Chapter 1136 The Lord of the Blood Demon Hall, get out and die!

Xuewu Mountain is a famous forbidden area on the Northern Wilderness Continent, and it has been almost unattended for many years.


Just today.

Before the Blood Mist Mountain, which no one dared to easily step into, there was a burst of resounding through the air.

call out! call out! call out!

Four sudden streams of light pierced the sky, and then, from far to near, appeared in the void less than 100 meters away from Xuewu Mountain in the blink of an eye.

These four are not others, but Jiang Chen and Elder, the Supreme Supreme Being of the Northern Wilderness Three Sects.

“Is this the Blood Mist Mountain? It is rumored that the Blood Mist Mountain is the headquarters of the Blood Demon Hall. It seems to be true.”

Zixu Daoist looked at the strange mountain range shrouded in dense blood mist, his expression dignified.

Jiang Chen nodded and said, “Yes, this is the headquarters of the Blood Demon Hall.”

The location of the Blood Demon Hall headquarters was obtained by Xia Yuan through the soul search technique and reading the blood demon’s memory. I think there will be no problem.

“It’s no wonder that this Blood Mist Mountain will become a forbidden place on the Northern Desolate Continent, even if the Divine Sea Realm powerhouse enters it, there will be no return. It turns out that the Blood Demon Hall is doing a ghost.”

Xu Qiuya snorted coldly.

these years.

Many talented disciples of the Tianyue Sect were also buried in Xuewu Mountain, and they all fell into the hands of the people in the Blood Demon Hall!

He directly looked up at Jiang Chen and said, “Little friend Jiang Chen, shall we go straight in now?”

Jiang Chen didn’t speak, he took a step forward and shouted: “Hall of Blood Demon, get out and die!”

The faint voice was like a rolling thunder, and it spread out loud and violently, spreading over hundreds of miles.

Coupled with the echo of the surrounding mountain walls, it is even more like the roar of thunder.

at the same time.

In the depths of the Blood Mist Mountain, there is a blood-colored Great Hall towering into the clouds.

A mysterious blood shadow wrapped in blood sits high on the blood-colored throne in the middle of the Great Hall, filled with a strange and unpredictable breath.


There are more than a dozen blood-robed men standing respectfully on both sides of the Great Hall.

These auras are extremely extraordinary, I am afraid that at least they have reached the Divine Sea Realm.

Especially the two blood-robed men in the lead, the auras are extremely strong, almost not inferior to the Sanzong Taishang Elder.

“Blood Ming, Han Li, now my Blood Demon Hall includes the blood shadow protector and all the powerhouses of the Divine Sea Realm outside of the three hall masters. The soul cards are all broken. What do you think about this?”

at this time.

The mysterious blood shadow on the Scarlet Throne finally broke the tranquility of the Great Hall, and a faint voice slowly sounded in the Great Hall.

“Hallmaster, with the strength of the blood shadow guardian, even if the raid on Taixu Sect fails, it will never be annihilated.”

“Subordinates suspect that Taixu Zong should have the help of mysterious strong people.”

“And this mysterious strong man, in all likelihood, should be Xiao Duli who appeared in Longxi Mountain back then!”

The blood-robed old man in the lead said slowly.

The blood-robed old man is the head of the three guardians of the Blood Demon Hall, Blood Demon!

“Hall Master, his subordinates also agree with the words of the Blood Ming protector. The guy named Xiao Duli is probably still hidden in Taixu Sect.”

Another guardian Han Li also said in a deep voice: “The failure of this blood shadow guardian operation will definitely anger the three cases. I am afraid that the three cases will move soon, and we must find and prepare.”

“Honorary Han is too worried, don’t the three sects still dare to kill our Blood Demon Hall headquarters?”

Beside Han Li, a blood-clothed young man with a cold and arrogant face sneered disdainfully.


Just when the voice of the blood-clothed youth just fell.

Suddenly a thunderous voice came from outside: “Hallmaster of the Blood Demon Palace, get out quickly and die!”

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