90’s Wonderful Times

Chapter 873: Apologize

Wang Tiantian and her husband Qiao Rui were accompanied by a boy. Yuxi recalled carefully that Wang Tiantian's adopted son, Nianhua, was about the same age as Guixu.

Wang Tiantian had already come in, and her tone was a little surprised, "I thought I read it wrong, Qiao Rui said it was right, I just crossed the road, and it turned out to be you, I couldn't help knocking on the glass rudely."

The table Yuxi chose was only enough for four people, so he called the waiter, changed to a larger table, and chatted after everyone sat down.

Wang Tiantian is very happy. She hasn't been back since she returned to China last time. The only contact is to send clothes and gifts to several children in China. After many years abroad, she is also lonely. The only ones left are relatives, "When did you come? Why didn't you tell me in advance, I'll pick you up."

Yuxi looked at Wang Tiantian, although there were traces of the years on his face, he lived a comfortable life, and it could be seen from the rosy face that Wang Tiantian was doing well, and said with a smile, "Junwen is here to do business."

There is not much explanation for other words, regardless of the ease of the relationship, there is a gap in the end.

Wang Tiantian smiled a little, and understood that it was repairing, and it was just an ordinary relationship, and changed the subject, "Our family lives here, does yours live too?"

Yuxi nodded, "We're going to stay here for a month and get together when we have time."

Wang Tiantian responded quickly, "Okay."

She is a full-time wife at home. She does maintenance every day except for shopping. She can't talk to the neighbors. She has a place to go for a month, and she is ready to visit the next day.

The two families had dinner, and Nian Junmin and Qiao Rui had a good chat. Qiao Rui was a lawyer and was very famous, just what Nian Junmin needed.

The Yuxi family left the address and left by car.

Wang Tiantian looked at the address blankly, and asked her husband hesitantly, "Did I know?"

Qiao Rui pushed his glasses, "Yes."

Wang Tiantian felt a little uncomfortable. She thought she was doing well, but she didn't expect that the two were doing better. It seemed that she still knew too little about the country.

Early the next morning, Nian Junwen left early, and Wang Tiantian called and wanted to get together today, but Yuxi refused, "I'm sorry, I'm going to see Miaomiao today."

Wang Tiantian paused, "I'll take you there. I know the whole city well."

Yuxi thought for a while, "Okay."

Wang Tiantian came quickly, sat down and looked at it, "I finally have the opportunity to come here today to see. It seems that my family's Qiao Rui has to continue to work hard."

Envy, she is really envious, even if she lives in a wealthy area, there is also a grade in the wealthy area, and the residence is certified by the grade. It turns out that the proud family has a residence of several million dollars. When I came here, I learned that, A few million is not much.

Yuxi could see through Wang Tiantian's thoughts. Don't look at the change. The essence of things can't be changed. In order not to irritate Wang Tiantian, he shouted to the twins, "Let's go."

Wang Tiantian stood up, "I'll lead the way, summer camp, Nianhua went to last year."

Yuxi was curious, "Why didn't you sign up today?"

Wang Tiantian became a little proud, "This kid participated in a robot model competition and entered the semi-finals, so he didn't go."

Yuxi sincerely congratulated, "Congratulations."

Wang Tiantian asked, "Where's Guixu? How is his life?"

"It's very good, I'm good at studying, I've grown a lot, and people are also drawn. I'm not as fat as I was when I was a child."

Wang Tiantian was still worried, "Is Bai Rao treating him well?"

"Bai Rao and Wang Fulu can't have children. He is the only child. Bai Rao treats him as his own son. You have to ask several times a year. I won't lie to you."

Wang Tiantian gave a wry smile, "Don't look at the adopted child, it's not biological, I know Bai Rao is good to Gui Xu, but I can't help thinking about it."

Yuxi can understand, "Actually, you can go back to see him and see it with your own eyes. You don't fully believe what we said."

Wang Tiantian drew a circle in her heart, "I see."

The summer camp that Miaomiao participated in is in this city, not far away. The summer camp reported this time is a summer camp for transfer classes. Children go to private schools to study, and more parents sign up for this class for their children to be better. Communicate verbally.

Of course, the class must be a famous private school, and it can also allow children to experience different systems of education and better expand their thinking.

Fang Xuan participated in it, and when he came back, the improvement in speaking and comprehension was obvious. When someone tried the water, Miaomiao also came.

Private middle schools are not closed. Children live in dormitories arranged in line of sight. When they arrive at the school, they need to register to enter, which is relatively strict.

The time to arrive at school happened to be during the lunch break at noon, and the children went to the cafeteria to eat.

When Yuxi arrived at the cafeteria, it was easy to find the children in the summer camp, because there was a teacher leading the team, but she didn't see Miaomiao and Fang Xuan after turning around, she found the teacher, "Hello, I'm Nian Miaomiao's parent, Didn't she and Fang Xuan come to dinner?"

The teacher leading the team had an unnatural expression, "Hello, classmate Nian Miaomiao has a dispute with a female classmate. She's in the office and is dealing with it."

The smile on Yuxi's face disappeared. She knew her daughter best, and could use her brain to never do anything. "Which office are they in?"

The teacher leading the team was nervous, this Nian Miaomiao's mother was more serious than her head, "I'll take you there."

The office of the summer camp has a special office because it cooperates with the school all the year round. On the third floor, the teacher pointed to the second door, "I can't leave the children for too long, to avoid conflicts, I'll go down first."


Yuxi walked to the door of the office. The door of the office was tightly closed, and the ugliness of the family should not be exposed. It's a pity that the thoughts of the Chinese people are not soundproof, and Yuxi listened carefully.

Miaomiao's voice was a little irritable, "Teacher, I didn't break Wen Jia's bracelet. She clearly bumped into it herself, so why should I apologize?"

Fang Xuan, "Teacher, although there is no surveillance in the room, I think your conclusion is too arbitrary."

Wang Tiantian was a little anxious, "If you don't go in, there will be problems when you hear the teacher~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Miaomiao will suffer."

Yuxi signaled to be calm and continued to listen, the teacher's tone was particularly stern, "Student Fang Xuan, I only saw the facts, classmate Nian Miaomiao has a good relationship with you, it's not right for you to protect her To admit your mistake, she is young, do you want to blindly favor her and ruin her?"

Fang Xuan was angry, "I think the teacher has a problem, you are the one who is partial."

He didn't care what he said, but when he said Miaomiao, he couldn't hold back the fire in his heart.

The teacher clapped the table, "Okay, okay, did your parents educate you like this?"

Yuxi had heard enough, and without knocking on the door, he pushed the door open with great force. There were still two teachers in the office, and everyone in the room was startled.

The smile on Yuxi's face disappeared, and her face was cold. As long as children were involved, she was no longer smiling, and her eyes were even colder, "I don't think there is any problem with my education."

Teacher Zhao was startled, and some couldn't react, "You, who are you!"


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