In order for the plan to proceed.

Qin Feng and Reba purchased a total of 2,000 yuan worth of junk snacks.

These are so-called fine jade stones.

Even Reba, a person who doesn’t understand jade, got it in her hands.

You can even touch it, it’s a handicraft with very poor texture.

“Brother, I bet that the cost price of this thing is no more than 10 yuan at most!”

“10 yuan? That’s the price at the small commodity wholesale market. This thing costs more than 5 yuan. I took my head off.”

Looking at Qin Feng’s actions, Reba covered her mouth and chuckled.

But she also saw other tourists being forced to shop.

Reba felt very sympathetic.

“This 2,000 yuan is in my brother’s hands! It’s just a matter of one more and one less”

“But in the hands of most ordinary people, they can already eat three to five seafood feasts.”

“These shady tour guides and shopping groups are so abominable!”

Qin Feng sneered and shook his head.

“What abomination is this?”

“I assure you, this is just a break from the topic, the real article is yet to come!”

I walked around the exhibition for more than an hour.

Because Qin Feng and Reba were very cooperative in purchasing the things.

The tour guide also got the corresponding commission.

Therefore, the attitude towards Qin Feng and Reba has changed slightly.

“After buying something, just go back to the car and sit there. There is no air conditioning in the venue, so go to the car to cool down.”

More than an hour passed.

The large group arrived belatedly.

When everyone returned to the bus, Qin Feng keenly discovered that there were more than 20 people in the entire tour group.

Without exception, they were all at the exhibition. I bought those fake jade jewelry.

After the huge success of this exhibition, the tour guide’s mood obviously became better.

As the bus slowly started to move, the tour guide took the microphone and said

“Next, we are going to the hotel”

“The journey takes about 30 minutes. To prevent everyone from getting bored, I’m here to chat with you!”

“Here in Sanya, tourism is a pillar industry”

“In order to allow local residents to earn a little money to support their families in the tourism industry!”

“Therefore, many tourism projects are allocated to individuals 837.”

As he said this, the tour guide pointed his finger at the driver.

“This bus is our driver’s own private car.”

“To be honest, the driver has always taken great care of everyone along the way! It’s really hard”

“One day’s fare. It’s only two or three hundred yuan, not enough to even pay for gas.”

“so. The driver brother had no choice but to use some of his family’s specialties to start a small business.”

While talking, the tour guide took out various inferior coconuts from the big sack.

“These are all local to Sanya. The specialty coconut is very fresh, sweet and delicious.”

“Just take one sip and you’ll never forget it for the rest of your life”

“Seeing how hard the driver is working, can you please support his small business so that he can earn more.”

With the experience of the previous trade fair, no matter what the tour guide said now, no one was willing to listen.

Seeing that no one answered his words, the tour guide did not feel embarrassed, but continued.

“You see, these coconuts are very large and very mature!”

“A coconut like this sells for 50 yuan. Do you think it is expensive?”

“Wouldn’t it be nice to hold a coconut and drink it on such a hot day?”

As if to cooperate with the tour guide.

The driver turned around and said something in the local dialect

“The car’s fuel is low, so I’ll turn off the air conditioner first.”

Once the air conditioning and fresh air system of the suffocating tour bus were turned off, the cabin was like a furnace. Soon

, the temperature increased again because of the carbon dioxide exhaled by everyone.

At this time, the tour guide took out a knife and Open the coconut in your hand.

After inserting a straw, pass it to a child in the front row.

“Little girl, ask your mother to buy you a coconut to drink. It’s very sweet.”

The parents of the little girl immediately hugged the child.

Seeing that the parents didn’t buy it, the tour guide’s face fell again.

“You just go out to have fun, why do you have to do this?”

“You are all big bosses. It’s only 50 yuan. Is it really a lot?”

“On such a hot day, the car’s air conditioner can’t be turned on. Do you really not want to buy a coconut to relieve the heat?”

Although the tour guide has made it clear, no tourists responded to him. Suddenly

, the bus stopped on the side of the road.

The tour guide held a microphone and glanced at everyone coldly.

“When you go out to play, you have to consume. Without consumption, how can you have fun?”

“Nowadays, rich people give their dogs mineral water.”

“But in the car, some people are not even qualified to be human beings”

“Now the car is broken down”

“The driver is going to repair the car, so everyone just sit here and wait.”

After that, the tour guide naturally pulled out a convenient stool and sat down directly.

At this time, a tourist wearing glasses asked in a low voice

“How long until the car can be repaired? I’m going to die from the heat.”

Hearing this, the tour guide said nonchalantly

“Repaired? I’m not a car mechanic, how do I know when it’s fixed?”

“Once all these coconuts are sold, it will probably be repaired.”

Looking at Reba, who had a small electric fan beside him, she was also sweating from the heat.

Qin Feng understood.

A new round of sales has begun.

Don’t say it, he really won’t let go for a damn second. He just came out of the trade fair, Coconuts were sold.

Finally, after 10 minutes, because they couldn’t bear it, their children were hot and thirsty.

The parents of the little girl in the front row still took out 50 yuan and bought a coconut for their children.

He took it The parent handed over 50 yuan, and the tour guide grinned.


“Everyone needs to be smarter. Some things don’t need to be so straightforward.”

