The voice fell, and a bit of ice began to spread from his feet, and the biting cold eroded his body.

The man's expression was full of pain, and he wanted to shout with his mouth open, but before he could shout, the ice had completely engulfed him!

Under the blue transparent ice cube, the twisted expression is clearly visible.

"Brother, you didn't..."

While a person touched the ice cube, the crack appeared on his fingertips and quickly spread to the whole body.

In the end, the corpses were scattered all over the floor.

"Well..." The man spit out the last two words slowly, looking at his fingers in disbelief.

"Oh, congratulations, you killed him... Then did you deny your guilt and repent?" Inuyasha looked at the man with a smile, amiable~

"I plead guilty, I shouldn't have done this kind of thing that people and gods are angry with, I'm guilty, damn..."

The man said a lot of words in a series of words, all of which were his own sincere confessions.

However, nothing seems to get to the point.

"Well, since you pleaded guilty, then accept the punishment, congratulations, burn at the stake~"


Compared to the guy who couldn't even speak his screams, this person was much luckier. Look how happy that fire man was screaming.

He didn't seem to notice until he died, how could he suddenly move his body?

But in this way, everyone is stupid, because they find that they will die if they confess their guilt, if they don't, they will die if they don't even speak. This bastard doesn't want to let them go.

"This devil! To play with human life like this, you are the most damned and most powerful one!"

"Really? Who killed the corpses all over the place in the Seven Nights?"

"That's their damn!"

"Tsk tsk tsk... such a eloquent person who does not repent. God said: I want to give you a thunder sentence."

The voice fell, and a thick thunder and lightning fell on the man, directly splitting him into flying ashes, scattered in every corner.

Tono Shinji was a little panicked, and now he is ice, fire, and thunder...

Who can control the various elements between heaven and earth?Could it be... he is really the judge sent by the gods to judge them?


It was this person who killed Shiki Tono. He could never be a judge of a god. He was just a murderer, no different from what Shinhisa Tono did.

If we really talk about the difference, it is that the other party is a good person in the eyes of the world in the name of a god, while they are sinners.

"No, I'll be killed by him if I go on like this, I haven't..."

His mind turned sharply, and the blood of outsiders (demon race) in Tono Shinji's body began to boil, and he couldn't restrain his reversal.

Now, Tono Shinhisa is thinking...

But it was the two sisters of Wu Jing's family who had just been sent to the house. The backhand they had prepared with great effort was probably not needed. I hoped that he could live in the four seasons.

"Oh, you're missing your son... maybe you don't know it yet, he's my target, Akashic Serpent!"

"What did you say?"

"So you don't know yet, your son Tono Shiki is the Akashic snake among the twenty-seven ancestors of the dead disciples who are counted but not recognized, and the one next to me is the El who came to hunt him. Quat."

Regarding the world's top combat power of the twenty-seven ancestors, Tono Shinhisa naturally knew something.

However, he doesn't seem to know that Tono Shiki is Roja's eighteenth-generation boarding body.

Shinji Tono stopped talking, and Inuyasha got bored. 0

With so many people being tried one by one, how could he have time to accompany his wife and children?Or kill them all together?

Maybe one or two can be left behind and let them preach the good name of the judge, wouldn't it be beautiful?

"The gossip is over, sinners, accept the judgment!" Inuyasha stretched out his left hand and slowly tightened his palm towards them. Under the influence of the realm of God, these people only felt that they were being pinched by something.

The surrounding people quickly moved closer to the middle, and soon formed a meat ball composed of people.

clack clack...

The invisible force added them to squeeze the bone that dared not bear the weight to make a sour sound.

"It's over, sinners!" Inuyasha clenched his fists!

Blood shot out all of a sudden, everyone was squeezed into a small ball, and they couldn't die any longer.

"You really are a devil." Elquite stammered and turned his head somewhat uncomfortable.

"Hmph, isn't that one of these people guilty? Isn't it worth dying?"

"That's it."

Ergouzi and Goudan ran for a while, causing Erquit to babble.In fact, she had no idea about this kind of behavior, she just wanted to find a chance to slap the bastard who had been bullying her all the time.

As a result, I was bullied by this master and servant, what should I do... I want to cry...

In an instant, the older sister Elquette, who looked very mature at 5.6, turned back to an age of less than one year old in fact.

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