90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 876: Xiao Ke

Wang Tiantian bought fruit and continued to talk about her own experience, "I told you, if you want to buy milk, go to a foreign supermarket, which is relatively cheaper, and some wine, the best price is not particularly expensive. "

Yuxi put down the milk in her hand, she actually just looked at it, but Wang Tiantian's experience is really rich.

Wang Tiantian complained, "Let me tell you, there are a lot of quick-frozen vegetables in foreign supermarkets, isn't it bad to eat fresh, they have a shelf life of several years, my God, how do you eat them, by the way, look, our pickles types How normal, foreign people can't bear to look directly, except for the normal pickled cucumbers, how can others eat them?"

Yuxi smiled, "Different eating habits have different tastes."

"It's still good for us!"

Seeing that Wang Tiantian had chosen a lot of pickles, Yuxi couldn't hold back, "Don't buy packaged ones, how good is it to pickle them yourself? Healthy eating is also convenient."

Wang Tiantian was stunned, "I won't!"

"It's simple. The Internet is so developed now that you have never been on a domestic website. The production method can be found on the Internet. It's very simple, and there are steps."

Wang Tiantian was surprised, "The domestic network is developing so fast?"

"I suggest going back to China to have a look. I guarantee you will be shocked."

Wang Tiantian smiled, "I'll think about it."

Yuxi met the children, and the children also chose a lot of things, all of which were domestic snacks. Seeing the children looked at her eagerly, they smiled, "You can buy them."

Several children cheered and regretted that they had chosen too few.

When paying the bill, Yuxi looked at the cashier, it turned out to be Xiao Ke, and kept scanning the code, Yuxi almost didn't recognize it, since the accident, she knew that Xiao Ke had gone abroad, but she didn't expect that Xiao Ke would be the cashier.

Yuxi's eyes were too direct, Xiao Ke raised his head, his face changed, and then he continued to work with no expression, "Three hundred and six."

Wang Tiantian opened her wallet, and Yuxi found out that she and her child's Wang Tiantian also paid together, "I'll do it myself."

Wang Tiantian paid the money, "I'm so polite with this amount of money."

The people behind were lining up, and the four bags were carried out, but Yuxi was not looking back at Xiao Ke.

On the contrary, Xiao Ke was in a daze, and said to the person next door to go out. For some reason, he followed carefully out the door and watched a few people get into the car and leave.

Xiao Ke looked at the car brand, and it had already become her luxury. After the accident, she didn't get a penny, only the jewelry. The only lucky thing was that her father gave her a sum of money with a hint of father-daughter love. .

She made jewelry, and only left a pair of jade bracelets in good condition for emergencies. She wanted to leave, and the process was too slow. She didn't want to be in the country for a moment. The money in it bought a house and called a lot of taxes as a place to live.

Originally, I thought that she was a university graduate. Although she was not recognized abroad, she was still capable. As a result, in the 2008 economic crisis, many doctoral students were laid off, not to mention her unrecognized education. She couldn’t find a serious job at all. not.

Later, she worked here, the salary is not high, the only welfare, the food in the supermarket, is not very fresh, can get it back for free, the daily green vegetables do not cost money, sometimes, when the expiration date is about to expire, they will also be given for free Employees, can save a lot of daily money.

"Xiao Ke, Xiao Ke, aren't you busy?"

Xiao Ke returned to his senses, looked at the man in front of him, with tenderness in his eyes, "You are here, why did you come so early today?"

The man was about thirty years old and smiled naively, "I saw you outside, so I came here to buy ingredients for the evening."

Xiao Ke stared straight at the man, seeing more men, whether she was sincere or not, she knew, "Let's get married!"

The man is stupid, "knot, get married?"

"What? Don't want to?"

The man was anxious, "No, no, I think so too, but my conditions are not as good as yours, and I still have a child."

When he divorced, the house was given to the woman, because the child was given to the woman, and then the child was lost, and the woman got married, and the only thing that did not need to be alimony to the woman, but the house was not coming back, he was renting a house, and now The price is not what it used to be, and he can't afford it.

Wang Tiantian knew the difficulties of a man, and probably provoked him, "If you don't want to get married, forget it."

"I think, I think, I get married, I get married."

Xiao Ke, who turned her back, raised the corners of her mouth. In the past, what she pursued was the past. She finally knew what true happiness was.

These Yuxi do not know, in Yuxi's cognition, they will no longer have any communication.

When she got home, Miaomiao was a little unreal, "Mom, is this really our home?"

Yuxi was sitting on the sofa eating fruit, "To be precise, this is your grandfather's house, and the owner is your grandfather."

Miaomiao hugged the pillow, "I want to digest it for a while."

Yuxi watched the two stinky boys come in with the dog, and said to Shuosuo: "Take care of your dog, I tell you, a carpet, your year's New Year's money will be gone."

Shuosuo froze and threw away the dog, "It doesn't want to come in."

Rongrong hugged Alaska happily, "Mom, I'm obedient."

Yuxi, "So do you. If it urinates, you are responsible."

Rong Rong, "...Forget it, it doesn't want to come in either."

Miaomiao is speechless to her two younger brothers. Shuoshuo is naughty and has no concept of money. She is prudent, but takes money very seriously. He will not spend any money that is not worth spending. He has saved money since he was a child. The concept is so big, she has never seen how much Rongrong has spent.

Yuxi turned her head and said to her daughter, "You go up and change your clothes first, and Fang Xuan also goes to wash up, look at the guest room, and when Dad comes back, we can have dinner."

Miaomiao pulled Fang Xuan to stand up and hurried upstairs, she wanted to see her room.

Yuxi stood up and went to the kitchen. The chef was cooking, and Yuxi planned to make soup by himself.

Nian Junmin came back and saw her daughter, "Is the summer camp on vacation?"

Yuxi, "No, I retired the summer camp."

Then tell the story.

Although Nian Junmin is not a daughter, she is just a daughter and the first child. She has devoted the most effort. Her own children are bullied, "Leave it to me, I will handle it."

"Well, go change clothes and eat."

The family sat down to eat, Miaomiao drank the soup, her eyes were red, "this is what to eat, my stomach is finally happy."

Nian Junmin laughed, and it was rare to see her daughter look funny, "Is it such an exaggeration?"

Miaomiao nodded her head, "Dad, it's okay to eat two meals a day. You can't stand it if you eat them all at once."

Especially high-calorie foods, eating too much is disgusting!

Nian Junwen brought food to her daughter, "Then eat more, this time at home, you can order whatever you want~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Miaomiao bowed her head to eat, and agreed gracefully.

After the meal, it was raining, Nian Junmin sat with his daughter-in-law on the balcony, drinking tea and looking at the scenery outside the window, "Counting the time, the programs you filmed will be broadcast during the day!"

Yuxi, "Yes, do you want to see it?"

Nian Junmin sipped his tea, "Save a few more issues and watch them together at home."

Yuxi blinked, "It's not easy, just find Xu Huichong and ask him to send the edited package."

Nian Junwen, "Daughter-in-law, did you forget that you didn't help to promote it."

Yuxi was silent, "Okay, let's save and watch it one by one."

Nian Junmin laughed in a low voice, watching her daughter-in-law flip through the book, full of warmth, and wanted to be with her daughter-in-law forever.

It's a pity that the atmosphere was broken by the phone call. Looking at the time, it was morning in China. Yuxi glanced at it, and Nian Geng was heartbroken.

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