"Wear my old battle armor and hold my old long sword, I will fight for protection!" On the Cuizi witch's clothes, the battle armor and the battle skirt appeared.

There is also a sharp long sword in her hand, which are all her previous weapons.

However, when Inuyasha was in the slayer village, he used the materials he had collected, as well as the materials collected by the slayers in the past.They were re-forged to make them more perfect, and at the same time they could be hidden in Cuizi's body.

"Meow!" Mica snarled, but knowing that she couldn't help, she jumped onto Xiaoyu.

This made Kukai even more convinced that both Xiaoyu and Mica were just mounts with no combat power.

"I have never worshipped gods or Buddhas. Between heaven and earth, only self-seeking is the most real life." Inuyasha said lightly.The ancient ancestors survived among the wild and different species, not because of these gods and Buddhas!

It is blood and sweat that can make human beings step by step to today and become the master of the whole world.

"You will believe it." Kong Hai held a Buddha bead in his left hand and a Zen staff in his right, and his long beard fluttering in the wind made him look quite temperamental.

"Come on, convince me~"

Inuyasha hooked his fingers contemptuously at him, and slowly pulled out Chihiro Waterfall.

Ding Qinjian... Although it is fierce, it has been said before that it has suffered serious trauma in the ancient war.Can it be best not to use it, its blade is already very unstable.

The best way is to re-forge the fierce, but Inuyasha does not have enough ideal materials now.

Maybe Qianxun Waterfall is good, but he doesn't want to merge the two now.

"Buddha Amitabha, why are you so obsessed? Take refuge in my Buddha!" ​​The Zen staff in Kong Hai's hand suddenly fell, the bells rang outside, and the seven big tengu rushed over immediately.

The black feathers that fluttered down one after another fell. Although these big tengu were different in appearance, they all seemed to lose their hair.

And this time.

Only then did Inuyasha discover that the feather that Shrimp gave him was not from Hakumine Sagamifang, but from Dashan Boqifang.

If it wasn't for Kukai, the old monk who brought them together, Inuyasha would have lost the trace of Hakumine Sagamifang again. From this point of view, he seems to have to thank Kukai.

"Come on, you group of miscellaneous practitioners, the name of Tengu is not something you can use!" Inuyasha said recklessly.

Qianxun Waterfall's blade is dark, and it seems that there are still galaxies shining inside.

The dark Qianxun Waterfall is used to release the skills of the waning moon of the underworld.It's just that in the face of these demon kings, it's useless to send them to the underworld, it will only cause trouble to the daughter-in-law.

Although there was trouble in the underworld, Yan Mo could stare at them with just one look, but Inuyasha still didn't want to cause her trouble.

Because, this will give Yan Mo an excuse, and then squeeze him a few more times.

Therefore, Inuyasha will not use the circular underworld, but the cutting edge underworld.I believe it will be fun to cut them with this kind of space, and surprise these bird people!

"Amitabha, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha, take refuge in my Buddha..."

Those Big Tengu kept chanting Buddha's name, obviously they had been completely brainwashed.

Over the past few hundred years, Kong Hai should have brainwashed them one by one, or else the seven demon kings would go up together, even the half-step Earth Immortal Kong Hai couldn't hold it, let alone Kong Hai who had not reached the peak before.


"Closed the miscellaneous repairs!"

The pervasive Buddha's sound made Inuyasha feel very uncomfortable. Although it wouldn't affect his mind, it also made him very irritable!

The waning moon of the underworld is broken!

The dense crescent moon-shaped underworld filled the space in front of Inuyasha. The big Tengu instinctively felt wrong, and immediately fluttered their wings to escape. Their movements were agile and swift, but they became sluggish under the influence of gravity.

"Hmph~ Just because you dare to call me Datengu, it's an insult to Lao Tzu!" Inuyasha waved Chihiro Waterfall in disdain.

Even so, the Demon King still has some strength.

The group of big tengu dodged left and right in the dense underworld, and finally avoided a lot of underworld slashes, but it was inevitable that they would retreat without arms!

And the only complete one is Hakumine Sagamifang.

It's not that he is powerful, but that Inuyasha deliberately let him rush over.This is a good medicine for the treatment of Kikyo, but if Inuyasha has eaten it, Kikyo needs to be eaten by itself.

Underworld castration continued, tearing the roof and right wall of the temple into powder.

This temple, which doesn't look very good from the outside, but is very beautiful on the inside, was destroyed in one fell swoop.

"Bastard! I want you to die!"

Chapter [-] The Unkillable Big Tengu

Kong Hai couldn't keep his previous indifference any longer, showing a hideous expression.

It took him nearly a hundred years to build this place, built by these big tengu carrying a piece of stone on his back.The frescoes above are the works that he has worked hard to complete and painted by himself.

Hundred years of hardships, ruined in one fell swoop!

"Kill him!" Shrinking Kong Hai roared, the seven big tengu, who had retreated without arms, swirled and pounced again.

And he himself rushed up with a Zen staff, obviously going to join the battle.

"COMEON~ Don't draw a turtle on your bald head today, I'll write his meow's name upside down!" Inuyasha easily dodged the attack of the big tengu, and kicked them behind him one by one.

Seeing this, Cuizi stopped six of them, while Baifeng Sagami Fang was let go by her and left to Kikyo.

Looking at these six big tiangu with their teeth and claws, Cuizi played a sword flower with a relaxed expression.

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