"Well, let's go back to the question just now. Not only did you have a motive to kill him, but you also had an accident after you met him!"

"So...there is only one truth, and you are the murderer! Murderer, murderer...hand..."

Are you bringing your own echo?Everyone secretly complained.

In fact, they all thought that it was Tono Shinhisa who killed him, but they didn't know why he didn't admit it.

When we cut the grass and root, all the participants in the slaughter are present, and there is no emotion at all.Besides, your whole family has been killed, do you still want to pretend that you are a good person?

"I really don't understand what the patriarch is thinking. If you kill it, kill it, and you did a good job," said a member of the family.

"You don't want to live anymore? Don't drag our family down if you want to die!"

"That's right, don't you know what kind of scum the patriarch is? Don't cause trouble for our family."

"You're not going anywhere, are you?"


Hearing the strange remarks in his ears, Shinhisa Tono really wanted to cry but had no tears, and it seemed that he could not clear his suspicions.

Naturally, he also knew that one more is not much, and one less is not a lot.But it's not that he doesn't want to admit it, it's really not him who did this, he doesn't want to take the blame for others!

"Okay! Shut me up enough, it's not good for us to spread this out, kill them for me!"

· 0 for flowers · · · ·

Tono Shinji had a cold face, if words were useful, the Qiye family would not be wiped out.

As long as these few people are killed, is it not what he wants to say?

"Yo~ I'm so embarrassed that I want to kill someone? I'm so scared~" Inuyasha looked at the group of people surrounding him, but his face was full of smiles.

The patriarch ordered, and those people put their minds away, took out their weapons and aimed them at Inuyasha.

Elquette had fingers curling her short hair, she didn't want to worry about these things, and besides, this bastard didn't need her help.

Dog Dan is naturally the same, but Ellie is still understanding what these people are going to do?


Only Bai Xue, who is loyal to the Lord, gave a long shout to cheer Inuyasha~

The people of the Tono family have already started to charge, and the one who rushed in the forefront is the red mo who killed Qiye or something.

........ 0

"Justice will definitely be done, but sins are more punishable, and gods who have no choice but to walk in the world, now, I order you again, kneel before God and repent!" Inuyasha God said nonchalantly for a long time.

Then Qianxun Waterfall came out of its sheath, and the bones gradually took over the ice and snow.

God's realm!

In an instant, several times the gravitational force acted on those people, and they immediately fell to their knees.

The powerful Kama Kama was taken care of by Inuyasha.

"Are you willing to repent? Sinner." Baigu Chihiro Waterfall pointed to Kama Yamama at the front, and Inuyasha said with a blank expression.

"I, no, sin!"

Kama Kama's bones were "crunched" from the pressure, but he still said through gritted teeth.

"Lie!" The white bone Chihiro Waterfall in Inuyasha's hand jumped, and Kuma Yamama's face suddenly turned red.In his abdomen, a rib pierced his belly.

The depths of the ocean floor are known to easily squash a car, and a quick ascent after a deep dive can swell your body.

This is the change of pressure, and Baigu Qianxun Waterfall can control all the "forces" in the realm of God!

Inuyasha swells his bones, but compresses his skin...

In the end, the bones swelled except for the epidermis, and the epidermis shrunk to a point, and it was extremely painful to die.

"Now, is anyone willing to repent of their guilt?" Inuyasha's indifferent voice sounded among the dazed crowd. .

Chapter [-] He never wanted to let us go! (Ask for a flower ticket)

"Who the hell are you!" Tono Shinhisa stared at Inuyasha stubbornly.

Even among the head and branch families of the Tono family, Kama Koma is considered to be the top expert.

Even in the pattern of the entire world, it is also a medium-to-high-level combat power!

But now, he was killed by this silver-haired bastard in such an easy and cruel way. Is he really a god?

"A judge who witnessed a massacre." Inuyasha is really addicted to pretending now, and Baigu Chihiro Waterfall pointed at one person in the crowd at random, "Are you willing to repent?"

The voice is calm but unquestionable, as true as the one who judges the world impartially.

Inuyasha's actions immediately attracted everyone's attention.

And the lucky guy pointed at by him didn't expect him to be so lucky for a while, and stood there "[-]" at a loss.


"Silence can't cover up your crimes, I will give you ice punishment!"

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