Chapter [-] The old turtle with nowhere to go

"Fart, what kind of green onion are you meowing? How many?" Inuyasha fought at the bottom in his previous life, so he was used to seeing such self-righteous and high-level people, and he hated such people extremely.

So Inuyasha has been trying to avoid becoming such a person as much as possible, even after possessing great power.

And the way he used it was to indulge in... that big and white da henzi!


"I'm obsessed!" Kong Hai swung his meditation stick, and the seven big tengu immediately flew up.They kept chanting the Buddha's name, as if this was their belief.

"It would be great if Zakuhime was here, her sealing technique is really useful now." At this time, Inuyasha thought of Zarahime.

However, Zoji should be on Penglai Island with Izayoi and the others now.

Inuyasha shook his head. Now is not the time to think about it, because Kukai has rushed up with his Zen staff.

Although the temple is small, it can also shelter from the wind and rain.At this time, after the temple was broken by them, the gang wind in the high sky was infesting them all the time, and they needed to use spiritual power to resist the gang wind.

Kong Hai's long beard was flying, and the simple-looking monk's robe also moved with the 927 wind, like an angry lion.

"Good job!" Inuyasha roared, and rushed up with a long knife.

Red clothes fluttering, silver hair three thousand feet!

The terrifying brute force poured into Qianxun Waterfall without limit, and chopped it down on Kukai's Zen staff.Although this old monk has a high cultivation base, he is only a human being, and he is not walking the path of refining qi and blood.

Coupled with his old age and frailty, he was slashed by Inuyasha and couldn't stop backing away.


The Zen staff in his hand was shaking uncontrollably, and he almost wanted to let go.

"What a lot of strength!" Kong Hai exclaimed, and with a flick of his hand, he threw out the Buddha beads on his left hand.As soon as the string of Buddha beads left his arm, it immediately turned into beads that covered the place where Inuyasha was going.

"Hey, I let you come and go!"

The ice-blue Qianxun Waterfall waved, and the tiny ice thorns hit those Buddha beads accurately.

clack clack...

The dark blue ten thousand-year-old ice with a hardness comparable to that of diamond quickly covered the surface of the Buddha beads, turned them into ice lumps, and fell to the ground.

"But that's it..." Inuyasha waved his long knife in disdain and approached Kukai step by step.


However, Kukai suddenly snorted coldly, and after Inuyasha stepped into the range covered by those Buddha beads, they suddenly floated in the air again.

It's like... a grenade about to explode.

Looking at the dazzling buddha beads, Kong Hai had a smug smile on his face, and the enemy had nowhere to go.But when he raised his head, he saw Inuyasha's sarcastic smile again.

An ominous feeling filled his heart, but he still couldn't think of why.


When Kukai came back to his senses, he found that he was surrounded by dazzling Buddha beads, while Inuyasha was waving at him on the ground.

"This is... what's the situation?" Kong Hai looked around in confusion.

Boom, boom, boom...

Before he could figure out what was going on, the buddha beads that radiated to their extremes exploded one after another.The smoke and dust covered Kong Hai's body, and he couldn't see what was going on inside for a while.

But the deafening explosion sound proved that the people inside would never feel better.

"Humph! Motor motor~"

Just now, Inuyasha used another usage of Tianya's Reach, and transferred those Buddha beads directly to Kukai's side.

Although he actually wanted to directly replace Kong Hai with his own position, the old guy's cultivation base is too high, and his willpower is too firm. This consumes too much demon spirit power, and the gains outweigh the losses.

"Husband, you're the most handsome!" There was a loud bang, and Xiao Yu, who had been a mascot for a long time, clapped her hands happily.

"Meow~" The mica standing on her shoulder also patted the soles of her forefoot, almost losing her balance and falling off Xiaoyu's shoulder.

Xiaoyu quickly grabbed Mica and put her back on her shoulder.

The latter licked Xiaoyu's cheek cutely, as if thanking her for her help, she was simply adorable.

the other side.

The seven big tengu were once again smashed to pieces by Cuizi and Kikyo, but soon re-formed their bodies in the air.

"I didn't expect the first battle after the resurrection to be so similar to the Jade of the Four Souls." Cuizi waved her long sword with a wry smile, which reminded her of bad memories.

"How can it be repaired! I want to kill the real Baifeng Great Tengu, not these puppets!" Kikyo shot an arrow angrily.

The smoke gradually dissipated.

Inuyasha narrowed his eyes and stared inside, but... but found no trace of Kukai.


An explosion like that just now, if he wanted to blow up Kong Hai, it would be a fool's dream, so where did he go?

At this moment, a strong wind hit the back of his head from behind him!

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