"Uh... This is the legend, my eldest brother will kill people when he wakes up?" Inuyasha sighed helplessly, this should be a runaway state, right?From the chuang gas is really big.

Looking at the berserker who seemed to be pounced on him, Inuyasha stood still, letting her throw herself to the ground.

Like this, it should be eager to suck blood, right?

Although the True Ancestor can survive without sucking blood, the instinct of being a vampire is still there, that is, the desire for blood.

Originally, [-]% of Elquier's strength was suppressing her blood-sucking impulse, but when she just woke up, she followed the awakening blood-sucking impulse, which made her go berserk before she could suppress it.

Before I couldn't find a human, I gradually calmed down, but now, there is a lot of blood here.

And her first target is this guy who smells very delicious! .

Chapter [-] Vampires are afraid of blood (seeking flowers tickets)

Although Elquette looks a little grim now, I have to say...the figure is still good!

Inuyasha was pressed under her body, and the hateful Datsuko was pressed against Yuexiong's mouth.

for a while...

"This shape, this touch, I give [-]%, I'm not afraid of her pride!" Inuyasha didn't want to struggle at all.Because he was worried that Elquite was going to attack Ellie, Inuyasha was letting her pounce on him.

But now, this Darenzi is really charming!

Not only that, but Inuyasha also wants to try it. What does it feel like to be sucked by a vampire? Is it really as exciting as in the movie?

Having said that...

Looking at the fangs in Elquette's mouth, Inuyasha still turned over and pressed her under him.If it weren't for Elquite in a rampant state to let her suck blood, it would be a kind of enjoyment, "Six Six Zero", but now it is definitely a kind of intimidation!

"This Naoko... keep playing, don't stop!" Inuyasha pressed Elquite's limbs with his limbs, preventing her from escaping.

As the ancestor of vampires, and a princess who can slaughter other ancestors, Elquite's body is very powerful.

To use an analogy, it is similar to the strength of Sesshomaru after it was demonized before it broke through.

Do you know how big Sesshomaru was at that time?Almost a hill!And Elquite is a human-sized body, and inside such a small body, there is such a terrifying power.


Except for a certain primitive savage, Inuyasha has never met an opponent in terms of strength.

Especially now that the Ancestral Dragon bloodline has been developed a little bit, this power of Elquite is no different from scratching a tickling for Inuyasha, or even better than scratching a tickling.

"Let me go, let me go!" Erquite's voice was a little hoarse due to his runaway.

Coupled with her sharp-edged image, it is estimated that going out will frighten a large group of children to cry.

However, Inuyasha is enjoying it.

This angry and helpless expression, as well as her twisting body, gave Inuyasha a tyrannical pleasure.Just like at the beginning, he wanted to ravage Dong Lan.

"Shut up, you'd better lie down obediently for me, or you will be at your own risk." Inuyasha squeezed her chin, preventing her from speaking.

He is trying to control himself, otherwise this vampire will not be as good as Dong Lan.

Goudan sighed helplessly, Ergouzi is good at everything, but he can't control his impulses in this regard.

But in fact... it can't be blamed on him.

Dogs are originally animals that can't control their lower bodies, and humans have very strong desires for everything.Just these two make it difficult for Inuyasha to control himself.

Moreover, everyone knows that "the dragon has nine sons, and the sons are different".

The reason why the nine sons are different is because they were not born by the same mother!This also has the saying that the dragon's nature is the silver (through the false character ~).

Therefore, it is not easy for Inuyasha to restrain himself so much.

"Forget it, be a good person..." Looking at Elquette, whose face was full of pain, Inuyasha forced a drop of blood that had begun to turn golden from the tip of his index finger.

The energy contained in it is enough to suppress her impulse for a year, unless she becomes addicted.


The bloodthirsty Elquite, who was still struggling just now, showed a look of fear when he really smelled the blood.

Perhaps the only time she sucked blood had caused her too much pain.So much so that when she smelled the blood she instinctively longed for, she showed fear and resistance from the bottom of her heart.

The golden color in his eyes receded, and the sharp teeth in his mouth also changed back to human appearance.

"Don't, take it away, stay away from me!" Elquite changed from a manic struggle to a weak retreat, helpless, pitiful...

"Relax, trust me, it's good for you, and you won't have the urge to suck blood for a year." Inuyasha smiled kindly, but in Erquite's eyes, he was as terrifying as a devil.

"I don't believe it, you lied to me, you're a bad person..." Quality Sanlian!

In any case, Elquite had developed a fear of blood-sucking, and feared that he would go berserk again.

Inuyasha shook his head helplessly, and did not receive a good person card, is this a good thing?No matter what, let's get straight to it.

at this time!

Elquite's eyes turned golden again, but it was not the berserk that the whites of the eyes turned red before, but the pupils simply turned golden. 0 She stared at Inuyasha's index finger, her short golden hair was windless and automatic.

Under the strange fluctuation, the drop of Inuyasha's blood actually began to tremble, and then flew towards the sky.

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