"Is fantasy materialized? It's a magical ability..." Just now, the gravity of the space where Inuyasha's index finger was turned reversed.

That is, the original downward gravity has become an upward gravity, and the blood will "fall" toward the sky.But this made Inuyasha want to fall in love with Erquit even more.

The range of gravity she just changed was limited to the top of her fingertips.

If she inverts the range of gravity a little bit below, under the tearing of two opposite gravity, ordinary people will be torn in half directly.

But Elquite didn't do that, even though Inuyasha was a badass to her today.

Realization of Utopia: The ability possessed by spirits as natural touches to connect their own will with the world, so that the world changes according to their own imagination.

Inherent enchantment is a subspecies of utopian materialization, and this millennium city is the product of materialization.

In this way, the ability of BUG is naturally limited, so it can only act on nature, and cannot act on individuals independent of nature.

For example, Elquite can materialize and change gravity, but she can't directly turn Inuyasha into a puppy... Well, for animals like kittens, gravity is a product of nature, while Inuyasha is an independent existence 2.1 .

Not only Inuyasha, but all human beings.

"Huh..." When the bloody smell faded away, Elquite finally breathed a sigh of relief and confiscated the tools for committing the crime!

She looked at Inuyasha proudly. At this time, the innocent side was revealed. She was happy like a child~

However, if it was ordinary blood, it would have disintegrated long ago.

However, Inuyasha's blood not only contains a strong life force, but its strength is incomparable to humans and even most elf fantasy species. After entering a chaotic sky, it still maintains its original appearance.

Now that gravity is back, it naturally begins to fall from the air.

"Look, there is a gray machine, a big gray machine..." Inuyasha suddenly pointed to the sky and said to Elquette. .

Chapter [-]: Help Erquit measure the measurements? (Ask for a flower ticket)

"Haiji? Where's the hooker?" Erquite was really naive, and looked in the direction of Inuyasha's finger.In this way, Inuyasha remembered his previous life when he was a child, when the gray machine was still a rarity.

Every time a handicraft flew under the head, someone would point at the handicraft and shout, and then everyone looked up.

And in this thousand-year-old city, it is naturally impossible to have a gray machine.

What Elquite saw was a drop of blood that was constantly magnifying in her eyes, and before she could react, it fell into her mouth.


As the throat rolled subconsciously, the drop of blood fell into her belly.

"How can you..." Elquite looked at Inuyasha angrily, as if Inuyasha had taken her virginity.But she didn't do anything like Inuyasha, but quickly manifested some chains and locked herself again.

It seems that it is to prevent himself from going wild again.

Inuyasha silently looked at Elquette, who had wrapped himself into an iron zongzi, secretly thinking that this girl is really cute and silly.

28 Did she forget that she was powerless to break free from someone's control after the rampage just now?

There is also a twisted chain, is it really useful?

a long time.

A gust of breeze swept the fallen leaves all over the ground, and Erquite was awkwardly in the chain.She found that she didn't have the urge to go berserk at all, and even the blood-sucking urge that had been bothering her before was gone.

She tried to reduce the power she used to suppress the blood-sucking urge a little bit, but she didn't feel anything.

Even after he was completely relaxed, he didn't have the urge to suck blood like an ant gnawing at his bone marrow.

"Who are you? Why does blood have such an effect?" Elquite got out of the chain little by little, staring at Inuyasha curiously.

He even poked Inuyasha's face with his hand, not afraid of his appearance at all.

"I'm a big liar, a big bad guy..." Inuyasha looked at her and smiled, these were all the comments Elquette had made of him before.

"You're a big liar, you've been lying to me, there's no mess here!"

Silly, but also a little naive and willful, she is the true ancestral princess.

A girl like this is simply too deceitful, that is, Inuyasha, a decent gentleman, if he met other people, he would have been deceived long ago.

"Okay, let me introduce, my name is Inuyasha, I'm a monster." Inuyasha said.

"Monster? Goblin?"

"Uh..." Inuyasha also didn't know how to explain the existence of monsters with a person with a Western concept.

After thinking about it, he said: "The so-called monster, you can think of him as a fantasy species, but it is an existence that has acquired various magical abilities through acquired practice. For example, creatures such as dragons are essentially monsters."

"Dragon? That's the perfect fantasy."

"It's not the big lizard with wings, but the dragon from the east." Inuyasha explained.

"Dragon is the most perfect and powerful fantasy species, not a winged lizard!"

"Ah!!! You can treat me as a fantasy species, please..." Inuyasha collapsed, should she be called stupid?Or is she sticking to her personal principles?

In the moon world, all kinds of monsters in Western legends are called fantasy species.

The fantasy species can be divided into three types from low to high, magical beasts, magical beasts, and divine beasts. Medusa's Pegasus is one of the magical beasts.

The dragons in the west can only be distributed in the three lower levels. For example, Duo Mao is the red dragon that guards Britain. It belongs to the existence of the mythical beast, and it is the strongest and most perfect fantasy species.

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