Qin Feng was very satisfied looking at the people Reba had found.

Because Qin Feng recognized it at just the first glance.

Many of them have played roles that are well known to the audience.

But because of age or other reasons.

These people are rarely on the screen now.

His real name has gradually been forgotten by the general audience.

But when they walk on the street, they will still be called out by passers-by about the roles they once played.

“Mr. Qin, why did you come to us?”

“Are you going to film something here? Our acting skills are all good, just give us your orders.”

In the conference room, Qin Feng smiled and waved his hand.

“First of all, I want to tell you that calling people over here is not going to make a scene.”

“On the contrary, what I need you to do has nothing to do with acting.”

“But this matter is a very public welfare matter! And it can help you quickly restore your popularity.”

Speaking of this, Qin Feng paused.

“If, this thing is done very beautifully”

“I believe you all know that I now own a film and television city”

“Filming is just a small thing.”

Hearing this, the outdated middle-aged stars were even more excited.

Who doesn’t know that Qin Feng now controls a large amount of film and television resources?

And he has a very good relationship with the film and television giants in the Magic City.

He even has CCTV’s film and television channels.

Those with extremely high traffic, fresh meat and florets.

They all want to jump directly at Qin Feng’s feet, hoping to use Qin Feng’s resources to give themselves a higher status.

And for them This kind of thing, for middle-aged celebrities who have already passed their prime.

They never thought that such unprecedented wealth could actually fall on them?

“No problem, Mr. Qin, just tell me what to do?”

“As long as it’s not illegal or criminal, we can agree”


Under Qin Feng’s careful arrangements.

The has-been celebrities have begun their own independent actions.

Many middle-aged artists opened short video accounts.

Middle-aged artists gathered in Sanya, suspected of a large-scale street shooting drama.

With two hot searches, they were registered.

Netizens also began to discuss this matter

——【Why did they all go to Sanya? Are you going on a trip?】

——【I haven’t heard that Sanya has any major TV series to start shooting recently?】

——【These artists have not appeared on the screen for a long time. Do they really still have acting skills?】

——【He definitely has acting skills. He has created so many classic roles, but he is just older now.】

——【Indeed, and the character of the veteran artist is excellent. There is nothing to say about integrity and structure. 】

As these middle-aged celebrities entered Sanya city and began to experience various tourism industries.

The business of carrying passengers still exists and nothing has changed.

And they also followed Qin Feng’s request.

In secret, he filmed many videos of himself being slaughtered.

The ghost of the seafood market says that there is a shortage of fruits and it is a shopping mall where shopping is compulsory.

And 100% winning, but it requires you to spend 1,000 yuan to buy a necklace that costs less than 10 yuan.

After three or five days of experience.

Although these middle-aged celebrities all go with a mission.

But they also discovered that Sanya’s cultural tourism industry was too dark.

During this process.

Because they are celebrities, many middle-aged people know them.

In the process of entanglement with small businessmen and hawkers.

Those unscrupulous traders, after discovering that the other party is a celebrity.

I don’t want to make things too big, so I just muddle along.

But there are also some traders who don’t care about where the other person comes from.

So much so, among these has-been stars.

Some people were actually threatened by local evil forces and warned not to speak nonsense.

After summarizing these situations, everyone submitted all relevant information and images to Qin Feng.

After seeing so much evidence, Qin Feng directly contacted various anti-counterfeiting internet celebrities.


Countless videos of celebrities being raped spread rapidly throughout the Internet

“Hello everyone, I am actor Sambo”

“What I want to say today is something that makes me very worried”

“Not long ago, I came to Sanya to take my family for sightseeing.”

“I thought this was a very comfortable journey, but I encountered something very disgusting.”

“Not only did I encounter a very serious situation of rip-offs, but the hotel also temporarily increased the price, making me pay twice the price to stay in the room normally.”

“When buying seafood at the largest local seafood market”

“I just, just asked the boss about the price of seafood”

“The boss threw a fish to the ground and wanted to sell it to me for 900 yuan.”

“When they found out I was an artist, they thought I had a certain amount of communication power, so they didn’t force me to buy this fish.”

“But when I was leaving, several local tattooed men ran up to me and warned me not to talk nonsense.”

“I thought about it for a long time and thought I should tell this kind of thing.”

“The purpose is to keep everyone away from these unscrupulous traders and the black cultural tourism industry chain.”

“At the same time, I also hope that Sanya City Hall can give me a clear answer to the problems I encountered!”

It didn’t even last an hour.

This video directly dominated the charts on all major platforms.

Then, one after another videos of celebrities being slaughtered appeared one after another!

Even the artist association as far away as the Imperial Capital also noticed this incident. They posted an angry article and three people were criticized. What local unscrupulous traders do

——【Sanya is too scary. Who will dare to travel after this?】

——【Those people are still celebrities after all. The unscrupulous traders will be more restrained, but what can ordinary people do?】

——【The last time I went to Sanya, I went with my parents! It was about 10 years ago. I didn’t expect the situation to be worse now than it was back then.】

——【I am a local from Sanya. Now everyone, please believe me. Let alone a celebrity, we locals will be ripped off when we go to the beach.】

——【These unscrupulous traders are simply lawless, and it is too much to find someone to threaten middle-aged artists. 】

Things fermented for two hours.

