90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 875: difference

It is very troublesome to process a refund. The money is in the account, and if you want to transfer it, it is not enough for the person in charge to say.

Teacher Zhao kept wiping the sweat from his forehead, begging, "I promise, fair treatment, the two children are studying well, it's a pity to miss the opportunity."

Yuxi, "Your words don't have any credibility. Since you won't handle the refund, the lawyer will come back and handle it in person."

The sweat on Teacher Zhao's face became more and more, "I, I'll go make a phone call."

Wen Jia really cried when she heard this. She would definitely find her father for such a tough refund. The family conflict was not small, and it was time for her father and mother to quarrel again, "Fang Xuan, look at us. For the sake of my classmates, please help me."

Fang Xuan frowned, broke Wen Jia's hand with force, the sleeves of his clothes were wrinkled, and looked at Wen Jia coldly, "I've always been curious, why did you sign up for summer camp when you were in high school, now I know, you It came with a purpose."

Wen Jia wept softly, "I didn't."

Fang Xuan smiled, "Sister, you are not too young. Seeing that you are about to become an adult, you are even more responsible for your actions."

Wen Jia stopped crying, just like being struck by thunder, "Sister, sister?"

Fang Xuan smiled wickedly, "Yeah, you are older than me, isn't it right to be called elder sister? You are more than a year older."

Yuxi, "..."

Fang Xuan's heart is dark, this sister's name hits Wen Jia more than anything!

Wang Tiantian couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud, "You kid can do it!"

Wen Jia was still in shock, Fang Xuan's stature and temperament were too deceptive, Fang Xuan had experienced a lot since childhood, and he was more stable than his peers, just like a brother, she only remembered that Fang Xuan was the youngest in class pain.

Teacher Zhao came in in a daze, "You two leave a bank account, and the refund will be made before tomorrow."

Yuxi stood up, they and the two children hadn't eaten yet, "Fang Xuan left it for you."

After Fang Xuan wrote down the card number, Yuxi didn't want to stay for a moment, pulled her daughter and asked, "Are you hungry!"

Miaomiao covered her stomach, "I've been hungry for a long time. Mom, the food in the cafeteria is not delicious at all. I've been eating instant noodles for several nights."

Yuxi felt distressed, the child hadn't eaten instant noodles a few times at home, "Go for Chinese food."

Miaomiao cheered, "Great, I want to eat Kung Pao Chicken."

Yuxi curled the corners of his mouth, "Okay, okay, I will listen to you. We will order what you want to eat."

Wang Tiantian said: "There are several Chinese restaurants nearby, which look quite big."

Yuxi asked, "Have you tried it?"

"No, I rarely come out to eat. I pass by the opportunity, and I can choose more people to eat after a while."

Yuxi, "Okay."

The decoration of the Chinese restaurant near the school is good. I chose a family of people to go in. The waiters are also Chinese.

Yuxi asked, "Is there any signature dish?"

The waiter, "Kung Pao chicken and braised pork are all good."

Miaomiao said, "Both."

Yuxi handed the menu to her daughter, "Come and order."

Miaomiao ordered a lot according to people, as well as sweet and sour pork ribs.

There are eight dishes in total. When the juice is ready, Yuxi frowned as he looked at it. The dishes were particular about color and aroma.

Yuxi picked up the chopsticks, "Try them all."

Everyone ate the Kung Pao Chicken at the same time, and then their expressions changed. Yuxi swallowed it hard, and the children couldn't take it anymore and vomited with a tissue.

Shuosuo stared, "Why is it so sweet? Is there a can of sugar?"

Yuxi sandwiched braised pork again, "..."

When I tasted the dishes one by one, my God, they were all sweet, too sweet and ruined the taste of the dishes, and it was particularly boring.

Wang Tiantian lost her appetite at all, "The food is so expensive, it's so badly cooked, how can you eat it!"

Yuxi looked around, many foreigners were happy eating, and rubbed his forehead, "I forgot, foreigners like to eat candy, and the taste is naturally sweeter, no wonder there are so many foreigners in this store. "

Wang Tiantian was speechless, "Is this a little sweeter? It almost killed me."

Yuxi couldn't eat it anymore, and Wang Tiantian said, "Let's switch to another family. I can't eat the food from this family."

Yuxi, "This should be the case for all the neighborhoods, unless you go to Chinatown, forget it, let's eat Western food!"

Wang Tiantian suggested, "How about we go back to eat?"

"It's too far. When I get home, I'm starving."

Wang Tiantian spread her hands, "Okay then."

I settled the bill without much food, and went to the western restaurant to eat again.

When the last dessert came up, the colors and shapes were all good-looking. Yuxi didn't move. The children tasted it, and their faces changed again.

Miaomiao complained, "The domestic ones are not so sweet."

Rongrong, "It's too sweet, I swear, I don't want to eat candy for a month."

Shuosuo hurriedly raised her hand, "Me too."

It was two o'clock after dinner, and Wang Tiantian didn't want to go back. "The children haven't been shopping, have we? Let's go around?"

Yuxi asked the children for their opinions, "Want to go?"

Several children's eyes were bright, "I want to go."

In the end, I drove to Chinatown, the same skin, looked more friendly, and wanted to know the living conditions in Chinatown.

There are many restaurants and many supermarkets.

Wang Tiantian saw the supermarket, "Let's go, everything here is complete, just came here, I want to buy some to go back."

Yuxi was also very curious. He went to the largest supermarket. Once he entered, he seemed to be back in China. From the shelf to the display, it was the same as in China.

Wang Tiantian's main purpose is to condiment, and she said as she took it: "I come here several times a month. In our family, we keep a Chinese meal a day."

"You cook?"

"Yeah, our family is not as big as yours, and there is no cook. There is only one servant who is only responsible for cleaning the house."

Wang Tiantian continued: "There are few kinds of green vegetables in foreign supermarkets, most of which are green peppers and cauliflower. Only here can you buy domestic green vegetables. Do you want to buy some back?"

Yuxi looked at ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ It's really complete. In China, it's basically available here. "I won't buy it. I've already purchased it in the morning."

Wang Tiantian loosened her shoulders, "Okay, forget it, you have a housekeeper, and everything will be arranged, so our family's Qiao Rui must continue to work hard."

Yuxi didn't answer, and turned to look at the fruit. The fruit was really expensive, especially the rare fruit in foreign countries. Yuxi took some.

Wang Tiantian's car is full, Yuxi, "You bought too much."

Wang Tiantian, "Not much, I plan to invite you to be guests, so I bought more. When the time comes, I will try my cooking skills, but unfortunately, Mom has never eaten my cooking."

Yuxi fell silent, remembering Wang Tiantian's performance when Sun Qianqian died, "By the way, your dad is out of prison and is making a movie."

Wang Tiantian took the fruit and paused, "He has nothing to do with me."

Yuxi didn't talk about it anymore. She didn't know much about Director Wang. She only knew that she was making a movie recently.


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