A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 183 Entrance

In the days leading up to Christmas, the northern part of Scotland experienced a continuous heavy snowfall for several days.

It was colder than ever in the castle, and Hermione held the bottle of blue flame in her arms all the time.

On the basement floor of the castle, the surrounding air is even more bone-chillingly cold, and every breath feels like an ice bath for the lungs.

Fred and George fell ill from it, coughing and coughing, and the sound of their coughs wafted through the dining hall at breakfast.

Madam Pomfrey came home from vacation, and Professor McGonagall gave each of the twins a snuff bottle, with dark red ointment in it, and red smoke coming out of the mouth of the bottle.

After taking a puff of these cigarettes, the whole lung feels like being filled with chili water, which is hot, and I will not cough for a while afterwards.

The two brothers sat in front of the fireplace in the common room, puffing out red smoke from their noses, discussing something dangerous in low tones.

Fred said, "There's still a lot of explosive fluid left by Charles, let's take it with us."

George said, "You remember one of the spells he mentioned before he left, the one that sealed things in paper?"

"We can seal all the explosive liquid in a notebook, so that we don't have to worry about it colliding with an explosion."

Fred nodded and said, "That's a good method. We can also put some biting kale in it, maybe it will come in handy."

"I think we can bring a little more stuff," George said.

At this time, Hermione came down from the boys' dormitory, Harry was still hot and sweaty, and she and Ron took turns delivering three meals a day.

Hermione was going to the library when she heard the twins talking and asked, "Where are you taking things?"

Hogwarts should have very strict management of staying in school during the holidays, and students cannot run around. Hermione worried that they would do something that violated school rules again.

Fred replied casually, "We'd like to apply for a trip to Hogsmeade to get some treats for Christmas."

George then said, "What would you like for a snack?"

Hermione believed it, and these two guys often sneaked to Hogsmeade, so they reported a long list of candy names.

"I see." Fred said seriously.

George went on: "We're going to move the whole Honeydukes back."

Not long after Hermione left the common room, Ron also came to the common room, sat next to the fourth and fifth, and asked in a deep voice, "Is your cough better?"

Fred and George nodded, and the fourth child said, "We can act according to plan."

On this day, Hermione was flipping through books in the library looking for something that was afraid of chickens, the Weasleys were busy preparing things, and Harry was helping Charles with his holiday homework in the dormitory.

The next day, at the end of breakfast time, the four, five, and six children of the Weasley family came to the basement of the castle.

In addition to the dormitories of Slytherin and Hufflepuff, potion classrooms, alchemy classrooms and Snape's office, there are corridors leading to different dungeons on this floor.

Some of these dungeons still retain the function of detaining and punishing students, and some have been transformed into high (yì rán) level (yì bào) potion production rooms, waste storage rooms, etc. There is also a room where many fireflies live .

There is a dark corridor here. Although there are braziers on both sides, there is a thick layer of dust inside, and you can't see your fingers. You can see couples here from time to time.

The three Weasley brothers moved forward slowly relying on the light from the tip of their wands, and soon they came to the end, which was an ordinary-looking stone brick wall.

Fred said to Ron, "Go look around at the braziers."

Ron walked to the side and looked around, and when he returned to the wall to meet the fourth and fifth brothers, his face was solemn.

"The inside of the three braziers is very clean." He didn't notice this detail when he came here before. "This wall is the same, there is very little dust on it."

No dust means it has been used recently.

Fred said, "The brazier is the key."

George continued: "Need to light three at the same time."

Ron took a deep breath and said, "Next, we need to light the brazier."

Fred said to him, "Let's get ready before that. I'll be at the front, George is at the back, and Ron is in the middle. Keep an eye on the ceiling."

Ron and George nodded. No one knows what will happen next, so everyone should take corresponding measures.

Fred and George each took out a notebook. The "pictures" in it included bottles of explosive liquid, rockets for dealing with acromantulas, Charles' new variety of biting kale, and yesterday's stolen from the greenhouse. unripe mandrakes.

"One brazier for each person." Fred began to command, "Listen to my count and light the fire together."

The three brothers split up and lit three braziers at the same time.

There was a sound of rubbing bricks and stones. In the light of the fire, the wall at the end of the corridor was like the wall from the Leaky Cauldron to Diagon Alley. Bricks moved around, revealing a doorway.

It was dark inside, and Fred raised his wand and shone through it, and found a staircase behind the door.

They were in no hurry to go in, Fred and George had enough experience in exploring secret passages.

The three of them waited for a while to confirm that the air inside was not dull and would not suffocate people, and then walked in according to the formation they had just agreed upon.

Behind them, Jack, who was invisible, sighed inwardly, recalling the first time he and his two friends set foot in it when he was in fifth grade.

Jack didn't feel any regrets. When he graduated, he took out the remains of Nocto Gunter and buried it together with his friends Ominis Gunter and Sebastian Saru, and persuaded the vice principal Matilda Professor Weasley partially changed the terrain here, but unexpectedly, he was discovered by the Gunter family and the juniors of Professor Weasley's family one after another.

He thought for a while, and went to the Pig's Head Bar for a drink regardless of the sound of fighting coming from inside.

The Weasleys didn't expect that as soon as they walked into the tunnel and walked down the semicircular spiral staircase, there was an iron armor guarding the middle of the road.

When Jiajia saw the person coming, he attacked without saying a word. The long sword in his hand seemed to be able to cut the person in half easily.

Ron subconsciously cast a levitation spell on the armor, making it levitate in the air, and then was shattered by the twins' spell.

A piece of parchment fell from the scattered armor, which looked very old.

Ron caught the parchment and saw that it said "If you don't have a firm will, leave."

If Dumbledore or Charles were here, they would recognize Voldemort's handwriting.

On the north side of the parchment is what appears to be a painting, only half of a snake's head, which should be part of a larger painting.

"Let's go." Ron said firmly, "We can only move forward."

He put away the parchment, raised his wand and was about to lead the way, only to be caught behind by Fredella.

The construction site held meetings for two consecutive days yesterday and today until ten o'clock in the evening, and the head was big.

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