A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 184 The Way to Open the Door

"This place must have something to do with Slytherins."

Needless to say Ron, Fred and George also saw it.

In this short corridor, the decorations as far as the eye can see are related to snakes-the pillars are snakes, there is a stone carving painting of a man and a snake facing each other on the wall, and there are two intertwined snakes in the middle of the door at the end of the corridor.

"Alahoo hole is open!"

There was no movement at the door.

Obviously, this door cannot be opened by the Unlocking Charm.

"I think it's time to use this."

Ron took out a piece of parchment from his pocket, on which was the translation of English and Parseltonym.

With a hoarse hissing sound from his mouth, the two snakes on the door seemed to come alive after hearing "open the door", and climbed into the circular groove on the top of the door to form a snake ring.

There was a mechanical sound as the ring turned, and the door opened.

Fred, who was supposed to be at the front, didn't go in, and said worriedly: "We've been going so well so far."

Ron asked puzzledly, "Isn't it going well?"

George asked him, "Do you think Slytherins would like anyone to come into their study at will?"

Ron thought about it, then shook his head.

Fred said a little proudly: "We have explored secret passages in Hogwarts for many years, and there is no secret passage or secret room that will leave such detailed clues and methods to open the mechanism."

George went on to say: "The armor just now looks scary, but it moves very slowly and is easy to kill. I think a first-year student can handle it."

Fred added: "A few years ago, we had a cursed treasury that a friend was looking for. Bill and Charlie helped. The traps in the treasury are very troublesome, and there are even dragons guarding them."

Ron suddenly thought of the institutions and protective measures he encountered along the way when he, Harry, and Hermione went looking for the Philosopher's Stone at the end of the last school year.

The Philosopher's Stone is extremely precious, so it stands to reason that the protective measures should be very strict, at least similar to Gringotts, and it is definitely not something that a first-year student like myself can break through.

Slytherin's study should also be a very important place. It stands to reason that not just anyone can get in. Why is it as simple as the protective measures of the Philosopher's Stone, and even has a lot of hints?

Ron didn't know that there was a dungeon for Harry in the Philosopher's Stone. After being reminded, he immediately realized that something was wrong, and a flash of inspiration appeared in his mind.

But now is not the time to think about it, so I didn't catch it.

"Let's go." Ron said in a deep voice, "We have no reason to stop now. Only by finding Slytherin's study can we know where the Chamber of Secrets is, how to open it, and how to avenge Percy."

Although Percy used to be a law-abiding and power-hungry look, he seemed out of tune with his brothers, but after all, he was a real brother, and that was enough.

"Be careful." Fred told Ron to go through the door first.

The passage behind the door is very complicated, and there are many more movable armors than outside.

But as George said, they moved very slowly, and the three of them had enough time to dismantle them, and the explosive fluid and other things they had prepared before were useless.

Not long after, they came to an iron gate.

This door has two snake-shaped latches, the ends of which go through the slots on the door frames on both sides. There was a torch on the wall not far from the door. When it was lit, the snake that was originally coiled in the groove next to it straightened up, with green light emitting from its eyes and body.

"There is a sign on the door."

Fred found a sign in the middle of the iron gate, with two different symbols, one up and one down.

George pointed to the snake next to the torch and said, "Looks like we need to match the one on the boulder under the snake."

There are two round cake stones stacked one above the other under the snake, with different symbols engraved on the sides.

Obviously, just turn the stone so that the symbols line up with the door to open the door.

Ron was about to turn the stone, but Fred stopped him immediately.

"Be careful," said Fred. "If there's a mistake, I think the snake will attack us."

Off to the side, George opened his notebook and pulled out a pair of dragonskin gloves from his herbal medicine class.

"I have to say," George put the dragonskin glove on the snake's head, "Charles' trick is quite useful."

After speaking, he cast a spell on the dragon leather glove, and the whole glove tightly covered the snake's head, making it impossible to bite.

This simple mechanism did not trouble the three brothers. They quickly turned the stone so that the symbol facing the front was the same as that on the door.

The two snake-shaped bolts on the iron door were immediately retracted, the head and tail exited the slots, and the iron door quickly went up.

After the door opened, a piece of parchment left by Voldemort fell, suspended in mid-air.


There is only such a word written on it.

"I don't think there's anything more painful than losing a loved one."

Ron just pocketed the parchment.

The following explorations were nothing new. The hole Voldemort dug for Charles was not deep. Not to mention Fred and George, two senior students, Ron felt that it would be fine to come alone... no wonder.

In front of the third door was a young giant arachnid, only one meter long.

Only after Lao Si and Lao Wu reassured again and again, Lao Liu believed that the big spider had starved to death.

The third door opened, and Voldemort's parchment reappeared.

"Unforgivable can only open the door of pain."

The corridor behind this door is very short. After the three of them walked in and lit the brazier, no one expected that the door would close by itself.

"so close!"

"Thankfully we were prepared."

Every time the twins passed through a door, they put a big stone under it, and now the door automatically fell, stuck by the stone, and people could climb out.

This is the experience they gained while exploring the secret passage, otherwise they would have turned into skeletons by now.

The door in front of me is different from others. It is a black stone, and the statue on it is a black person trying to rush out of the stone, which looks very painful.

The figure was so lifelike that the three brothers thought it might be the real person petrified by Slytherin.

"How to open it?"

Fred in front of the door didn't look very well.

George said to him, "Maybe we think the same."

"Among the Unforgivable Curses, the one that causes pain is the Cruciatus Curse."

Fred said with a dark face: "Do we have to have one person cast the Cruciatus Curse on the other to open this door?"

George was silent for a moment, then said, "If it's Slytherin, I think it is."

Fred said awkwardly, "But none of us know the Cruciatus Curse."

"I will," said Ron suddenly behind them, "I will do the Cruciatus Curse."

Fred and George were taken aback.

"When did you learn it?"

"Use the Unforgivable Curse to enter Azkaban!"

Ron took out a large piece of parchment, and pieced together the notes he got from the moment he entered the door, and the method of using the Cruciatus Curse appeared behind it.

The parchment made him feel relieved that he could hide the fact that he learned the Cruciatus Curse when he went to the restricted area to find clues.

Fred glanced at the contents of the parchment and said, "Using the Cruciatus Curse requires hatred for the target."

George went on: "None of us hated..."

He got stuck in the middle of speaking, and together with Fred, he looked at Ron in a cold sweat.

They once turned Ron's teddy bear into a giant spider, scaring him so much that he was never afraid of spiders.

They almost made Ron make an unbreakable vow, and Fred was beaten so that the left side of his ass was not the same as the right side now.

They also made Ron eat a sour pop pop, which burned a hole in his tongue.

wait wait wait.

Ron watched them blankly and raised his wand.

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