too value your Blood Demon Hall too much, so with your crooked melons and jujubes, you are also worthy to let my master take action on you?”

Jiang Chen said with contempt: “It’s a mere branch of the Blood Demon Hall scattered on the Northern Desolate Continent. I alone can level your Blood Demon Hall!”

“Jiang Chen, you are really not the usual madness.”

“Do you think you can deal with my Blood Demon Hall by gathering these three old guys from Sanzong?”

“Today, my Royal Highness killed you first, and then attacked the three sects, so that they will be completely removed from the Northern Wilderness Continent!”

Xue Li yelled angrily, and squeezed out a seal tactic with both hands, and a burst of blood spurted from his palm, turning into a blood-colored flame of ten feet long, and went straight to Jiang Chen.

Xue Li, under the Great Hall of the Blood Demon Hall, is also the first person of the young generation in the Blood Demon Hall. He has the Cultivation Base of the Shenhai Second Stage, and his combat power is not inferior to the master of the eight halls of the Blood Demon Hall.

Even in the face of the three contemporary Sect Leaders, he has the confidence to fight, let alone the boy in front of him?

“The ants of Shenhai Second Stage dare to do something to me, they don’t know whether they live or die!”

Jiang Chen smiled contemptuously, raised his hand to the void and shook it, and the bloody flames were instantly annihilated.


With a move of his finger, a Sword Ray cut through the space and appeared above Xue Li’s head in the blink of an eye, slamming down against Xue Li’s head!

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