“If we are all like this big sister, our journey will become smoother.”

Under the repeated attacks of the tour guide, the tourists in the car still paid for all the bags of coconuts. They counted the bills in their hands, and then took out half of them and handed them to the driver.

(To read more novels:: https:///////

After the driver counted them again, Immediately turn the key.

The bus starts up again, and the air conditioning and fresh air become normal.

Until then, the passengers on the bus have understood that this so-called trip to Sanya is a complete shopping scam.

However, it was too late for them to regret it now.

After more than 20 minutes, the car came to a hotel and stopped.

Looking at the appearance of the hotel,

Qin Feng looked a little embarrassed. (Read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This hotel is really far from the five-star hotel on the brochure.

If the hotel on the brochure is five-star, then the hotel in front of you is 0.5-star.

The yellow walls have already There has been a large area of shedding.

The entire hotel still continues the decoration style of the guest house in the 1990s.

The water reservoir in front of the hotel has long since dried up and is overgrown with weeds and insects.

(ceeg) Qin Feng can guess it without even thinking about it.

If you stay in a place like this, you can open the windows at night.

You and Reba will become a buffet for all kinds of mosquitoes.

After letting the tourists in the car get off.

The tour guide led everyone to the hotel.

The front desk of the hotel counted the number of people.

After taking out 700 yuan and handing it to the tour guide, he took out a bunch of keys from the table.

“Everyone, follow me upstairs. Your rooms are on the fifth floor.”

Following the staff at the front desk, the guests came to the stairs.

At this time, Qin Feng noticed.

This hotel doesn’t even have an elevator.

The group will live on the 5th floor.

5 days and 6 nights!

Just going up and downstairs. , can be very tiring.

Someone also discovered the same problem and raised questions.

The front desk of the hotel was rude and responded directly with one sentence!

“How much do you spend? Don’t you know what’s going on in your mind?”

“If I stay here for 6 nights, I can earn you 30 yuan in accommodation fees per day.”

“It’s good to have a place to live, so what to choose?”

The front desk staff was speechless.

Everyone could only complain and walk upstairs with heavy steps.

But after arriving on the fifth floor, everyone’s hearts were completely cold when they saw the quality of the rooms.

These rooms, It can no longer be described as old.

It can be described as dilapidated.

In each room, there are two single beds.

On the floor, there is something dark and sticky.

It is impossible to tell. What kind of mysterious substance is it?

The white sheets and quilts on the bed are also stained with a large area of yellow.

It is obviously the traces left by some kind of liquid after it has dried in the sun.

The most surprising thing is that the semiconductor industry, It has been developed for so many years.

But in this hotel in Sanya, the TV in the room is still a big-head TV.

If at this time, someone told Qin Feng that they were participating in activities to miss the 1990s.

Qin Feng would completely believe it..

Because, on the walls of each room, there are still many posters of celebrities that have long since passed.

After everyone got the keys, they were exhausted mentally and physically because they had been forced to shop twice.

So they could only swallow their anger. Entering the room, he put down his luggage first.

There was really no place to sit in the room.

Reba, who always liked cleanliness, simply took out her summer blanket from the suitcase.

After laying it on the bed, Qin Feng and Reba Holding back the nausea, I sat on the bed

“Brother, I have serious doubts now! The tour guide, driver, and hotel front desk, they all work together!”

Qin Feng blew Reba’s nose.

“Our little Reba is so smart now, she found her blind spots right away.”

Reba sighed and pouted.

“I have just arrived in Sanya and just entered the hotel, and I have already suffered three rounds of shocks.”

“God knows, what else is waiting for us behind?”

Qin Feng shook his head noncommittally.

“It’s okay, I just saw a taxi outside, which means it’s very close to the city.”

“The worst thing is, we won’t stay here tonight, we’ll just take a taxi to the city and find a hotel to stay in.”

“After all, we are just here to investigate the situation, not to suffer.”

“I just want to see what tricks they have next!”

However, the development of the matter was completely beyond Qin Feng’s expectation.

When he arrived at the hotel, it was around 2 o’clock at noon.

And it was not until 7:30 in the evening.

The dark-skinned tour guide never appeared again..

Just when Qin Feng was wondering, there was a knock on the door of the room.

When he opened the door, he saw that all the tourists who came with his tour group were now standing in the corridor.

Since arriving at the hotel, everyone has been waiting After all, they are joining a tour group, so they can’t ignore the meal.

But until now, the tour guide has not contacted anyone.

Moreover, when they tried to contact the tour guide who took them on the plane, they were told , that tour guide was just a service member of the tour group!

He was not involved in the travel process and activity arrangements!

This was like kicking the ball back.

So everyone decided to join forces and go find the place to pick up the tour guide. When everyone came to the front desk and asked about the hotel’s front desk staff, the hotel’s front desk staff frowned and said

“He arranged you here and then left.”

“You guys are so funny, how would I know where he went?”

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Even Qin Feng was a little shocked.

It turned out that the tour guide’s mission was to take everyone to buy jade and coconuts!

Then he threw everyone into the hotel, and then disappeared.

Look. Seeing the shocked people, Qin Feng cried and said to Reba with a smile

“Come on, let’s go upstairs and get our luggage.”

“Let’s find a hotel in the city to stay first!”

“Sanya, it’s really not easy.……!”

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