Chapter 1067: Monster-like existence!

“Junior Brother Jiang Chen!”

After Jiang Chen absorbed the energy of two yuan Spirit Stones, Xiao Baiyi and his party also came to the ancient well.

They looked at the nebula-covered ore on the stone wall in front of Jiang Chen, and their expressions became excited!

“Brother Baiyi, look at the Spirit Stones on the stone wall, are they Yuan Spirit Stones?”

“Yes, this is Yuan Spirit Stones.”

“I once got a piece of Spirit Stones from Master, almost the same as the Spirit Stones on this stone wall!”

Xiao Baiyi said with excitement: “I didn’t expect that there really is a legendary Yuanling vein here!”

Yuanling mineral vein!

This is enough to make any four-star Sacred Land in Shenwu Continent crazy about it!

It is simply a great opportunity for them to find a vein of Yuanling in this Xuanming pagoda.

Xiao Baiyi even thought.

This time they visited the relics of the Emperor Zhun, there was no need for them to continue exploring.

Even if they have been mining the Yuanling Mine until the end of the Zhun Emperor Ruins, it is a worthwhile trip.

“Brother Baiyi, this Yuanling vein has existed for thousands of years, and the number of Yuan Spirit Stones bred is extremely large.”

“It’s just that the rock on which the Yuan Spirit Stones are located is hard, and you may not be able to break it!”

Jiang Chen frowned slightly.

The rock of these two yuan veins is as hard as iron, even with the strength of his Sixth Stage, he can smash a small piece with a punch.

Xiao Baiyi and the others are not body cultivators. Once the vitality of the body is imprisoned, the strength is probably not as good as that of the ordinary Practitioner in the Condensation Pill Realm. It is not easy to mine this vitality mine.

“Junior Brother Jiang can rest assured that although our vitality is imprisoned, it’s not that we don’t have the power to bind the chicken. With the weapons in our hands, it should be no problem to break through the rocks to dig up the Spirit Stones.”

Xiao Baiyi smiled slightly.

Before going down the well, Xiao Baiyi and the others went to the place where Yuanli was not completely imprisoned, and took out the weapons from the storage ring.

As the genius disciples of Yandi City, Xiao Baiyi’s weapons in their hands are all sixth rank spirit soldiers.

Even if it is not urged by the vitality, it can still exert a good power, and it is completely fine to use it to break through the rocks and dig the spiritual Stones.

Xiao Baiyi spoke, and then moved with the disciples behind him.


The rock of the Yuanling vein is harder than they imagined.

Even with the sixth rank spirit soldiers, although Xiao Baiyi and the others were able to break through the rocks to dig out the Spirit Stones, they still seemed a little strenuous.

It can be seen that Xiao Baiyi is barely able to mine Yuan Spirit Stones.

Jiang Chen no longer paid attention to them, but instead set his gaze on the rock wall in front of him.

His eyes swept slightly.

Jiang Chen searched for a place where the Yuan Spirit Stones were relatively dense, and then ran the invincible refining technique, slamming ten punches in a row!

boom! boom! boom!

Ten horrible fist strengths quickly fell on the rock wall, making the sound of the earth shaking and the mountains shaking.

Countless large and small fragmented rocks, accompanied by Spirit Stones, kept falling from the rock wall.

very quickly.

The first level of Spirit Stones within three feet of the surface of the rock wall was almost scattered all over the place.


Jiang Chen walked forward directly under the stunned expression of Xiao Baiyi and others, and took all the Yuan Spirit Stones within a few meters of his pocket!

See this scene.

Xiao Baiyi smiled bitterly in their hearts.

They dig a piece of Spirit Stones from the vein of the soul, almost all of them have to spend a lot of effort!

But Jiang Chen had already collected dozens of Yuan Spirit Stones in his bag in just the blink of an eye.

This guy is really a monster.

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