Mention Nanhai Province.

Qin Feng is too familiar.

Blue sea and sky, beach scenery, coconut breeze and sea charm.

It can be said that this province was born entirely for tourism!

Among the many cities in Nanhai Province.

Sanya City occupies 90% of Nanhai Province’s cultural and tourism resources.

Whether it is a warm summer resort or a dreamy seaside trip.

It will make tourists feel lingering and unforgettable.

Even when the spring is cold every year.

Many friends from the three northeastern provinces will choose to come to the South China Sea to escape the severe cold.

However, the South China Sea has not been easy in recent years.

After vigorously promoting cultural tourism in Sanya, what we got in exchange was not better cultural tourism development.

With the frequent occurrence of customer rip-off situations!

And, all kinds of travel scams.

Sanya’s reputation is getting worse every year.

In addition, there are various black tour guides and black teams in the territory.

Sanya has gradually become an outcast in the tourism market and is spurned by the majority of tourists!

It has even reached the point where it is unbearable for the majority of tourists.

After communicating with Lao Zhao, Qin Feng finally understood what happened.

The person who found Lao Zhao.

He is the leader of Nanhai Province.

And the reason why he contacted Lao Zhao to find Qin Feng for help.

It’s because the cultural tourism industry in Sanya has entered a very dangerous situation!

“Hello Comrade Xiao Qin, nice to communicate with you”

“I’ve said a lot of polite words, let me get straight to the point now”

“I hope you can come to Sanya to take a look and help save the cultural tourism industry in Sanya!”

Faced with this request, Qin Feng was full of doubts.

Although the phenomenon of robbing customers in Sanya is very rampant.

As the only tourist attraction in Nanhai Province, Sanya has no shortage of tourists at all.

Moreover, with its natural scenery alone, It can bring a considerable cultural and tourism economy to the region.

After hearing Qin Feng’s question, the governor of Nanhai Province sighed.

“This is just gold and jade on the outside, but failure on the inside.”

“In the past two years, Sanya’s cultural tourism promotion has continued to affect the public’s nerves! Moreover, the phenomenon of robbing customers is becoming more and more serious, and has even aroused widespread social discussion.”

“Along with many coastal cities, tourism projects have been opened”

“The tourism environment in Sanya is getting worse day by day. Many local cultural and tourism industries have been withdrawn.”

“In two years at most, Sanya will become a city completely abandoned by the tourism industry.”

“Once we get to that point, it’s really impossible to save Sanya again.”


Qin Feng was somewhat hesitant about choosing Sanya as his travel destination this time.

After all, Sanya is famous.

The matter of robbing customers is definitely not a joke with you. only.

When Qin Feng tactfully expressed his intention to refuse.

The governor of Nanhai Province also said tactfully

“If the cultural and tourism environment in Sanya can be improved and promoted”

“The government has decided to take the lead in building a number of sea-view commercial and residential projects in Sanya.”

“We have already contacted many real estate companies, and relevant supporting facilities will be available~.”

“If Comrade Xiao Qin wants to participate, we are very welcome.”

A sea view room in Sanya?

And it is a dual-use model for both commercial and residential use.

Qin Feng is really moved.

Because this is a project that is more profitable than a pre-made dish project.

Take a look at those tourism projects that use ancient cities as their selling points The city knows it.

The local residents earn an income of 30,000 to 50,000 yuan a month just from the homestay business.

Moreover, they don’t need to work hard at all, they only need to provide the most basic accommodation.

If you can really participate Come to this project.

The benefits will be very considerable.

Although Qin Feng is no longer short of money, the governor of Nanhai Province cannot stand it. He gave too much.

The airport in Shanghai.

Qin Feng put two miniature The cameras were installed on their and Reba’s clothes.

“This time, we will use the most tourist mentality to experience the customs and customs of Sanya”

“After all, this project is too huge. If I don’t conduct a comprehensive investigation, I really don’t dare to make a guarantee.”

This is the first time Qin Feng has brought Reba to participate in a planning plan.

Reba looked extremely excited.

“Brother, don’t worry, I will definitely be able to cooperate with you perfectly!”

“Don’t forget, I am also an artist after all, and my acting skills are pretty good.”

Smiled and touched Reba’s face.

“No need for any performances, just use the most authentic tourist mentality to experience this trip”

“After a while, we will get on the plane with the tour guide”

“Just pretend this time is real and come out to play.”

Soon, the tour guide wearing a black vest came to the airport.

Waving the little red flag in his hand, he said to more than 20 members of the tour group, including Qin Feng.

“Friends, we are starting registration now”

“This dreamy 5-day and 6-night trip to Sanya will be served by our Wuxin Travel Agency.”

“If you are now, please give us a 5-star review online! After you get off the plane, the local ground pick-up will also give you exquisite small gifts!”

You have to give a five-star review now, which means you have to confirm the payment now.

Even if you are cheated by the tour group, you can’t give them a bad review online.

Qin Feng smiled slightly and gave Reba a look.

