90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 924: worry

Miao Fengxian and the others left, and slapped the table angrily. The richer she became, the more stingy she became. This sentence was not true at all. Damn it, she was at a loss. Even if she got help, what if she had no money in her hand? Now, how will you live in the future?

When Yuxi returned home, the husband told the doorman that strangers would not open the door, and also described Miao Fengxian's appearance. She was not afraid to come over, so what if she came over, she couldn't see anyone.

As for the address Yuxi gave, it is absolutely true, Miao Fengxian will be rescued when she goes there, this time is enough to make Miao Fengxian profound.

In a blink of an eye, the end of the year is approaching, and Nian Gengxin, who has been busy for a year, has also returned home. After Nian Gengxin left for half a year, he came back to rest and relax. In time for the end of the year, he ran around with the children at home, and bought all for the New Year.

Although there are quite a few in the warehouse, it is outdated, and there are a few more boys jumping up, and every time they go out, they are not empty-handed.

Yuxi's office also had a complete holiday, and on the first day off, he went to Yuqing's house to see his parents.

Lu Man and his wife lived comfortably wherever they were. They had always been in business and were not afraid of neighbors of some identities. They got along well with their neighbors.

Yuxi rarely comes to Yuqing's house, but she also remembers that the yard of Yuqing's house has now been converted into a glass shed. When he entered the door, he saw his father, pushed the door and went in, "Dad, did you build the shed?"

Lu Man stood up, "You girl, why are you walking silently?"

"You are too focused, you haven't told me yet, you built it?"

Yuqing's couple's house was newly bought. After listening to Siyin's mother's suggestion, they bought a villa area. In order to facilitate their care, there are small gardens in the yard of the neighbors and Yuqing's family. She remembered that this Flowers planted in a piece of land, don't be the old man to shovel too! Lu Man's eyes were full of smiles and satisfaction with his daughter-in-law, "No, it's not me, I came here with your mother, and when we were shopping for vegetables, we found that the vegetables in the market were very good, and when we came back, he talked about the safety of the vegetables he grew. To be healthy, Siyin arranged for someone to build a shed the next day, saying that it was for me to grow vegetables, you see how long it will take, the temperature is enough, and the Chinese New Year’s Eve dinner with cabbage and lettuce can be served.”

Yuxi breathed a sigh of relief, it's fine if it's not an old man. I'm really afraid that every time I call her, she will lie to her. Now it seems to be really good. It was made to order, and I felt the temperature. I put a lot of thought into this greenhouse. Looking at the various vegetables on the shelf, the green in winter, I felt comfortable when I saw it, "Give us some when the time comes."

Lu Man glared, "I don't have enough food for a family, so I'll give it to you, no."

Yuxi quit, "You can't favor one over another, I'm also a daughter."

"I won't give it to my daughter. Siyin didn't plant any flowers because I was afraid that your mother and I would be alone. We have to repay it. I have to give some vegetables to Siyin's mother's family, it's really gone."

Yuxi was greedy, "Okay, where's my mother?"

"In the house."

Yuxi didn't care about her father, she advanced into the house, only her mother was at home, "Mom, what about the twins?"

"They invited their classmates to watch a movie. If you don't come, I'm going to find you. Come and see if the sweater I knit is correct."

Yuxi sat over, picked it up and looked at it, "Mom, why did you remember to knit a sweater coat?"

Zheng Qin, "I knitted it for Ruoxi."

Yuxi was helpless. "Nowadays, children rarely wear knitted clothes. They all buy them. You may not wear them even if you knit them."

Long and phoenix, the boy is Lu Ruohan, the girl is Lu Ruoqian, the two children's clothes have been controlled by their grandmother since they were young, and they are all brand names.

Zheng Qin smiled, "I also know that my knitting is different. I originally knitted it for you, but Ruoxi saw it and wanted it too."

Yuxi, "So mine is gone?"

Zheng Qin laughed, "When this one is finished, I will knit it for you."

Yuxi put down the wool, "I see, I won't need to wear a sweater anymore."

Zheng Qin stared, "Don't be sour, the next one is yours, but it's not a sweater. This thing is too troublesome. I haven't knitted it for many years, and I forgot to hook it up for you."

Yuxi was satisfied, "It's more or less the same."

Zheng Qin then asked, "Why did you come here?"

"I've been busy and forgot. The company has an early holiday. I was thinking about it. You didn't come to see it. On the first day of the holiday, I came here."

"Why didn't you bring the children here?"

Yuxi, "I also think that these children are playing crazy with Nian Gengxin, and they will disappear in the morning."

Zheng Qin smiled, "It's all the same, the children now are not as good as before, they play a lot, and the twins don't stay at home either."

"How about it, I haven't gotten along with my grandchildren for many years, is it harmonious?"

Zheng Qin curled his lips, "Daughter, are they related by blood, we are very close, we are here, and we don't go to grandma's house very much, don't look at the few steps away, these two children don't go either. , would rather watch TV along with it."

Yuxi was happy, "Siyin's parents should be sour."

"No, I've been here several times, and it's sour. If it wasn't for a grandson at home, I'd be here to rob it!"

Yuxi admired Siyin's brother very much. He was always urged to marry, but he never got married. It seemed that he really wanted to marry the company. He carried it all the way until the year before, and only got married on a blind date. born.

At noon, Yuxi accompanied her parents to buy vegetables, and bought some nutritional products on the way. After lunch, the twins came back.

The dragon and phoenix fetuses grow well, well, they are very similar, if Ruo Qian cut her hair short, she would be mistaken.

Yuxi stayed for another afternoon before getting up and going home.

As soon as I got home, I felt that the atmosphere was very wrong, and the children were very quiet.

Yuxi came in and asked, "What's wrong? Did you get into trouble?"

A few boys waved their hands hurriedly, "It has nothing to do with us!"

Miaomiao explained~www.wuxiamtl.com~Mom, we went out today, and we had a good time playing. When it was afternoon, Xia Xia was not right. When I came back, I locked myself in the room. They are all in a hurry, and now they are all guarding the door! "

Yuxi's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly stood up. When they reached the door, Yao Cheng and his wife were still standing, and her face was flushed from the freezing weather.

Yao Cheng was crying, "I don't know what's wrong with this girl, she kept crying in the bedroom, this child will not cry when she is sensible, what happened?"

After saying that, she gave her husband a stern look.

Nian Geng felt aggrieved and worried. The only time his daughter left him was to go to the toilet, and Miaomiao followed him. He didn't know what happened to her!

Yuxi knocked on the door, "Xia Xia, I'm the eldest aunt, open the door, don't hold back for anything, your parents will freeze, can you bear it?"

Yao Cheng sneezed appropriately, not pretending, it was really about to catch a cold.

Yuxi was speechless for these two couples. She was worried, but she also paid attention to what she wore. She didn't wear much. She patted the door again, "Do you think mom and dad are sick?"

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