These powers were nothing compared to the army of monsters that besieged her back then, not to mention that after this resurrection, she was ready to step into the realm of the Earth Immortal at any time, and she had a dragon's heart that continuously provided spiritual power.

"Come on, let me play with you first." Cui Zilian tapped the ground with her feet, and the long sword in her hand was threatening.


With a few swords, the feathers fell to the ground.

the other side.

But it is not so comfortable, as the so-called enemy is particularly jealous when they meet.No matter whether the monster in front of her is controlled or not, but her parents were killed by him at the beginning, which is enough to sentence him to death.

"Die!" The long-bow-length Demon-Breaking Arrow was fast and piercing, heading straight for the throat of Hakuto Sagamifang.

However, such a straight attack is obviously not enough to hit a winged demon king.

Hakumine Sagamibo flew fast, dodged the Demon Breaking Arrow and rushed towards Kikyo.Although Kukai ordered to kill Inuyasha, this did not prevent him from solving the woman who was in the way first.

"Roar!" I don't know if it was because he lost his mind, or if he couldn't speak before.

Hakumine Sagami Fang let out an unpleasant roar, and quickly rushed towards Kikyo, with a flick of the fan in his hand, a turbid whirlwind swept towards Kikyo.

"No Road Race!" In this sentence, there is no hint of arrogance, it is completely the anger of Kikyo.

She pulled the bowstring, and an arrow of the same wind attribute flew out, blowing the cloudy whirlwind away.


At this time, Baifeng Sagamifang had already rushed in front of her, and there was no time for her to draw the bow at all.

"Roar!" Bai Feng Sagami roared. His wings were sharper than ordinary swords. If he could hit this woman directly, he would definitely be able to cut her body in half.

"Stop joking, do you think my master and I only learn bows and arrows?" Kikyo showed a contemptuous smile.

Using a bow as a sword, she threw Baifeng Sagamibo who had rushed in front of her to the ground with four or two strokes of a thousand jins, and then...

Kikyo immediately placed the middle and index fingers of her right hand in front of her pretty face, and muttered a few words in her mouth.

"Spiritual Binding!" Kikyo pointed her two fingers together to Hakumine Sagami Fang, who had just climbed up. A chain composed entirely of spiritual power stretched out from the ground and firmly grasped Hakumine Sagami Fang.

ding ding...

The chain was pulled by Hakumine Sagami Fang, making a crashing sound, as if it would be torn off in the next moment.


The arrow, which has been braving the power of white magic, has already flown to the head of Hakumine Sagamifang.


The arrow effortlessly passed through the head of Hakumine Sagamibo and flew to the distant sky.And that Baifeng Sagamifang stopped struggling, and after about two or three seconds, his ugly head exploded like a watermelon.


Hakumine Sagamibo's body fell to the ground, and gradually turned into a little bit of spirit and scattered in the air.

But Kikyo's delicate brows were wrinkled. She didn't feel the thrill of revenge. The unusual way of dying of Shirahine Sagami Fang was telling her that there was something strange in it.

At the same time, the other six Great Tengu were also beheaded by Cuizi.

For an existence like Cuizi, killing these big tengu is like chopping vegetables, not to mention being maimed by Inuyasha before.

"Chikyo, they have no soul!" Cuizi turned to Kikyo and said.

She just tried to extract the souls of these big tengu and completely purify them, but she failed.There is no soul in these things at all, just a puppet.


The Zen staff in Kukai's hand collided with Qianxun Waterfall, making a crisp and harsh humming sound.

"Hahaha... You guys can't kill my Babu!" Kukai tried hard to push Inuyasha away, but he underestimated the latter's almost perverted brute force. Not only did he fail to push Inuyasha, but he was shocked Li took a few steps back.

"Really? Master Kukai, you should take care of yourself first~"

Inuyasha would not miss such an opportunity, he quickly bullied him forward, Qianxun Waterfall turned into a white cold light and slashed towards his neck.

Baigu Qianxun Waterfall, the sharpest and most sturdy existence in all states.

"Ha!" Kong Hai suddenly roared loudly, making a majestic sound that was completely different from the old state before.I saw a golden light composed of twisted Sanskrit characters covering his body.


Baigu Qianxun Waterfall slashed above the golden light, and there was a humming sound of gold and iron, like the sound of the big bell outside.

"Golden bell hood, iron cloth shirt? (Automatically fill in the voice of a certain Bai Zhantang)" In fact, to be precise, this should be that the King Kong is not bad. How can I say that there is a King Kong Sutra among the scriptures that Kong Hai got.

"Come out, my followers, sacrifice your souls to fight for me!"

Kukai ignored Inuyasha's ridicule, and he smashed the Zen stick on the floor tile again, directly smashing the poor floor tile.

As the bell rang, little black feathers flew into the air, and the seven big tengu that were killed by Cuizi and Kikyo just now occupied the space in the air again, like a group of flying crows.

"You actually imprisoned their souls! Enslaved them forever!" Inuyasha pointed his sword at Kukai and drank with an unhappy expression.

Such behavior is even more ill than Feng Hao's father.

Although Feng Hao's father annihilated his soul, the remaining essence was unconscious, and they would not feel pain.But the souls of these seven Great Tengu are complete, and they also have complete consciousness.

"So what? I, Kong Hai, are the only true Buddha in this world. They should sacrifice everything for me!"

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