1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 820 Yuanxin leads the way

The picture changed silently, and soon, someone recognized that this was the skyline of New Science and Technology City - because everyone saw the most flashy Microsoft logo.

There was an inevitable commotion among the crowd in the auditorium, but the applause seemed cautious.

Because just one picture can express the night of Science and Technology New City, but it cannot show more information.

Under the stage, Su Yuanshan was also looking at the picture attentively. Different from the blank expressions of others, he was more looking to see if there was any tearing in the picture, whether the flight was smooth, and whether the angle of the drawing... was pretty.

Of course, what he is more worried about is that this kind of real-machine demonstration is indeed awesome, but if it fails, it will be embarrassing and humiliating.

This is what Duan Yongping is most worried about. Once he fails, no matter how hard you plan, it won't be able to reverse the effect. Therefore, the earliest plan was conventional publicity - that is, filming Jingwei flying in the air. It wasn't until later that Ma Mengqi patted his chest and said that he would give Jingwei the most awesome appearance and promised that it would be OK, and then obtained Su Yuanshan's support... then the plan was finally determined.

For example, at this time, Ma Mengqi himself was actually operating in the background.

Since it was a press conference, it was impossible to keep playing riddles. Soon, people discovered that something was wrong - because the picture displayed on the curtain was getting closer and closer to the familiar street scene, and some people had even successfully recognized that the center of the camera was the Science and Technology City. Exhibition Center.

Holy shit, this is live?

Shi Dazhu immediately turned sideways and looked at Su Yuanshan, his face full of shock.

Keep your voice down, basic operations. Su Yuanshan waved his hand with a calm expression on his face.

At this time, people at the press conference also realized that something was wrong, because the staff of Yuanxin had already gone to the window in front and opened the window.

On the stage, Duan Yongping took a deep breath. He turned to look at the audience and said with a smile: Yes, everyone guessed it right. This is indeed the live image transmission of the Far Core UAV.

In the past few months, it has made great breakthroughs in the industrial and agricultural fields, but as Yuanxin, a technology company with the mission of producing mass consumer products, we believe it can bring more to our lives surprise.

In addition to instant screen feedback and ultra-long remote control distance, it also has incredible functions such as automatically avoiding obstacles, returning with one button, and flying with just a raise of your hand.

Along with Duan Yongping's explanation, the picture has been infinitely close to the building, and some people can even vaguely hear the buzzing sound coming from outside.

The following is the moment to witness the miracle.

Duan Yongping said what Su Yuanshan emphasized, turned around and stretched out his hand outside the window.

The picture on the stage also clearly showed the perspective of the drone. It seemed to think for a moment, and then like a dexterous bee, it quickly swooped towards the window that revealed a glimmer of light.

Right under the eyes of everyone, a small silver aircraft quickly flew into the auditorium and flew towards Duan Yongping.

And its perspective was live broadcast on the screen throughout the entire process.

Five meters, two meters, one meter...

As the drone got closer and closer, the spotlight also shone on Duan Yongping's body and outstretched arm.

Under the spotlight, the drone stopped steadily in Duan Yongping's hands.

Everyone held their breath, witnessing this unheard-of model aircraft recycling method, so that it wasn't until Ma Mengqi walked out from behind the scenes not minding that he was sweating profusely that the applause sounded like thunder.

The next morning.

There is no doubt that this conference was an unprecedented success.

No matter how much Su Yuanshan said that Yuanxin is essentially a semiconductor company, the work Yuanxin has done over the years has always been the work of an excellent consumer electronics company.

And, over the years, it has continued to lead the way.

From MP3, to MP4, music phones, to smartphones, or web cameras, driving recorders... almost every time, Yuanxin is creating new products and fields.

Ah... our performance is getting higher and higher, and the G-spot of the audience is also raised. Will this cause backlash in the future?

In the office, Su Yuanshan, Duan Yongping, Ma Mengqi and others laughed and talked about last night's press conference.

