90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 874: meet again

I am used to being sought after by parents, but I was frightened just now, and my tone was even worse.

Yuxi sneered, "Can't understand human language? Or did you forget to speak Mandarin after spending a few years outside?"

Teacher Zhao realized that he was speaking a foreign language just now and frowned. After graduating from studying abroad, he has never returned to the country and is used to speaking foreign languages, but he was pointed at the nose and his face was blue and white, "This is Madam, what's the matter with you?"

Yuxi pulled her daughter, "It seems that I really can't understand people's words. I can hear it clearly outside. If you don't ask, how did the parents educate them, I'm here and tell you in person."

Teacher Zhao's face darkened again, "You are eavesdropping, you have no quality."

Yuxi grabbed Fang Xuan, who was about to quarrel, patted Fang Xuan's shoulder, and stepped forward, "You are yelling at your students, and the whole corridor can hear you. How high are you? Oh, yes. , you are not even good enough, you are not a teacher, just look at your appearance, ah, for a few years abroad, your ancestors have forgotten what they say."

Mr. Zhao is so angry that he has been abroad for many years, and he has climbed to the present step by step. He is the person in charge of the overseas summer camp, and he is often flattering to his parents. After so many years, this is the first time someone has been so rude to him, "Okay, okay. , In this case, we can't teach your students."

Yuxi sneered, "Let me correct it, it's not that you can't teach, but that you're not worthy of teaching. People like you can be a teacher, but it will only ruin the students."

Just when she was blind, a part-time teacher, even the person in charge, was not enough to spend extravagant expenses. The consumption abroad is very high, and summer camps are not in the financial industry. The wages are high, and no matter how high the wages here, they will not wear tens of thousands of suits. , From clothes to shoes, nothing is cheap, and it is a good thing at first sight, just garbage.

Teacher Zhao is angry, at home, he is the **** of the family, don't look at studying abroad, but he is still macho in his bones, looks down on women, was scolded again and again, stood up, "I want to find a lawyer, you are right. I attacked personally."

Yuxi felt very tired from standing, so she pulled out her chair and sat down, "Okay, it just so happened that I was looking for it too, since I'm going to call a lawyer, then we should talk about it, why did you arbitrarily decide on me? My daughter's fault, I really want to know."

Teacher Zhao's expression changed again, "Hmph, the bracelet of Wen's hundreds of thousands is broken. It's a fact. It's not a small amount of money. I didn't wrong anyone. Look at me, it's just that your family can't afford the money, so you don't want to compensate!"

Wang Tiantian was speechless. She knew Lu Yuxi's fighting ability, so she was not worried at all, and she enjoyed watching the play, but she couldn't listen to the teacher's words, "Is there a hole in your mind?"

Teacher Zhao, "You guys, good, very good."

Wang Tiantian sneered, "Don't be very good, I think your brain is not good. How much does it cost for the two children to participate in the summer camp?"

Teacher Zhao choked, the two children 160,000, and snorted, "How many families slap swollen faces and make fat people for their children."

Yuxi scolded enough, and didn't want to stay longer, so as not to be lowered by the idiot's IQ, she turned to look at Wen Jia, "Little girl, we meet again."

Wen Jia was scared and shook her shoulders. She didn't expect that Nian Miaomiao's mother would be abroad, let alone come to see Nian Miaomiao, still today, Lu Yuxi, she knew who she was, "A, auntie, you good."

Yuxi raised his hand, "Don't, I can't afford your auntie. I really didn't expect that we would meet again. I thought it was the last time we were in the hospital."

Wen Jia bit the corner of her mouth. She is not only jealous of Nian Miaomiao, but also hates Nian Miaomiao. Nian Miaomiao has a perfect family and loves her parents, but she doesn't, because she is a daughter. What her father always wants is a son, only Only the son can add weight in front of the grandfather, so she is jealous of Nian Miaomiao, who is also a girl, why Nian Miaomiao has everything she wants.

As for hate, she likes Fang Xuan, this boy like the sun, his smile can warm her heart, why, Fang Xuan believes that Nian Miaomiao can't see her.

Wang Tiantian waited for a reply, and became a little impatient, "Little girl, do you think you'll be fine if you don't say anything?"

Wen Jia's eyes were red, "Auntie, I didn't want Miaomiao to compensate. I said, I don't care. Even if Miaomiao pushed me, I don't blame her."

Looking at Wang Tiantian's toothache, Yuxi was amused, "Does she look familiar?"

Wang Tiantian twitched the corners of her mouth, "I've already turned the page."

Yuxi turned his head to look at Wen Jia, "We all know what happened last time I got sick, you are a child, I won't care about the child, obviously, it was wrong for you not to care about it at the beginning. You didn't break your paw. Dare to target my daughter again and again."

Wen Jia raised her head, tears streaming down her face, "I, I don't, auntie, I really don't."

There are many people here in Yuxi, but Wen Jia is only one person.

The other teachers in the office couldn't see it. "The child is frightened, so why hold on to it."

Yuxi looked up, and the teacher who made a sound immediately closed his mouth. No one dared to say a word for a long time, and Wen Jia was stunned.

Yuxi's aura is not a joke. She is the boss. Seeing that no one has said anything, "I will contact your father, Wen Haiyang, about this."

She had lost interest in going on.

Wen Jia was frightened, "Auntie, don't, it's just me and Miaomiao, I don't need compensation, really."

Yuxi, "Since you bought the teacher, it's not between you and Miaomiao. No matter how well you hide your heart, you can't escape my eyes. You are jealous of Miaomiao and hate her. You finally got the chance. ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ You have been planning for a long time, first to plot against her, and then to isolate Miaomiao, to sow discord between Miaomiao and Fang Xuan, am I right?"

Wen Jia's eyes widened in horror, her thoughts were all guessed, "I, I didn't."

"Do you admit it, it doesn't matter much, bribery is easy to investigate, isn't it?"

The sweat on Mr. Zhao's forehead was dripping. He had no confidence just now. He was not stupid. He knew from the conversation that the two families knew each other. He knew Wen Jia's family. He had met Wen Jia's mother. The lady in front of her opened her mouth and said that Wen Jia's father was also of status, but this time it happened.

Wang Tiantian has been at ease for too long, and it has finally become lively. She took out her husband's business card and put it on Teacher Zhao's desk, "My husband Qiao Rui, our lawyer, you can find a good lawyer as soon as possible, we are slow. Talk slowly."

Yuxi squinted at Wang Tiantian and continued: "Also, we are going to leave the summer camp."

Mr. Zhao shook his hands and picked up the business card. He didn't know the lawyer's name, but he knew the law firm, one of the best ones, **** it!


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