A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 181 The Corrupted Clues Are Valuable Clues

Christmas break at Hogwarts has been brought forward by a few days.

One night, three students were attacked, one of whom was Seamus Finnigan, the first-class medalist of the Order of Merlin, which dealt a huge psychological blow to the students.

However, there are still some students who stayed in the castle for Christmas as originally planned. The Harry trio will definitely not go back. The Wei family twins found an excuse to take care of Percy, and Ginny decided to go back on the last day. Home.

The Weasleys originally planned to go to Egypt to visit the eldest baby Bill, but something happened to Percy, and both Bill and Charlie rushed back to England to visit Hogwarts on the day of the holiday.

The day the students left Hogwarts for the holidays, Harry found himself sick and feeling very hot, as if he was being roasted by a fire.

But apart from feeling hot and sweating a bit, he didn't have a fever, and he didn't have cold symptoms such as dizziness and stuffy nose.

Madam Pomfrey tried her best and poured all kinds of medicines so that Harry ran to the bathroom three times, but his symptoms did not improve at all.

"Now I'm ordered to take a good rest in the dormitory."

Harry was very helpless. He noticed that Ron seemed to be doing something with Fred and George recently. He didn't see anyone all day, and it seemed that he couldn't participate.

Hermione put the lunch she brought back from the cafeteria on the bedside table, touched his forehead, and found that there was nothing unusual except for the feel of the scar.

"A lot of strange things happened today." Hermione said, "I met Hagrid when I came back just now. All the chickens he raised died. I don't know if it was a fox or some wild beast."

"Professor Grylls promised to help him make a few traps, but that will have to wait until the new chickens are bought."

Harry wiped the sweat off his forehead with a towel, picked up a sandwich and asked Hermione while eating, "Professor, how is he now?"

Hermione said worriedly, "He's still blaming himself, always saying that if he'd been in the castle that night, that kind of thing wouldn't have happened."

Harry could only sigh, no one could have expected that to happen, no one blamed him, but he couldn't get past his own.

He suddenly frowned, pinched his chin and said, "I always feel that the killing of those chickens has something to do with the descendants of Slytherin."

Hermione asked him, "What did you think?"

Harry frowned and said, "When things that haven't happened before happen one after another in a short period of time, there may be some kind of connection between them."

"If we can connect these things together, maybe we can find valuable clues."

"Hmm...Hermione, please go to Hagrid and ask how those chickens died, whether they were killed by wild animals or by a spell."

Hermione felt that Harry had a point, so she immediately ran to Hagrid's cabin.

She came back soon, and sat on the edge of the bed and told Harry helplessly that when she arrived, Hagrid was picking his teeth with chicken bones and didn't pay attention to the details of the wounds on the chickens.

Harry frowned and said, "The clues that are destroyed are often valuable clues. I think this is a very important clue."

Hermione asked him puzzled, "Who told you this?"

Harry said seriously: "That's what Charles puts in the novels in my room."

Hermione froze for a moment, and asked him helplessly, "Do you think we are living in a novel?"

Harry picked up a towel beside him and wiped the sweat from his brow, and said, "Let's try it out and find out who is afraid of chickens."

Hermione thought about it, but now she has no clue, why not give it a try, so she nodded, the library was still open during the holiday.

At this time, there was a phoenix cry outside the window. Ruby just flew into the air with Fox, which was not as big as a chick, and then let go.

Fox flapped his developing little wings, and finally made a small hole in the thick snow.

Those who know know that Ruby is training Fox, who has just been reborn from Nirvana, but those who don't know think that these two guys are doing it because they won't die.

Hermione looked out of the window at Ruby who was having fun, and couldn't help saying, "I don't know what Charles is doing now."

At the same time, it was a summer night in Australia, the sky was full of stars and the moon was bright, and a kangaroo wearing boxing gloves floated over Charles's head.

In the wilderness, Charles looked serious and concentrated on detecting every inch of space around him.

From time to time, a blue shadow appeared under the moonlight, flying at an extremely fast speed, sometimes getting close and sometimes far away by Charles' side.

It was a Billywig, with a body nearly 30cm long, and a sapphire-colored body that looked like a drop of water. A pair of high-speed flapping wings grew on the top of the head, a needle at the end of the long tail, and a mouth that resembled Pointed mouthparts like mosquitoes.

The flying speed of the Billywig is extremely fast, and if you don't pay attention, it will fly past your sight, making people suspect that they are dazzled.

There is poison in the tail needle of this kind of bug, and a sting can make people float up from spirit to body. It is very popular among some young wizards, but it can't come down if it floats too far.

The billywig had just stung the kangaroo who was boxing with Charles, and it was the human's turn.

Charles used the gesture spell for detection with his left hand, looked at the timing, and punched the bug's head with his right hand.

The high-speed impact of the bug collided with the fist with the Iron Armor Curse, and it exploded with a "pop", and some "paste" stained the T-shirt.

"I wash my clothes tonight!"

On the side, Emily, a sixteen or seventeen-year-old Australian girl, glared at Charles angrily.

Perhaps it is because the body fluids of magical animals have magical powers, and it is difficult to wash them off after being stained, so special magic cleaners are required.

Charles had nothing to say, couldn't say it if he wanted to.

In order to prevent the mandrake leaves in his mouth from falling out during this month, he can only open a hole in his mouth just enough to insert a straw. At the same time, his throat has become smaller and he cannot swallow it. Can only eat liquid food.

Body Transfiguration is amazing.

Emily's great-grandfather Mr. Field used to get his pet kangaroo out of the sky and let it go back to sleep by itself.

Feld used to say to his great-granddaughter: "It's getting late, you should go to bed, and you have school tomorrow."

Emily pouted, turned and walked back to the wooden house not far away.

Charles took off his boxing gloves, took out his wand, and tonight's magic duel teaching began.

Feld is a friend Jack met when he was traveling around. They once searched for the legendary treasure in the desert of Australia, and finally found a large box of glass products that the British colonists fooled the aborigines.

Decades ago, Jack heard that Feld disappeared after his expedition into the Victorian desert and thought he was killed.

A while ago, Jack found out from an old friend that he actually met love on the road and settled down on a farm.

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