Chapter 1066 The terrifying increase of Yuan Spirit Stones!

Fire Spirit Poison Spider!

This is a spider with corrosive fire poison.


The ordinary fire spirit poisonous spider is just a spider that is slightly more powerful than the ordinary spider, and it is not even the first rank Demonic Beasts.

But under this mysterious ancient well.

This Fire Spirit Poisonous Spider, which was not even the first rank Demonic Beasts, was forced to grow into a sixth rank Demonic Beasts!

Even if this guy lives in the Yuanling vein all year round, it is not something that can be accomplished overnight.

This can be seen.

How long has this Yuanling vein existed.


Just as Jiang Chen was looking at the upgraded fire spirit poisonous spider, a fiery hot wind roared.


The fire spirit poisonous spider turned into a red afterimage at a speed that was difficult to capture, and immediately rushed in front of Jiang Chen, spit out two red silk threads, entwined towards Jiang Chen.

“court death!”

Jiang Chen snorted coldly, and a golden fist slammed across his fist, sending the Fire Spirit Poisonous Spider away with one punch.

Bang bang bang!

Without giving the fire spirit poisonous spider a chance to breathe, the golden fist on Jiang Chen’s fist kept bombarding the fire spirit poisonous spider.

After a series of seven or eight punches, the fire spirit poisonous spider was horribly beaten by Jiang Chen, with a dark red liquid flowing out of his body, and finally slammed on the ground motionlessly.

Solved the fire spirit poisonous spider.

Jiang Chen looked around and found that under this mysterious ancient well was a huge space measuring hundreds of meters long.

Except for the fire spirit poisonous spider that he killed, there was no second breath of life around him.


Jiang Chen’s gaze fell on an area of ​​Fayan cliff in front of him.

There, there are many ores with shining luster, dotted on the rock wall like stars.

“Muan Spirit Stones!”

Jiang Chen was overjoyed.

It seems that under this mysterious ancient well is a vein of Yuanling that is rich in Yuan Spirit Stones.

Jiang Chen notified Xiao Baiyi and the others, and then went straight to the stone wall where Yuan Spirit Stones were.


Without the slightest hesitation, Jiang Chen hit a spot on the stone wall with a fist, shattering nearby rocks, and took out two Yuan Spirit Stones.

“The texture of the rock from which the Spirit Stones were born is really not ordinary hard.”

Looking at the stone wall that was shattered to less than one meter, Jiang Chen couldn’t help frowning slightly.

With his strength, it was so difficult to break through this rock to obtain Spirit Stones, and Xiao Baiyi and the others thought it would be even more difficult.

“Try the effects of this Spirit Stones first.”

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, and then released the earth-shaking Vajra Ape to protect the Dharma on the side, picking up a piece of Yuan Spirit Stones and entering the cultivation state.

“Ding! You absorb a piece of Spirit Stones cultivation and gain 800*10*100 experience!”

Hearing the system prompts in his mind, Jiang Chen was also delighted.

The amplification effect of this Spirit Stones is really terrifying, and it is ten times more than the experience Ascension he has obtained under normal conditions of cultivation!

It only requires two or three yuan of Spirit Stones cultivation, which is almost equivalent to a drop of Profound Spirit Holy Spring.

However, the output of the Profound Spirit Holy Spring was extremely small, and it was taken by the geniuses of the five holy cities almost every 100 years.

After Jiang Chen took part of the half-step king, there were not many Profound Spirit Sacred Springs left.

And the number of Spirit Stones here is far beyond what the Profound Spirit Holy Spring can imagine.

more importantly.

Generally, it takes at least two or three hours for the Practitioner to absorb the energy of a piece of Spirit Stones.

And Jiang Chen can complete it in just a few moments.

If there were one hundred and eighty thousand Yuan Spirit Stones, Jiang Chen wouldn’t be a problem even if he directly became the Emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm.

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