Chapter 1065 Upgraded Fire Spirit Poisonous Spider!

Fenghe sent a message to all the disciples of the god wind city in the remains of Emperor Zhun through the token of the disciples of the god wind city.

After a while.

All the disciples of Shenfeng City in the remains of Emperor Zhun responded to Fenghe one by one.

“Senior brother, none of the emperors of the Divine Wind City in the remains of Emperor Zhun seem to have seen Wu Zhanyang.”

“There are also two disciples who even asked people from Tianwu City to send messages to Wu Zhanyang, but they didn’t get Wu Zhanyang’s response.”

Fenghe’s complexion is not very authentic.

“It seems that Wu Zhanyang should have entered a treasure place, and cannot receive information from the outside world.”

Feng Qingyi frowned slightly: “In that case, let’s leave here for the time being and wait until we contact Wu Zhanyang.”

Since Wu Zhanyang can’t be contacted, it doesn’t make any sense for him to continue here, so it’s better to seek opportunities elsewhere.

After Wu Zhanyang appeared, he would join Wu Zhanyang to kill him again.


Feng Qingyi will never know.

Wu Zhanyang, the partner he planned to use against Jiang Chen, had already fallen into Jiang Chen’s hands.

Jiang Chen and the others had no knowledge of Feng Qingyi’s plan.

After Feng Qingyi and others leave.

Jiang Chen and the others focused on the mysterious ancient well, ready to go down to find out.

Because this place has imprisoned Yuanli, Jiang Chen and the others have lost the power of Yukong, and there is no way to go directly.


Xiao Baiyi first retreated a distance of 100 meters to restore a bit of vitality in his body. He took out a iron cord tens of meters long from the storage ring and put it into the ancient well.

“Brother Baiyi, you are watching from above, I will go down and take a look.”

Jiang Chen grabbed the iron cable with one hand and said to Xiao Baiyi and others.

Yuanling Mine is the essence of Spiritual Qi agglomerated from heaven and earth.

And this Yuanling vein has existed for at least a thousand years, and has not been touched by anyone.

Even an ant or a spider can become a powerful Demonic Beasts in this place for thousands of years.

Xiao Baiyi and the others rushed down, it would undoubtedly be very dangerous.

Xiao Baiyi nodded: “Okay, Brother Jiang, be careful.”

“rest assured.”

Jiang Chen smiled confidently, grabbed the iron cable and jumped down the ancient well.

With his current Cultivation Base, as long as he doesn’t encounter Demonic Beasts of the Seventh-Rank Beastmaster, there is no problem with self-protection.

Jiang Chen grabbed the iron cable all the way down.

After a distance of about ten or twenty feet, Jiang Chen finally came to the bottom of the well and stepped on the hard rock with his feet.

call out!

At the moment Jiang Chen fell, a scorching wind suddenly hit from behind.

Jiang Chen’s heart shuddered, and the invincible body refining technique immediately urged it to its limit, forming a faint golden gas on the surface of the body.


In the scorching hot wind, a red silk thread instantly hit the golden gas of Jiang Chen’s body, making chuckles.

Jiang Chen felt it suddenly.

The red silk thread seemed to contain a strong corrosive effect, corroding the golden gas of his body.

“What is this!”

Jiang Chen was surprised.

With his current Cultivation Base, the defensive qi condensed all over his body, the Practitioner below Shenhai Seventh Stage is almost hard to break.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, then suddenly turned around and looked around.

I saw a huge fiery red spider entrenched in a corner of the ancient well, revealing two cold maroon eyes.

“This is… the upgraded fire spirit poisonous spider that is comparable to the sixth rank Demonic Beasts!”

Jiang Chen’s eyes narrowed slightly.

It seems that the birth of the Yuanling vein is longer than he thought, and even creatures such as the Fire Spirit Poison Spider have been raised to the sixth rank.

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