After taking a taxi to downtown Sanya.

Qin Feng took Reba and finally found a star hotel and checked in.

Looking at the clean and tidy room.

Qin Feng and Reba finally breathed a sigh of relief

“Brother, what should we do next?”

“I have already complained to that travel agency and notified the tourism bureau in Shanghai.”

“But in my opinion”

“Our journey is not complete yet, we still need to continue experiencing it”

“Just the travel expenses of a low-priced group will be completely hacked.”

“The evil tourism phenomenon in Sanya has completely exceeded my imagination.”

“If anything, I was still angry just now! Now I am not angry anymore, but more curious!”

“I really want to take a look at how bad the cultural tourism industry in Sanya is.”

After finding some guides on the Internet and combining them with questions often mentioned by many travel bloggers,

Qin Feng and Reba decided to start experiencing the local special tourism projects tomorrow.

Take a look at these projects. What’s the secret?


Early the next morning.

Qin Feng and Reba came to the beach in Sanya.

At 10 o’clock in the morning, there were already many tourists on the beach.

The vendors are also on the beach and have found their seats.

He started shouting vigorously.

Exclusive projects on various beaches are endless and dazzling!

In the process of selecting projects.

There was sand in Reba’s shoes.

There happened to be a stool next to her, and Reba was going to sit down, drag her shoes off, and shake out the sand.


Reba just sat down, less than two seconds.

An aunt came out of nowhere and stood directly in front of Qin Feng and Reba

“If you sit here, you will be charged 100 yuan for an hour.”

Hearing this sentence inexplicably, Qin Feng was immediately confused.

What is this stool made of?

It charges 100 yuan for an hour?

This is much faster than robbery!!

It seems that Qin Feng saw it. and Reba’s dissatisfaction.

The aunt immediately changed her words and said

“This is a place we rent, and the stools are our private facilities, which are used to make profit.”

“If you don’t want to pay the rest fee, you can use it for free if you spend some money with us.”

Hearing this, Qin Feng frowned and asked

“So, how do we spend it?”

While talking, the aunt took out the menu and handed it to Qin Feng and Reba.

“Just buy some food and drink, it won’t cost much.”

Qin Feng glanced at the prices on the menu and found that the prices of these items were still within a reasonable range.

When she saw that a coconut only cost 20 yuan, Reba became angry.

“The driver of the big car was so shady that he sold us a coconut for 50 yuan, while it only cost 20 yuan on the beach.”

Qin Feng nodded in agreement, and then asked for two coconuts.

After the two of them consumed it, the aunt left with satisfaction.

After a while, the waiter took the plate and placed two coconuts in the hands of Qin Feng and Reba.

But Just after taking a sip,

Qin Feng spit out the coconut juice in his mouth.

Seeing Qin Feng’s state, Reba simply didn’t dare to drink it

“Bah bah bah”

“This coconut is obviously bad!”

“The taste of coconut milk is already very bitter. If you drink this stuff, you may get a bad stomach.”

Reba also reacted.

“No wonder the coconuts here only cost 20 yuan. It turned out that the ones given to us were all bad. How disgusting!”

While the waiter just now was not leaving, Qin Feng called the waiter back.

When Qin Feng asked why this coconut was bad?

Three dark-skinned strong men stood up from the side.

“You said this coconut is bad. Is there any basis for it?”

“The coconuts we sell here always look like this”

“No one else got bad from drinking, so why did you get so bad from drinking?”

The three big men looked fierce.

They hugged their shoulders and stared at Qin Feng and Reba fiercely.

Qin Feng also understood that a good man will not suffer the consequences in front of him.

He nodded with a smile and did not have any dispute with them.

It’s just that everything that happened Everything was recorded by a pinhole camera.

After learning this lesson, Qin Feng and Reba never dared to have anything to do with anything on the beach.

The two carefully walked along the coastline.

Just left Not far away, a dark-skinned young man ran over enthusiastically.

“Handsome guy, do you want to take your girlfriend and ride a beach motorcycle? Very exciting!”

There are countless beach motorcycle projects here in Sanya.

The fees charged by each company are not much different.

Considering that this is a relatively popular project, Qin Feng nodded and asked the other party

“How do you charge?”

“You can ride for 20 minutes for 150 yuan, and you can ride for 30 minutes for 200 yuan.”

Feeling that the fee was quite reasonable, Qin Feng nodded and paid 200 for the other party. After seeing the money, the young man immediately took Qin Feng and Reba to the beach motorcycle.

He handed the key to Qin Feng and supported the two of them. After getting on the motorcycle,

Qin Feng turned the throttle and found that the beach motorcycle showed no signs of starting.

“How is this going?”

The young man who was so enthusiastic just now has suddenly changed into the face of a profiteer.

“What’s going on? Aren’t you already riding?”

