90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 922: woman appears

Lv Xiaogu's temperament is aggressive. She is not surprised at all when her son goes abroad. She is only limited by conditions. Otherwise, she would like to go out and venture out. Thinking of leaving the country like this, she felt a lot less reluctant to leave the country, and said with a smile: "So the domestic You can’t lose your career, it’s not only a way back, but you can also make money.”

Then he said to Yuxi: "You know a lot about foreign countries, help my aunt to see, where is the right place to buy a house? And what should I prepare for going abroad?"

Zheng Qin rolled his eyes, "Why didn't you find your son?"

Aunt Lu spread out her hands, "I think so, but my son knows it himself, and the neighborhood of the school must know it, but the rest, I really don't know as much as the Yuxi couple."

This is not to belittle her son. In a foreign country, she only believes half of his son's words.

Yuxi said, "I'll go back and send you the information."

Aunt Lu smiled, "It's still safe for my eldest niece."

Yuxi laughed. He only hoped to live abroad for a while and still be able to laugh. Life abroad is not easy to mix. From choosing a place to buy a house, to daily life, to life safety, there is a lot of suffering.

She didn't think that the foreign countries were so good. Safety was a big issue, but there was no report. It used to be said that there was gold everywhere.

The next day, Yuxi took her parents back to the capital and separated from her aunt at the airport.

I went back to Yuxi's house first, and Siyin came after get off work in the evening to pick up the old couple and live there. That's right, Lu Man and his wife wanted to live with their son.

Because the daughter-in-law is busy, there are two grandchildren at home, and the son is not at home very much, they don't feel relieved if they don't go.

Yuxi sent her parents away, and waited for the car to go far before returning. Zhao Di was waiting at the door early in the morning.

Yuxi looked at the living room, stood down and said, "Is something wrong?"

Zhao Di nodded, "It's confirmed this time, it's indeed the woman who sent Xia Xia, this time her face is more sallow than the last time, she seems to have some kind of illness, she has been wandering at the door these two days, I don't think she is blocking Xia Xia. ."

Yuxi asked, "Didn't tell the family!"

Zhao Di has been here for several years, and she knows what to say and what not to say, "No."

"Continue to pay attention. If you are wandering, you will find someone to follow, and the investigation will be clear."

Zhao Di said she knew, "Okay."

Yuxi was about to leave, and when Di was hesitating, Yuxi asked, "Is there anything else?"

Zhao Di felt strangely refreshed, "His ex-husband is divorced, and I met him today."

Yuxi, "Divorce?"

Zhao Di nodded, "He's also getting old, and he doesn't know how to gain weight. He got divorced. He came to me the day before yesterday and wanted to remarry, and he blocked Xu Qiang."

Yuxi asked, "What are your plans for telling me this?"

Yuxi didn't believe that Zhao Di was going to remarry. In the past few years, Zhao Di has almost 200,000 in his hands, which is not a small amount of money. For those who have money and work, they can't guess what their plans are for a while.

Zhao Di's eyes were particularly bright, "Madam, this year's New Year, I want to take my sons back to my hometown. After so many years, I left the house in embarrassment and sold it, and the children are grown up. I want to go back and have a look."

Yuxi understood, Zhao Di's ex-husband was divorced, and Zhao Di finally realized that she actually got along very well and wanted to go back and look after herself and her children, "Okay, now that the Chinese New Year is approaching, it's hard to buy tickets."

Zhao Di said, "I often go to the market to buy vegetables, and I know the fellow who buys vegetables. I asked them a few days ago if they would leave. The couple drove back and brought the three of us with them."

Yuxi didn't break Zhao Di's words, Zhao Di must have a plan, and asked specifically, "When are you leaving, let me know in advance."


Back in the bedroom, Yuxi was busy dealing with emails. It took eight or nine days to go, and there was a lot of work to be done.

This time when my grandfather passed away, Zhao Xue also went, and Zhao Xue's wedding. I had to make time for it when I was busy. There were a lot of things at hand.

The next day she arrived at the company and held an important meeting. Xue Ya followed her back to the office, "I'll show you this."

Yuxi was surprised, "Why did you show me your resume?"

Xue Ya, "Look at the people."

When Yuxi saw that he really knew him, Fang Yalin said, "He's here to submit his resume?"

Xue Ya knew about Fang Yalin's affairs, "I just happened to meet him, and my resume was in my hands. I've been waiting for you to come back."

Yuxi flipped through his resume. It was only the first semester of college, and he started working during the winter vacation, "I remember that he shot a few commercials, and he should have saved money."

"Your focus is not right. This kid is not too timid. He even came to the company to submit his resume. He is really not afraid that you will taboo him."

Yuxi clicked on her resume and thought it was interesting, "What do you mean?"

Xue Ya spread her hands, "I mean, there has never been a precedent for hiring a freshman for an internship, isn't this a joke? If you want to use it, it has been cultivated in four years. If you don't work here, how much heart will you give to your opponent? Develop talent."

Yuxi dropped her resume, "As you say."

Xue Ya picked up her resume and was about to leave, but stopped quickly, squinting her eyes, "I think it's a misunderstanding, he's actually here to test it out, and he doesn't care whether he can hire Tegan or not."

Yuxi curled his lips, "There is a temptation, but I am really interested in investment. Our company is not top-notch, but it is not bad. Of course, there is also an element of luck. What if I get soft-hearted?"

Xue Yapin was impressed, "Children are really not like children, are they all so shrewd? We are really getting old."

Yuxi didn't admit that he was old, "I'm still very young."

Xue Ya waved away, obviously not agreeing with Yuxi's words.

Yuxi took the mirror and looked at herself, and there were traces of maintenance on her face. Time is not forgiving, and time is really ruthless.

I worked overtime at night, and it was eight o'clock when I got home. Just after I changed my clothes, my daughter knocked on the door and came in, "Mom, I want to discuss something with you."

Yuxi glanced at the time at nine o'clock, which was specially waiting for her, and glanced at Nian Junmin who put down the book and stared at him, guessing that her daughter did not get her father's consent, "Tell me about it."

Miaomiao laughed, "Well, isn't Fang Xuan unable to come back? I was thinking about going abroad~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Yuxi finally understood that her husband was staring at her, and she couldn't be sour, "What about us? "

Miaomiao's scalp was numb, and her parents' eyes were frightening, "Shall I leave again on the first day of the new year?"

Yuxi was only a little satisfied, but, "I'm sorry, there is no discussion on this matter, girl, distance creates beauty, well, when you are an adult, your father and I will definitely not restrict your freedom, but not at the moment."

Miaomiao knew when her father didn't agree that there would be no drama, but fortunately she didn't hold out hope, "Okay, then I'll go back and write the questions."

Yuxi, "...Go to bed early."

Nian Junmin twitched the corners of his mouth, "Daughter, accept your fate."

Yuxi, "..."

She also wanted to say the same, appoint it, the second year of the school year.

Early the next morning, as soon as Yuxi got on the bus, Yuxi saw the sallow woman and came towards the car.

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