8am the next day.

Taking advantage of the fact that it was a working day, the city hall was fully occupied.

Qin Feng took a taxi and went directly to Sanya City Hall. did not expect.

As soon as he entered the city hall building, Qin Feng was recognized

“Oh my God, it’s Qin Feng. Can I take a photo with you?”

“Oops, it turns out to be Mr. Qin! I didn’t expect that you would come to Sanya to travel. Welcome!”

“Hello Mr. Qin, I am your fan and I also follow your girlfriend’s account.”

Facing these enthusiastic crowds, Qin Feng didn’t have too many smiles on his face.

After asking around, the mayor was having a meeting in the conference room.

It would take about half an hour to finish.

In order to prevent no one from being blocked.

Qin Feng , simply sat down in the hall.

Perhaps, he was notified by the people below.

Hearing that Qin Feng came to the city hall, the mayor of Sanya City quickly ended the meeting.

After arriving downstairs, it was inevitable I want to have a chat with Qin Feng.

After arriving at the mayor’s office, the mayor smiled and said to Qin Feng

“Mr. Qin came here in such a hurry. There must be something going on, right?”

Qin Feng nodded.

Then he took out a USB flash drive, which contained the materials he had taken in the past two days.

“Are the comrades in charge of the cultural tourism industry here among us?”

“There are also comrades in local security, please call them too.”

“I have a very interesting video that I want to share with you.”

The mayor was a little confused.

But judging from Qin Feng’s face, there was no clue.

Soon, Sanya’s leaders in charge of culture and tourism! As well as local security leaders, all came to the scene.!

At the same time, he also brought some subordinates around him.

Because there were too many people, Qin Feng asked everyone to come to the conference room.

Insert U and played the videos taken these days.

Looking at Reba and Qin Feng, in Sanya The process of being brutally slaughtered.

Every minute the video was played, the mayor’s face became livid.

On the side, the leaders in charge of culture, tourism, and public security! They were even more on pins and needles! Like a lump in the throat! Like a thorn in the back!

How could they? They didn’t expect it.

Qin Feng and Reba didn’t notify the city hall when they came to Sanya!

Instead, they quietly conducted a secret visit.

But this secret visit put all Sanya’s problems on the table. Up.

The torture video has finally finished playing.

Look at these three leaders, they can’t even lift their heads.

Qin Feng said with a smile

“Tell me, why don’t you tell me?”

“Didn’t the three of you have a lot to say to me just now?”

The mayor was speechless for a moment.

He didn’t know how to open the topic.

The leader in charge of the cultural tourism industry reluctantly spoke.

“This… this…”

“Mr. Qin, please listen to my explanation. These are all special cases.”

“In the past two years, we have carried out a deep attack on the ugly phenomenon of cultural tourism in Sanya.”

“The special cases you have seen are actually very few.”


Qin Feng slammed the table

“Could the conversation have some depth? Can you please stop treating me like an idiot?”

“You don’t think that I came here to deliberately cause trouble, do you?”


Qin Feng took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of the governor of Nanhai Province.

The governor made it clear that

Qin Feng is here to help Sanya solve the cultural and tourism industry problems!

The Sanya City Hall must do its best. While working with Qin Feng, the mayor of Sanya sighed helplessly.

“You all go out, I want to have a chat with Mr. Qin alone.”

After listening to the mayor’s words, the leaders of public security and cultural tourism left the conference room as if they were fleeing.

The door of the conference room was closed.

Qin Feng sat opposite the mayor, quietly waiting for the mayor’s explanation.

“I believe the governor has told you the specific situation in Sanya.”

Qin Feng shook his head

“The governor said it very euphemistically, but now, I have experienced it myself.”

The mayor smiled bitterly and nodded.

“Xiao Qin, then I won’t hide it anymore! Sanya’s problem is a problem left over from history!”

During the mayor’s explanation, Qin Feng finally understood why Sanya became what it is today!

The so-called historical legacy is because Sanya took the wrong path when developing the tourism industry.

Before development, Sanya was The cultural tourism industry around the country is very sluggish.

It relies on the unique marine environment and beautiful natural scenery to attract tourists.

Although the number of tourists is increasing every year, the economic consumption provided is declining year by year.

In order to It allows local people to get certain dividends from the cultural tourism industry!

The leaders of Sanya encourage people to join in the promotion of the cultural tourism industry.

As soon as the opening is opened, the barbaric growth cannot be controlled.

The local villagers have long been afraid of poverty.

They don’t consider sustainable development at all and just want to make a one-time deal.

Over time, Sanya’s reputation becomes worse and worse. After the imbalance between supply and demand, come to

Sanya The number of tourists also began to decrease.

But in this case, the situation of one-time buying and selling became more serious. In the past, they could collect 50 yuan from 5 people. But as the number of tourists dropped, they could only collect

50 yuan from 5 people.

From one person, 50 yuan is taken away.

Once the balance is broken, the consequences are very terrible.

From 50 to 80, from 100 to 200.

The evil of human nature is slowly being seduced, and the attacks become more and more ruthless.

The local area After learning about this situation, the leaders also thought about intervening.

But the villagers who had already tasted the sweetness did not care at all.

They were afraid of missing the last opportunity to make money.

Flattery, double-handedness and double-handedness.

Even In the end, he didn’t even pretend to pretend anymore, and simply went against the government.