Qin Feng’s cell phone was almost exploded.

The mayor of Sanya City called Qin Feng 20 times in a row.

However, Qin Feng didn’t answer any of them.

When Reba asked the reason, Qin Feng smiled and said

“The complaint hotline in the mayor’s office must be busted now! That’s why he called and wanted to ask me what to do?”

“The only way I can tell him is to handle it fairly.”

“If there is no window for the public to vent, how can this resentment be vented?”

Sure enough.

The hotline in the mayor’s office kept ringing.

And Qin Feng’s phone couldn’t get through.

The three secretaries took turns to answer the phone and kept apologizing to the other end of the phone.

The mayor was anxious Yes, like ants on a hot pot, circling around the office table!

“What do you think this Qin Feng wants to do?”

“He made such a big deal out of it all at once, without even leaving any time for preparation.”

“Now outside, Sanya is almost being called a devil’s nest. Doesn’t this mean that the cultural tourism industry has been completely destroyed?”

“no! Continue to call Qin Feng until he answers the phone.”

Qin Feng did not keep the mayor waiting for too long.

An hour later, he picked up his call.


Qin Feng’s solution to the mayor only had 4 words. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Maintain the status!”

The mayor was so anxious that he almost cried.

Maintain the status quo?

This is easy to say.

But God knows when will these complaint calls stop?


5 days in a row.

The local complaint hotline in Sanya has been opened twice a day.

It has become more than 3,000 per day.

The issues reported by everyone are all related to culture and tourism.

There are celebrities paving the way in front, and Internet celebrities leading the way behind.

Tourists who have suffered hardships and been cheated in Sanya unite!

Keep protesting!

Just when the mayor didn’t know how long this situation would last.

Qin Feng came to the city hall

“Launch special rectification and deal with all previously complained businesses and individuals in accordance with the law”

“They don’t need to be detained, they are fined, and they are dealt with according to the maximum limit.”

“Ask the people in charge of local security to bring people from the court to the scene.”

“People from the Market Supervision Bureau must also be present.”

“With the three parties united, no one is allowed to escape.”

After receiving Qin Feng’s instructions, the mayor immediately arranged the requirements. The leaders of the court, public security, and market supervision.

After receiving the notice, they immediately worked hard.

According to the complaint phone number and the star video Location.

The corresponding responsible person and unit were immediately dealt with strictly.

The processing speed was so fast that netizens were filled with emotion.

——【This wave of treatment is relatively strong, that is, they should be punished severely!】

——【These unscrupulous traders should be punished until they lose all their money, so that they will never dare to do evil again!】

——210 [It’s really refreshing to see Ping, we should have carried out Operation Thunder on them long ago!】

——【I’m just worried that this approach treats the symptoms but not the root cause. After all, there have been stricter actions than this one before!】

——【Yes, unscrupulous vendors are springing up like mushrooms after a rain. If you cut off a piece, another piece will grow.】

——【Let’s talk about the future later, at least what we do now! It makes sense and that’s enough. 】

Less than a week.

Sanya’s regulatory department investigated and punished more than 1,300 unscrupulous vendors.

More than 300 businesses in the shady cultural tourism industry have been shut down.

Including, but not limited to, meals, entertainment and accommodation.

Face this situation.

Qin Feng was not very satisfied.

Because of these unscrupulous traders and unscrupulous industries, they were punished by the regulatory authorities.

It only stopped for a day or two and then reopened.

And the routine used is no different from before.

It’s just that the attitude has been tempered and the methods are more subtle.

Touching his chin, Qin Feng sat in the conference room of the city hall

“This action is just a signal to the unscrupulous traders! Let them know that the leadership team has begun to pay attention to this matter”

“I bet these unscrupulous traders must be in a meeting and discussing strategies for this special operation.”

“Then, we must take advantage of this moment to launch the second rectification operation.”

The leaders in the conference room were all shocked after hearing Qin Feng’s words.

The first rectification operation just ended, and the second one started immediately?

There is no such strict rectification operation in the world. This is too cruel.

Qin Feng helplessly spread his hands

“Just beat them until they are scared, and then beat them into submission”

“It’s not okay to beat them until they are submissive, you have to beat them until they can’t stand up.”

“When they see the law enforcement officers, they will run away like a mouse seeing a cat!”

Hearing Qin Feng’s words, the leaders didn’t dare to breathe.

They thought to themselves.

This Qin Feng is too cruel. He will kill him as soon as he comes.

This action will definitely arouse the dissatisfaction of the local villagers. Maybe it will There will be a riot immediately.

What if something unexpected happened during the riot?

Then, Sanya would be really famous!!

But what these leaders never dreamed of!

Qin Feng is now waiting for the villagers Are we taking the lead in making trouble?……

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