A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 182 Quick and accurate

The starry sky is so deep and bright, lying on the ground, as if being in the whole universe.

Charles looked at the stars, and couldn't remember how many times he was knocked down to the ground in so many days. Anyway, it was less than the number of stars.

Feld walked to Charles and sat down, took a sip from a hip flask from his pocket.

He shook the flagon in front of Charles and asked, "Would you like some?"

Charles naturally shook his head. The jug contained a kind of medicinal wine, which was sour and bitter. The only advantage was that drinking it would make people feel cold, and it saved air-conditioning and electricity bills in the hot summer.

Feld took another sip and said with satisfaction: "I haven't seen such a gifted child as you for many years. His concentration and willpower are far beyond ordinary people. He knows how to cast spells silently at this age."

Charles's closed mouth was only slightly curled up in what appeared to be a smile.

I couldn't speak during this period of time, and I was idle when I was idle, so Feld asked himself to practice casting spells silently.

According to Feld, he had explored around the world in his early years. In the rainforest of the Malay Archipelago, he was roasted by a dwarf on a fire. In Shennongjia, he was chased by wild men on two hills. In Siberia, he was slapped by Chuchuna. The river, the Rocky Mountains being pursued by Bigfoot...every humanoid magical creature known on Earth has seen it.

Charles believed it, because there lived a unique Australian Youwei nearby. These three-meter-tall, humanoid magical animals with long gray hair all over the body would go to the nearby small river to drink water every morning.

This also proved Feld's strength, otherwise the grave would have been covered with green leaves.

"Your silent spellcasting is learned through repeated training." Feld took another sip of his wine. "This method has advantages and disadvantages."

"The advantage is that the basic skills are solid, and I can feel how the magic spell changes from sound to silence from scratch, which lays the foundation for future wandless spellcasting."

"The disadvantage is that the efficiency is too low, there is a lack of generalization, and it is difficult to apply to other spells. If you change the spell, you have to start from scratch."

Charles nodded, realizing this himself.

Feld continued: "You still have a disadvantage, the wand is too long, so the casting speed will be slower than others."

Charles nodded again. The problem of slow casting speed was discovered when he was spawning monsters in the hot cave.

Silent casting is just that you don't need to move your mouth, but you still have to move your hands. Too long a wand makes it more difficult to cast a spell before swinging, and the time is too long.

He has made a lot of efforts for this, and some results have been achieved, but he has not been able to fundamentally solve this problem. When casting spells, he gets twice the result with half the effort and spends a lot more energy than others.

Feld went on to say: "Of course, this problem can be solved by casting spells without a wand, but this is equivalent to giving up the advantages of the wand's manipulative magic power and spell accuracy."

"The best way, of course, is to use a wand to cast spells without a wand."

Charles was a little dizzy when he heard that, since he used a wand, what kind of spellcasting without a wand?

Feld continued to drink while saying: "There are two basic principles in magic duels, one is 'the only thing in the world that can't be broken quickly', and the other is 'a cannon with a hundred shots that hits once is not as good as a cannon that hits every shot'."

"Casting spells without a wand is fast, but using a wand is accurate."

"Although African hand gesture spells and Chinese hand formula spells do not use magic wands, we don't practice them from childhood like them. It takes a lot of practice to be accurate, and the gains outweigh the losses."

"So it is very convenient and necessary for us to use the wand to improve the accuracy of the spell."

Charles nodded slightly, understanding what he meant. With the European magic system he was learning now, the wand was still very useful.

"Go to bed first." Feld finished his drink, "Tomorrow I will teach you the secret of casting spells silently, and when you learn how to cast spells silently, I will teach you the tricks of casting spells without a wand .”

After he finished speaking, he looked at his watch, and the apparition "biu" disappeared.

There is an underground kangaroo boxing match in the wizarding society here, and the kangaroo he raises is also a competitor. There will be a high-level match tonight, and it is just in time to catch up.

Charles is not interested in this kind of game, which is of the same nature as horse racing. Although his first, second... Nth bucket of gold was obtained by gambling, it was by cheating.