Two After the person marked the positive comments, he immediately showed it to the tour guide.

The tour guide smiled and nodded.

“Okay, everyone, please follow me. We are going to board the plane to Sanya now.”


Got off the plane.

The warm sea breeze blows in the face. This is Qin Feng’s first time coming to Sanya.

Comfortable environment, livable temperature.

No matter Bingcheng, Zicheng or Magic City, they are all incomparable to Sanya.

Just got off the plane.

The tour guide gathered the people in the tour group together.

And we made work connections with a local ground connection. (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

With this local name, you can tell he is a local.

His skin was a little dark, and there wasn’t even a hint of a smile on his face.

After the handover was completed, the tour guide said

“Next, please take the bus to the hotel with our local tour guide.”

After that, the tour guide left directly. The tour guide looked at the members of the tour group and then nodded.

The people he led arrived at a tour bus.

Everyone just got on the bus. Sit tight.

A young guy raised his hand to speak.

“Brother, we just gave you a 5-star review. Didn’t you say you would give us a beautiful little gift?”

The tour guide looked at it sideways and said very impatiently.

“The small gifts have been sent out. You don’t have any in this batch, so there’s no need to ask.”

The cold answer gave Qin Feng a premonition.

Perhaps this journey was more terrifying than he imagined.

As the bus continued to move forward, everyone came to a remote place, obviously far away from the city.

The tourists on the bus have already started whispering

“Didn’t you say you were going to the hotel? Why is the hotel so remote?”

“There is no one on this road. What kind of hotel would be built in a place like this?”

“Didn’t the brochure say it was a five-star hotel? Is it a five-star resort hotel built on the beach in the suburbs?”

Soon, the tour bus stopped in a large courtyard.

After the door opened, the tour guide asked everyone to get off.

Looking at the large courtyard in front of them and a banner pulled out.

All the tourists on the scene were confused.

“Nanhai Exquisite Jade Exhibition?”

“Didn’t you say you would take us to the hotel? Why bring us to the jade fair?”

“It seems like we don’t have this item on our itinerary, right?”

The tour guide who picked up the ground didn’t care about what the tourists were talking about. He just kept repeating it and asked everyone to follow him.

Since everyone’s luggage was still in the car, they didn’t know where to go now.

So they could only Following the tour guide, we came to the inside of the trade fair.

As soon as we entered the trade fair, all the tourists, including Qin Feng, were stunned!

Because there was already a crowd of people in the trade fair venue

, and it looked like a dark crowd. It should be another tour group.

Before anyone could react, the tour guide took out a bunch of yellow ribbons and asked everyone to tie them on their wrists.

After counting the number of people, the tour guide came to the door and chatted with a person who looked like a security guard. Get up.

Without saying a few words, the security guard took out 500 yuan and put it in the hands of the tour guide.

The tour guide put the money in his pocket and took the tourists into the exhibition hall.

“~All the jade stones for sale here are high-quality South China Sea jade! Guaranteed quality and quantity, favorable price!”

“You can pick whatever you like, choose whatever you like, everyone wants to buy it!”

Reba opened her eyes and nodded to Qin Feng.

“Brother, this is a shopping group that buys and sells by force.”

Qin Feng smiled slightly

“1980 yuan, 5 days and 6 nights in Sanya for two people!”

“If he is not a shopping group, then he is a ghost.”

Looking at the dissatisfied expressions of the tourists, the tour guide snorted coldly.

“If you are asked to buy it, just buy it. These are definitely real things and I won’t lie to you.”

“Each person should spend at least 1,000 yuan, otherwise, find a way back to the city by yourself!”

This routine has actually appeared in many areas (Zhao Hao).

But in terms of the process, it will be relatively tactful and gentle.

But here in Nanhai, as a local, the locals do not shy away from these at all.

He looked towards The eyes of these tourists were like looking at a piece of walking money.

There was no concealment in their words.

They stated their requests straightforwardly.

Several tourists were unwilling at that time.

But what the tour guide said next , shocking everyone

“Here, it is at least 30 kilometers away from downtown Sanya.”

“If you really don’t want to buy anything, you can go to the bus and take off your luggage now.”

“Don’t think that just because you have a taxi app on your phone, you can ask an online taxi to pick you up and take you back to the city.”

“How dare you come to this place without online ride-hailing?”

“So I advise you to buy some and don’t make it difficult for me or yourself!”

The tour guide didn’t back down at all, and his attitude even got worse.

When he heard that someone wanted to call the reporting hotline, the tour guide was even more disdainful.

“Why don’t you call me? Do you want me to give you my phone number?”

“I dare to bring you here, so I’m not afraid of you reporting me?”

“Anyway, I have already received the capitation fee. I will leave in a car right now. It is up to you to decide.”

The tourist who wanted to report just now was immediately discouraged.

Qin Feng, who was standing aside and had been paying attention to the entire incident, also shook his head and sighed.

“After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, weren’t there no more bandits and mountain kings?……”

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