As he said this, the young man pretended to be suddenly enlightened.

“oh! You mean, ride around on a beach bike, right?”

“Then you have to scan again, which costs 150 yuan for gas.”

Reba was stunned after hearing this.

“Are you saying there’s no oil in these beach bikes?”

When Reba asked this, the young man didn’t feel nervous at all. Instead, he was shocked and couldn’t nod. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“That’s right, I just asked you to ride a motorcycle, and I didn’t ask you to ride a motorcycle around.”

“If you want to move around, of course you have to pay for gas!”

“It’s you two who are playing, should I pay for it?”

Listening to his fallacies, Qin Feng was completely offended and laughed.

This project is really exciting!

Qin Feng stopped riding the motorcycle and took Reba away quickly.

On the beach, he watched many projects Finally,

Qin Feng discovered that there were countless tricks similar to beach motorcycles.

And after many tourists were deceived, they could only nod and admit their bad luck. After all, if you are out of town and have a dispute with the locals, the one who will suffer must be Himself.

But Qin Feng also understood.

Doing this in business will only produce one result.

That is, no one will come here a second time.

After leaving the beach, the two people just wanted to have something to eat at a nearby restaurant.

A guy soliciting business , walked over immediately.

Approached Qin Feng and whispered!

“Boss, don’t go to other restaurants to eat. Other restaurants are all shady restaurants.”

“Their seafood is all smelly, and the quality of the dishes is not guaranteed.”

Qin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this.

“So, you are a conscientious shop here?”

The young man chuckled.

“Not too conscientious. In a place like Sanya, if you are too conscientious you will starve to death.”

“But I still have some bottom line! The dishes I provide you must be affordable and of good quality.”

Reba has become more discerning this time and will never listen to other people’s opinions again.

“Others use smelly seafood and sell it at a high price”

“You guarantee us quality and quantity, and the price is affordable, so why can you open a store in this place?”

The hotel boy scratched his head.

“We have cooperation with tourist attractions. After you have dinner with us, you can be taken to the Tianya Haijiao scenic spot by bus!”

“When you get to the scenic spot, it’s like collecting people’s heads for me, and I just earn a commission!”

After talking for a long time, we still have to charge a head fee.

Think about it carefully, this little guy explained everything clearly.

From an attitude point of view, it is not bad.

Qin Feng and Reba looked at each other and decided Have lunch at their house.

Just as the boy said.

There are not many Sanya specialties provided here, but more home-cooked dishes.

But the price is indeed within the normal range.

It’s just that Qin Feng is a little strange..Compared with other restaurants, the charges of this restaurant are already very low.

But why are there only two or three tables of guests dining in the restaurant?

After finishing the meal, the bus the boy mentioned has stopped at the entrance of the hotel.

Part 1 Before getting out of the car, the boy enthusiastically warned Qin Feng and Reba

“When you arrive at Tianya Haijiao Scenic Area, just take a look around! Don’t waste your money, there is nothing worth buying!”

As a result of eating a decent meal,

Reba’s perception of the hotel waiters has greatly improved!

“Brother, the waiters in this restaurant are quite nice!”

Qin Feng just smiled and didn’t say much.

God���Haijiao Scenic Area is about 20 kilometers away from downtown Sanya.

You can get there in less than an hour by bus.

This time, the bus did not stop midway or force shopping.

After arriving at the scenic spots in Tianya Haijiao.

The driver of the car took out the key and got out with this kind of person

“This is the Tianya Haijiao Scenic Area. Did you see the two rocks in front?”

“One part is the end of the world, the other part is the cape of the sea”

“These two stones have magical power, as long as they are seen by lovers or couples! No matter where we are in the world, we can all come together in the end!”

Listening to the driver’s introduction, Reba hugged Qin Feng’s arm and rubbed it hard.

But the sweet time had not progressed for a minute.

The bus driver continued.

“Let’s take a stroll around the area. The environment here is pretty good, but it’s a little difficult to take a taxi.”

“If you want to take my car back to the city, it costs 160 yuan per person.”


Just 30 seconds.

Reba cursed the family tree of the hotel boy just now 3,000 times in her heart. He seemed to be an honest guy, but in fact he was full of bad ideas.

To say that this boy didn’t know the tricks of the bus driver. Reba didn’t believe it.

Qin Feng, who was always observing, didn’t say anything.

He took Reba for a walk around the ends of the earth.

Then he paid the money and got in the car, ready to go back to the city.

In the car,

Reba was obviously It felt that Qin Feng was in a very low mood.

So he asked cautiously

“Brother, have you thought about what you will experience tomorrow?”

Qin Feng said coldly

“What a shit experience”

“Tomorrow I will go to Sanya City Hall”

“Let them take a good look at the things we recorded…”.

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