Chapter 1138 Kill the Quartet!

“Get off the Great Hall, be careful!”

Feeling the horror of Jiang Chen’s Sword Qi, the face of the Blood Ming Guardian changed drastically.


After all, his reminder was too late.

Jiang Chen’s sword is not only approaching its extreme, but it also brings an extremely strong spatial oppression,

Under the pressure of this power, Xue Li even stiffened his body a lot. He could only watch Sword Qi rapidly enlarge in his eyes.

“Do not……”

Xue Li looked desperate and horrified. He was about to call for help. Sword Qi Jiu had penetrated his body and directly cut him in half!

Seeing that Jiang Chen killed Xue Li with a single move, the eyes of Xue Ming’s guardian shrank, and his mouth couldn’t help but let out a cold anger.

“Boy, you kill me, Blood Demon Hall, Great Hall, I will kill you today!”

Jiang Chen looked disdainful: “If you want to kill me, you are not qualified enough, let your shit Hallmaster get out and see me.”

“Dare to insult the Lord, you are looking for death!”

“The Lord of the Five Halls, immediately lead everyone to besiege this child!”

Following Xue Ming’s anger, the only five hall masters left in the Blood Demon Hall led the Blood Demon Hall powerhouse and quickly surrounded Jiang Chen.

Zixu Daoist saw this, and they stepped forward to help.

“Old guy, your opponent is us!”

Xue Ming smiled coldly, and immediately rushed towards the three Daoist Zixu and Han Li directly.

At the same time when the two guardians fought against the three Taishang Elder.

More than a dozen Divine Soul Realm powerhouses headed by the Lord of the Five Halls also took time to attack Jiang Chen.

The sky full of wind, fire, thunder and lightning, swords and swords shadows rushed towards Jiang Chen.

The attack jointly launched by more than a dozen powerhouses of the Divine Sea Realm was absolutely earth-shattering, like a world-destroying storm, instantly covering a 100-meter space around Jiang Chen.

One of the Blood Demon hall masters couldn’t help but lifted up a cold smile on his face.

“A little boy who dares to provoke my Blood Demon Hall, it’s really…”


Before he could finish his words, Jiang Chen waved his hand casually, and a golden mask supported the sky and the earth, resisting all the attacks of more than a dozen of them.

“How can it be?”

Many experts in the Blood Demon Hall were so shocked that their eyes were staring out.

Five god-tier hall masters above the Fourth Stage, plus a combined blow from more than a dozen god-tier experts, the power is extremely powerful.

Even the powerhouse of Shenhai Ninth Stage, I’m afraid I have to avoid the edge for a while.

But the boy in front of him, a light mask condensed between his hands and feet, was easily blocked!

“It’s ridiculous that a group of ants-like existences want to kill me too.”

“Today I will behead you first, and then level the Blood Demon Hall!”

Jiang Chen waved the golden lightsaber in his hand, condensed into a golden light, and instantly cut it out.


Several Blood Demon hall powerhouses were too late to scream, they found that own upper body and lower limbs were separated from the waist, and the whole person was cut into two pieces by Jiang Chen in the air.

“Boy, you are looking for death!”

Yazi, the lord of the fifth hall, is about to split.

These powerhouses of the Divine Sea Realm were all cultivated by the Blood Demon Hall at a huge cost. ,

Even the loss of one person is enough to make them heartache.

Now that Jiang Chen has killed several people with a sword like cutting melons and vegetables, how can they not be angry?

All five of them have reached the limit of their whole body’s aura, and the sky full of bloody energy filled the space, dyeing the sky with a radius of hundreds of meters into a monster of blood red.


Looking at the Lord of the Five Halls, Jiang Chen had no expression on his face, and a golden lightsaber in his hand was condensed into silk, and he directly chopped it out plainly.

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