If you get stuck in it, if you win, you can be a young model in the clubhouse, and if you lose, you can be a young model in the clubhouse.

Although this is the edge of the desert, groundwater resources are abundant, and the wells on the farm are sufficient to ensure water for living and production.

In the bathroom, Charles rushed from head to toe with cold water, feeling refreshed.

After taking a shower, I came to the restaurant. There was a large glass of juice milk prepared by Emily, with a straw inserted in the glass.

Now Charles can only drink liquid food, so as not to accidentally chew or swallow the mandrake.

He pressed the mandrake leaves in his mouth under his tongue and finished his supper.

He had to rinse his mouth with mouthwash before going to bed, and he didn't want to go back and report to Lord Granger first.

The air conditioner was turned on in the bedroom, and it was very comfortable to lie on the bed. At this moment, he couldn't help thinking, is Fu Rong's injury better?

When he came to Australia this time, he passed through France. Charles took the opportunity to go to Delacour’s house to give Fleur and Gabriel Christmas gifts in advance. At that time, he learned from Mrs. Delacour that Fleur was in the hometown of Veela during the summer vacation. Mount Velebit suffered some injuries while studying.

Mrs. Delacour said that Fleur's injury was not serious, and there would be no sequelae, but the recovery was slower.

Charles felt that the girl was under a lot of psychological pressure, and she might be a little aggressive in doing things, which made people feel uneasy.

The next morning, Emily asked the sleep-deprived Charles with a smirk, "Did you think about girls last night?"

Charles didn't answer, just yawned and prepared breakfast.

Emily's breakfast is simple, oatmeal with milk, fried eggs and bacon, plus some fruit.

Charles's breakfast is much simpler. Eggs are broken into boiled milk, then some butter, a few slices of bread and a little salt are boiled into a batter, plus a glass of fruit juice.

The simplest was old Mr. Field's breakfast, half a glass of well water.

He lost badly in the kangaroo boxing match last night, so Emily told Charles that he could only drink well water for three meals a day today.

Depressed, Feld went to feed his kangaroo, and kept talking about winning it back next time.

At this moment, there were only two young people in the kitchen. Emily went over and put her arms around Charles' neck from behind and continued to ask him, "Did you miss girls so much that you couldn't sleep last night?"

Charles was no stranger to this young lady's enthusiasm, but he still nodded, otherwise she wouldn't let it go.

"Hmph," Emily said with a serious look, "is she prettier than me?"

Objectively and subjectively, Emily is a great beauty, so Charles nodded.

"Prettier than me?" Emily is still very confident in her beauty, and the love letters she receives every year are enough to light the fireplace for a winter, so she doesn't believe it.

Charles continued to nod. Emily is indeed beautiful, and her figure is much better than Fleur's. She is as enthusiastic as the summer sun today, but he still prefers to be gentle and restrained.

Emily pouted and knocked on his neck, asking him to tell where the girl was prettier than herself, completely forgetting that Charles couldn't speak now.

Feld waited for the children to finish the fight before returning to the house, and said to Charles at the kitchen door: "There are many spells that can be used in life. This is a kind of exercise. I suggest you use it more. This is not England, don't worry." People from the Ministry of Magic are bugging you."

He didn't have a problem with Emily molesting Charles. It was just a child playing around. It would be another matter if he really went to the other's bedroom at night.

Charles just nodded, he also wanted to use life spells, but many spells that looked very simple were actually very complicated, and if they were not well mastered, pouring tea on someone would splash them on the face, and peeling potatoes would peel out a thick layer of fingers etc.

After breakfast, Emily puts on her schoolbag and puts on a helmet to ride to school on her beloved heavy locomotive. She prefers the roar of this steel monster to the broomstick.

But this motorcycle can fly. After all, kangaroos and rabbits pop up on the road from time to time, and it would be bad if it hits it.

Charles washed the dishes and started to continue today's study.

Feld took him to a place where no one was around the farm, took out his wand and said to Charles: "The secret of casting spells silently is very simple, the key lies in attention and observation."

"You need to carefully observe every detail of the spell, as carefully as possible..."

While Charles was learning to cast spells silently, something happened at Hogwarts that he didn't expect.

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