Ellie, who couldn't understand after thinking about it, slowly sat down on the ground and lay on the stage like Erquite.

But soon.

Ellie remembered what she taught herself in the training cabin Inuyasha, and after rolling around on the ground, she looked at Elquite face to face.

One with short blonde hair and one with long silver hair.

The two women lie on the high platform facing each other in this way, forming a very harmonious picture.

the other side.

Inuyasha finally succeeded in holding the dog under his body. After he took out his mobile phone and deleted the recording, he breathed a sigh of relief, but found that the system light curtain in his sight suddenly played audio.

"It seems that I haven't been to the true ancestor yet." It was Inuyasha's voice.

He seems to have forgotten that Goudan itself is a machine, and it also controls the system... It is useless to delete the recording on the phone!

"You are so ruthless..." Inuyasha rolled over and lay on the ground weakly, his eyes looking up at the sky lost his vigour.

"Hmph~ I told you to bully me in the morning." Goudan proudly rolled over and sat on Inuyasha's body. This is really called a slave to turn over and sing. Today, Goudan finally rides on Ergozi~

But soon, she was pushed up by a powerful lever.

Goudan was stunned for a moment, and when there was no response, it was overturned by the lever that suddenly stood up.

"Are you a jack? I have five hundred pounds, can you give me some respect." Goudan sat up and patted Inuyasha's little brother, yes, it was the lever!

She admires herself now that she was able to successfully "defeat" her little brother last night.

Now that I think about it, it's not unreasonable to use softness to overcome rigidity.

Inuyasha sat up from the ground and was about to mock Goudan for a few words, but found that Ellie was nowhere to be seen.

"Ow~" Bai Xue called out to him, and then pointed to the high platform with the best.Logically, after the Age of Gods is over, this Snow Wolf's physique should not be able to cultivate demon power, but Bai Xue is getting smarter and smarter.

When sitting, I couldn't see it due to line of sight problems. As soon as I stood up, Inuyasha saw Ellie on the high platform.

"What is she doing?" Inuyasha looked at Ellie who was lying face to face with Erquite, and Inuyasha fell into confusion for a while.

"Go and have a look, will you know soon?"

Goudan sat on the ground and stretched out his little hand, and Inuyasha pulled her up to the high platform and came to Ellie's side.

As a result, she found that Ellie didn't feel their arrival at all, and still quietly looked at Elquite's profile.And on her face, I don't know when two lines of clear tears appeared.

Inuyasha didn't bother, he found that the two seemed to have fallen into some kind of strange synchronization.

Ellie felt the sadness in Elquite's heart and cried. Ellie, who has been less than two days since she was born, is naturally not sad.

"Is this Ellie's own talent?" Inuyasha secretly asked.

With the dragon's heart constantly strengthening her body, Inuyasha thought she would awaken her physical talent, but she didn't expect her to awaken her spiritual talent.

It's still very powerful, but there's absolutely no reason for this...

Could it be that this is the legendary pure heart?

Even though Elquette has survived for more than [-] years, she has been awake for less than a year, and she is also a child full of innocence.So she and Ellie have a lot of similarities.

Inuyasha rubbed his brows, the opportunity was rare, and he also sneaked into Erquite's heart to take a look.

Take advantage of Ellie's heart.

a long time.

"How can I say it, it's a tragedy." Inuyasha said.

In Erquit's heart, he saw everything.As a weapon born to hunt down the true ancestors who had fallen after drinking blood, Elquite was very harmonious with the true ancestors in the Millennium City.

But the bright sunshine was quickly obscured by dark clouds.

· 0 for flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

After the human magician who entered Millennium City tricked her into drinking blood, Millennium City turned bloody.

All the true ancestors were slaughtered by the berserk Elquite...

Now, in the mind of this [-]-year-old girl, there is only endless guilt and an indelible trace of resentment.And now that resentment was throbbing, calling her out of her slumber.

A reincarnation appeared again through Roja, whose powers were taken away by Elquette's blood-sucking.

"She's awake." Ellie suddenly regained consciousness and whispered.

However, girls are usually chuangqi, especially a girl who has been sleeping for a hundred years.Especially a girl who was awakened by resentment and had been sleeping for a hundred years.

...... 0

Crack... Ding!

The thousand chains that wrapped around Elquite's body immediately shattered and flew out.

At the same time, she opened her eyes.

Those are a pair of burgundy eyes like Ellie, very beautiful.But at the moment, it is full of hatred, and it seems that the state is very unstable, or the state of Erquite's whole person is very unstable.

Her body trembled slightly, the whites of her eyes began to turn red, and the pupils turned from red to gold.

"Roar!" The current Elquite, full of sharp teeth, let out a snarl, not at all as peaceful as when he slept just now.

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