90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 923: threaten

Fortunately, just after leaving the house, the car just started, it was not fast at all, there was no impact, the woman was lying in front of the car, and she was not hit or injured.

The driver opened the window in a hurry, "Ma'am, are you touching porcelain? There are surveillance cameras and driving recorders here."

Miao Fengxian's eyes were darkened, her chest was a little tight, and she felt extremely uncomfortable, her eyes widened, and she saw the person inside from the open car window, and said eagerly: "Madam, I, it's me, the one who sent the baby girl back then. ,lady."

If Yuxi hadn't heard Zhao Di say it, she wouldn't have recognized it. The woman looked terminally ill, her face was sallow and sallow, "Who do you want to stop the car?"

Miao Fengxian took a few deep breaths and finally stopped being dizzy, "You, what I'm looking for is you, can I talk to you?"

Miao Fengxian was so impressed by this house that she would dream of a woman who was high at midnight, looking at their husband and wife coldly, especially her eyes that could see through everything. She remembered that the woman in the car was in charge.

Yuxi raised his hand and looked at his watch. He was going to attend the annual meeting today. The house was attached to the place to talk, and he looked at the woman, "I have something to do. There is a fast food restaurant nearby at two o'clock in the afternoon. Where are you waiting for me."

Miao Fengxian didn't want to let go, but was afraid, she let go of her hand timidly, and swayed her body and slowly pushed it away.

Yuxi motioned to the driver, "Let's go!"

The driver is willing to recruit, although there are many questions in his heart, but he knows the rules, and he will never be curious and start the car.

Miao Fengxian waited for the car to leave, her eyes flickered, and she raised her head to look at the vermilion gate, the high gate compound, jealous, the more jealous she felt, the more painful her heart was.

Today is the annual meeting of the film and television company. There are not many projects this year. Both projects made a lot of money. The shareholders are happy and the employees are also happy. The annual meeting also means year-end awards.

The old staff of Yuxi Company rarely resigned, and many veterans and newcomers who came in later also wanted to better understand the market and increase the company's blood, and the newcomers who came would not leave.

For graduating students, the company's position is sweet.

All of this is because of good benefits. In addition to high wages, benefits include free accommodation. They are all suites rented by the company. Everyone is a single room. Every week, there will be cleaning at the door. This benefit is enough to break the head. The rent in the capital is really high. If you want to be close to the company, the company is ridiculously high. The more than 2,000 people live in the partition of small intermediaries, and the personnel are in a mess.

This is just for living, as well as the benefits of eating. The company provides meal allowances. There are meal allowances for brunch and lunch, eight yuan in the morning and twenty at noon, which saves everyone a lot of money.

For some graduating college students, these two benefits are too good, not to mention the half-year bonus and year-end bonus.

The company's half-year is two months, and the year-end is three months, which means that five more months of bonuses are issued a year.

In Yuxi's company, the salary of the fresh graduates is between 4,000 and 5,000, and the salary of the upper echelon is between 8,000 and 10,000. Those who have been in the upper echelon for more than two years are all over 10,000 and 20,000. There are also some high salaries at the end of the year. The award is really objective.

This year, both projects have made a lot of money. The company has more people and more prizes in the lottery. From the summary to the lottery dinner, everyone was excited.

After dinner at noon, Yuxi was about to withdraw ahead of schedule, but Huang Liang was stunned, "You won't be participating in the evening show?"

Yuxi put on his jacket, "I still have something to do. I'll leave it to you this evening. Arrange the car. If you drink too much, you can send it back safely. Don't let anything happen."

Huang Liang, "Okay, I get it, you can rest assured to do your job."

Yuxi walked out quickly with her bag in her hand.

At half past two, Yuxi arrived, and there was no traffic jam. There was no one in this fast food restaurant. I saw the woman at a glance, and Yuxi's eyes lit up.

Yuxi carried the bag in, sat opposite the woman, and carefully observed the woman, "What's wrong with you?"

The woman holds the water glass in both hands, "Gynecological diseases."

Yuxi, "Be specific."

The woman took a deep breath, "Uterine cancer, I have to remove the uterus. If I delay the hospital, it won't save me."

Yuxi leaned back on the chair, his eyes were unclear, "So, are you here to blackmail us with Xia Xia's life experience?"

Miao Fengxian hurriedly waved her hand, "No, no, I'm not, I'm just here to ask for help, and I really have nowhere to go."

Yuxi's eyes haven't changed, the woman in front of her is not pitiful, she doesn't care, but the woman appears in front of her, denying it is also for money, "What's your name?"

Miao Fengxian was stunned, and said nervously, "Miao Fengxian."

Yuxi remembered it. With the name, it was easy to check, "Continue."

Miao Fengxian was confused. In her heart, she didn't want to come. She also struggled, but in order to survive, she could only come. Thinking of her employer, since she knew she was sick, she immediately dismissed her and bit her. With the corners of his mouth, he sniffed and cried, "I really have no choice, I don't want to die, I will suffer a thousand knives, since I was diagnosed with the disease, he divorced me, he beat me if I didn't agree, I can only divorce , now there is no money, there is nothing, I really have no way to find it."

Yuxi raised his head, "Go ahead, I'm listening."

Miao Fengxian's pupils shrunk. After so many years, she has also experienced it. Knowing that what she said did not impress the woman opposite at all, she gritted her teeth, "Help me, I promise, I will never appear again in the future."

Yuxi sneered in his heart, thinking that if he got the handle, the first time he got what he wanted, there must be a second time, too many times, the guilt at the beginning would be fed to the dog, and then he felt at ease and thought he deserved it. Go, you still thought you grabbed the child's body and came to threaten."

Miao Fengxian opened her mouth~www.wuxiamtl.com~ did not dare to deny it, she knew too well, this family has a head and face, and must not tell the child's true life experience, bowed her head, her eyes were filled with jealousy and remorse that could not be hidden , raised his head quickly, "I promise, just help me this time, I will never show up, I will stay far away from you."

Yuxi sneered, "Your guarantee is worthless, in your eyes, am I stupid?"

Miao Fengxian didn't understand, how could it be related to stupidity?

Yuxi restrained his emotions, took out his mobile phone, quickly inquired, then took out his notebook and pen, wrote the charity address and pushed it to Miao Fengxian, "This is the address, currently doing charity, take your medical records and divorce There will be someone to help you."

Miao Fengxian was completely stupid. This was different from what she thought. She imagined that she should give a check directly. She is no longer someone who doesn't understand. She knows that the house where this family lives is very valuable. Money should only be digital to this family, why not give her money?

Yuxi took Miao Fengxian's expression into his eyes, and with a clear mind, he stood up with his bag in his hand, "You have nothing to do with us, we didn't have it before, and we won't have it in the future."

After saying that, Yuxi left.

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