Because there were too many people involved and too many things were involved.

The city leaders wanted to arrest but were afraid to arrest them, and wanted to control them but couldn’t.

But here it is time, house���It rained all night.

Foreign cultural and tourism capital found that there was a lot of money to be made in Sanya, so they quickly entered the market.

These cultural and tourism capitals have mastered more exciting and vicious ways of playing games.

Hook up with local people who only care about profit.

Once again, the black tourism industry chain is upgraded.

Hidden consumption, malicious ripoffs, and forced sales.

There are even cases where uncooperative tourists are thrown away on the road.

After saying this, the mayor of Sanya City was obviously mentally and physically exhausted.

“It’s not that we don’t want to take care of it, the city hall’s manpower is also very limited.”

“If you want to catch him ruthlessly, it will not only cause widespread panic! Some local villages will even come to the city hall to cause trouble!”

“Now, it is difficult to take a step forward and even harder to take a step back.”

Qin Feng can see it.

The mayor of Sanya City is really at his wits end.

Otherwise, he would not tell all Sanya’s problems to a young man like him.

Of course, Qin Feng can also see it.

Sanya The mayor of the city wants to throw all the problems on himself.

And this happens to be part of Qin Feng’s plan

“I’m not afraid of difficulties, and I don’t think there’s anything difficult about it”

“I have a way to save Sanya, but I need absolute control”

“Not only does it require comprehensive cooperation from local departments, but it also requires substantial convenience for me.”

“Labor pain is never scary, what is scary is chronic death”

“To put it bluntly, if Sanya is destroyed in your hands, I’m afraid your career will also be affected, right?”

Qin Feng’s words have hit the point.

Who can enter politics, who doesn’t want to take a step further?

But in the face of this huge mess like Sanya, the mayor is really powerless. (It’s so cool to watch.) For novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But now……

Qin Feng suggested that he had a way to manage Sanya perfectly.

This credit naturally belongs to Qin Feng, but the political achievements are attributed to himself.

After thinking for a moment, the market gave the answer

“Mr. Qin, you were invited by the governor, which already means you have Shang Fang’s sword!”

“Just do it with confidence!”

Qin Feng calmly shook his head.

“You must do this, and you must declare in person that you will hand over the power to me.”

“The provincial governor is thousands of miles away. Even if he has the ability, he is still beyond his reach.”

“If I have to ask for instructions on everything, the progress will only become slower and slower, and many emergencies will occur.”

Qin Feng understands very well that the mayor really wants to put himself out.

But he only wants to get benefits and does not want to contribute.

Qin Feng will never agree.

Now he just wants the mayor to express his position and give the mayor full support. Every decision I make.

Let everyone in Sanya know that the mayor is standing with me.

Moreover, with the governor’s guarantee, the team of the municipal party committee will also stand behind me.

With this With the support of the two forces, he was able to truly display his skills in Sanya.

Listening to Qin Feng’s words, the mayor’s heart was almost broken.

How can he be a kid in his 20s?

���Damn it, it’s basically a fox that has been in the mountains for thousands of years.

In one sentence, he did not leave himself any room for bargaining.

If you don’t take a stand and take a stand.

Maybe the next second, Qin Feng will make a call and report directly to the governor.

Moreover, he is also very angry and tells his own affairs to the governor.

That’s when.

It’s really difficult for me


Reba took Qin Feng’s letter of appointment and read it again and again.

The red city hall seal looks particularly dazzling.

She looked at him in disbelief

“Brother, you are so awesome, how dare you talk to the mayor like this?”

“Aren’t you afraid that he won’t agree to your conditions?”

Pearing open a banana, Reba brought it to Qin Feng’s mouth.

Qin Feng said with a smile while eating the banana.

“It’s very polite to say this.”

“The conditions I proposed will benefit him without any harm.”

“It’s just to keep him busy during this period of time”

“Mayor, I just want to stay out of things and not get involved in anything.”

“But I really need his nod. After all, the county magistrate is not as good as the current one.”

Reba nodded in understanding, took out 2.5 wet wipes and wiped the corners of Qin Feng’s mouth.

“Okay, brother, let the police uncle come tomorrow! Arrest all the unscrupulous tour guides and unscrupulous traders we encountered before.”

Qin Feng chuckled.


“Do you know how many there are in them? It can range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands!”

“Sanya, I’m afraid there isn’t such a big prison that can accommodate so many people.”

“Besides, there is no point in just arresting them.”

“Because of their uncles, brothers, and brothers! Sisters and aunts can take their place.”

“If I want to do it, I will make it impossible for them to hold their heads up”

“Let them know that doing evil cultural tourism business will leave a lifelong shadow on themselves.”

As he said that, Qin Feng kissed Reba’s little face.

“Honey, in the entertainment industry, is there anyone who has been out of fashion for a long time?”

“But a middle-aged artist who has a certain degree of popularity and a very serious personality, but whose career path to stardom is not smooth?”

Reba looked at Qin Feng ignorantly, tilting her head cutely

“Not too much! Most of these seniors have relatively upright temperaments, but they are just too upright!”


Qin Feng nodded with a smile, and then said to Reba

“Help me contact thirty people who meet this condition! Both men and women want them all!”

“Let them come to Sanya as quickly as possible!”

“Tell them that I have something important to discuss with them……”

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