The people of the Tono family immediately became nervous. People who appeared at such a time would definitely not be kind.

"Patriarch Tono is really vicious, he won't let such a small child go." The villain Inuyasha complained first.

Tono Shiki's abnormality is naturally a good thing he has done. Although he is confident that this guy can't pry his corner, it is a variable to keep him after all, it is better to kill him directly.

It also avoided the tragedy of Shiki Tono who killed his father's enemy as a father and worked for the enemy in the future.

Such a good deed, why not do it?

"You let P! I didn't want to kill him at all, I know, it must be your fault!" Tono Shinhisa shouted.

"You only put P! And it still stinks!"

Inuyasha pretentiously reached out and fanned in front of his nose, as if it stinks.

Such an action is undoubtedly a strong ridicule. Didn't you see Tono Shinhisa's face as stinky as a stinky gutter?

"I've never met this little guy, and I haven't touched him at all, everyone has seen it, right?" Inuyasha said, he was actually asking those who belonged to the Tono family and the Tono family.

"Yes, yes..." What was even more unexpected was that someone really answered.

Although he looks silly, he must be an idiot.

"If you killed a person's entire family, would you keep that child growing up and wait for his revenge?" Inuyasha asked.

Just now that Tie Hanhan was slapped by the people around him, I wonder if anyone will answer this time? .

Chapter [-] Kneel Down!repent! (Ask for a flower ticket)

"Of course not. If the grass is not removed by its roots, and the spring breeze blows, the idiot will keep it!"

The person who spoke was a sullen guy who was still picking his nose.

He is not a member of the Tono family, or even a member of the Tono branch. He is here to take advantage of the situation, and he will follow whichever side is stronger.

Moreover, there are not many such people, because the benefits are huge.

"What are you looking at? Do you want to eat?"

The man badly stretched out his booger-stained fingers, and the people around him turned away from him, fearing that he would accidentally bounce him.

No wonder it can't be the climate, the quality - the inferior, inferior population!

"No one wants it? Then I'll enjoy it myself." Then he put his booger-stained fingers into his mouth.

After the smell disappeared, I took it out and rubbed it on the clothes, and then buttoned it up again.

"Gret!" Everyone including Inuyasha couldn't help but let out a retching, this person is really disgusting!

"You mean, I'm an idiot?" Tohno Shinji wiped his horns, he really vomited just now, how did this strange thing appear in the world?

"How dare I say you're an idiot? Didn't you kill that kid? Cleanly..."


Before the disgusting man had finished speaking, he was killed by the sudden appearance of the sword in the middle of the moon's mouth, which was really neat!

Blood splattered everywhere. Fortunately, everyone left the disgusting man's surroundings in advance, so it was not splashed.

blah blah blah...

Under the gazes of everyone, Tono Shinhisa walked to the corpse of the disgusting man step by step, and pulled out his own sword.

Without the obstruction of the blade, the blood spurted even more cheerfully.

Looking at the shivering crowd around him, Shinji Tono nodded with satisfaction. He looked at the long sword full of blood, and the blood of the demons in his body boiled uncontrollably.

"Gee..." Under the influence of the demon blood, Shinji Tono couldn't help licking the blood on the knife's body.

"Wow! Patriarch Tono really has a good appetite, I will vomit first as a respect, vomit!"

"Shut, vomit!"

The sound of vomiting came one after another, Tono Shinhisa finally suppressed the reversal, and then he couldn't help but vomit.

"Ouch! You are not allowed to vomit! Vomit! Otherwise I will kill you, vomit..."

"I'm sorry, Patriarch, we can't help it, vomit..."

"It's just vomit..."

For a time, the sound of vomiting drowned out the entire Seven Nights. If it weren't for the remote location, I don't know how many people would be attracted here.

Inuyasha reluctantly wiped his horns, but he didn't expect Shinhisa Tono to be so talented!

Elquette twitched her fur and resisted her tumbling stomach, realizing that she had made a mistake following this man.

Ellie is okay, she's still learning, just associating this kind of thing with "disgusting".I haven't felt too much yet, so I didn't feel sick to the point of vomiting.

Damn she... spit out a lot of oil~

"Gulugulu..." Inuyasha took out a bottle of water to rinse his mouth, and then spit it out.

"Patriarch Tono, you are not only ruthless, but also have such a hobby. It's really... uh, unexpected."

"You shut up! If it weren't for you, this incident would never have happened!" Tono Shinhisa stared at Inuyasha like a hungry wolf. He is still surging in his stomach, and it is estimated that he will not be able to get out of this shadow in this life. .

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