Chapter 1068: Divine Soul Realm King, breakthrough!

Put dozens of Yuan Spirit Stones into the bag.

Jiang Chen looked at the earth-shaking ape standing aside, and couldn’t help thinking.

This earth-shaking Vajra ape is the sixth rank Demonic Beasts, and its power is not much inferior to him, and it can be used to mine Yuanling Mine.


Jiang Chen directly issued an order to Vajra Shaking.

After receiving Jiang Chen’s order, the Vajra ape waved the huge ape palm and blasted the rock against the rock, and then sent the Yuan Spirit Stones that fell off to Jiang Chen continuously.

But Jiang Chen sat cross-legged and began to absorb the energy of Yuan Spirit Stones to cultivate!

“Ding! You absorb a piece of Spirit Stones cultivation and gain 800*10*100 experience!”

“Ding! You absorb a piece of Spirit Stones cultivation and gain 800*10*100 experience!”


the other side.

When Xiao Baiyi and others saw the terrifying speed of Jiang Chen absorbing the energy of the Spirit Stones, they were shocked once again almost staring out.

“Let’s fall asleep, Junior Brother Jiang Chen’s absorption of Spirit Stones is too fast.”

It took a while for one of Yandi City’s disciples to recover from the shock, and the whole person was like a ghost.

The energy contained in Spirit Stones is pure.

It takes at least a few hours for a general Shenhai Realm Practitioner to absorb all the energy of a Spirit Stones.

But Jiang Chen did it in an instant.

Even if there are many Divine Soul Realm Kings, I am afraid that Jiang Chen may not be so perverted.

“Junior Brother Jiang is an evildoer that can’t be described by common sense.”

Xiao Baiyi smiled bitterly: “Okay, don’t pay attention to Junior Brother Jiang anymore. Let’s mine more Temple Yuan Spirit Stones.”

Xiao Baiyi is one of the five emperor-level geniuses in Yandi City.

He has always been quite confident about his own Martial Dao talent.

But since meeting Jiang Chen, the talent Jiang Chen has shown has completely surpassed his imagination.

He, the so-called Emperor-level genius of Yandi City, is inferior to scum in front of Jiang Chen!

Jiang Chen naturally ignored the shock of Xiao Baiyi and others.

He frantically absorbs the meta Spirit Stones mined by Vajra, Ascension is own Cultivation Base.

“Ding! You absorb a piece of Spirit Stones cultivation and gain 800*10*100 experience!”

“Ding! You absorb a piece of Spirit Stones cultivation and gain 800*10*100 experience!”


“Ding! Your Cultivation Base successfully promoted to the First Stage of the Soul!”

After absorbing the energy of hundreds of Yuan Spirit Stones in a row, Jiang Chen finally successfully broke through the first stage of the soul and became a true king of the soul state!

Breakthrough Spirit First Stage, Jiang Chen only felt that the Shenhai within his body instantly expanded several times, and the innumerable vitality in it, whether quantity or quality, reached a new level!

And the power in his body is perfectly fused with the will of the king that has long been condensed at this moment, and there is a palpitation of the king’s power between every gesture!

King of the Soul Realm!

Even in this prosperous Martial Dao Zhongzhou mainland, it can already be regarded as a strong side.

after all.

The two-star force Canglan League that Jiang Chen first entered into the Zhongzhou Continent had only one Divine Soul Realm King.

With his current strength, if he returned to the Northern Wilderness Continent, he might be enough to sweep the Northern Wilderness three sects with his own power!

“Now that I have broken through the Divine Soul Realm, it’s time to see the Northern Desolate Continent after the Emperor Zhun’s ruins are over.”

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, immediately opened his eyes and stood up from the ground…

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