——When Jingwei fell into Duan Yongping's hands, the entire venue was instantly ignited. It took a long time for Duan Yongping to regain control of the situation. And the silhouette of Yidoo4 finally announced did not cause too big a response.

After all, Jingwei's appearance was too gorgeous.

There won't be any backlash, but the pressure is indeed a bit high...Mr. Shan. Ma Mengqi hugged the teacup and chuckled: Fortunately, the chain didn't fall off - I have to praise Mr. Duan here, I think he is Just capture Jingwei.

It was on the palm of my hand at that time. I thought that I could finish the job with just one handful, so as to avoid long nights and endless dreams...

Well, Mr. Duan is wise! Su Yuanshan laughed loudly. Indeed, Lao Duan's last grasp was too firm, allowing Jingwei to complete the most successful appearance.

To get down to business, although Jingwei is positioned as a consumer drone, we must also consider the other uses it can bring and the various legal consequences... Therefore, we need to consider it in advance.

Especially this time, we must strive to walk on two legs, and at the same time limit and layout Europe and the United States, we must take into account that Europeans... are really a little crazy about privacy. We must pay attention to this.

Yeah. Ma Mengqi nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: Just leave this kind of professional issue to professionals, what else?

... Su Yuanshan and Duan Yongping looked at each other, their eyes filled with joy.

Ma Mengqi... This guy really doesn't realize how awesome and great an application and market he has created - or he realizes it, but subconsciously thinks that it is far less attractive than him immersing himself in technology. force.

After all, Yuanxin has fully demonstrated its strong technology monetization capabilities in the past few years. In other words, as long as the internal technology and R\u0026D personnel have any ideas or innovations, they can submit them and apply for them. Monetization - Even if the industrialization application is not approved, a good old man like Mr. Xi will never easily obliterate anyone's creativity, and will continue to support research and development.

To put it more vividly, the Yuanxin Technology Park system is essentially a huge entrepreneurial incubation base based on Yuanxin’s tens of thousands of people around the world.

The other thing is, follow what was said before, carry out industrial layout and promote the formation of industrialization... Lao Ma, you will be the CEO soon... Su Yuanshan shook his head with a smile: Go and form your own team!

Ma Mengqi: ...

Really, go and organize it yourself. Mr. Duan and I still have something to talk about. Su Yuanshan glanced at his watch and ordered the expulsion with a smile.

All right……

When Ma Mengqi left and Duan Yongping looked away with a smile, the atmosphere suddenly became a bit solemn.

Mr. Shan, what does Microsoft say?

End of October, XP. Su Yuanshan squinted and said softly.

——At this time, he naturally would not hide from Duan Yongping what this epoch-making operating system released by Microsoft in the new century would be like.

How...how is it?

All I can say is that once XP came out, there was no traditional PC desktop system that could run on it.

Su Yuanshan did not hesitate to praise winXP, because he already knew that in addition to natively supporting dual-core processor architecture, the first version of XP in the current timeline will also launch a 64-bit version next year.

——Whether this is because of waiting for Intel or because of Microsoft's limited production capacity, Su Yuanshan does not know, but next year's 64-bit version of WinXP+ dual-core will undoubtedly bring the adaptability of the hardware to an unprecedented level. .

Until then, it’s the real “battlefield.”

Of course, due to the development cycle and lag of applications, as well as the need to take into account old versions, the 64-bit platform will not show its advantages in a short time... but it is indeed the future.


Duan Yongping was a little surprised by Su Yuan's words that no one could hit anyone. He knew that Su Yuanshan had always admired Gates, but he didn't expect that he could push him to this extent...

In fact, now Microsoft almost dominates the desktop platform...except for Linux, the market share is only MAC OS and our winOS. And the three of us combined are only 10% - and as the price of PCs adjusts again, The PC industry has entered another period of rapid popularization, and Microsoft's advantages will further expand...

Su Yuanshan said with emotion: So we never thought about relying on winOS to defeat windows, we just thought about using it to add some incense to the YOS ecosystem on the desktop...

Well, indeed, no system is more important than the YOS ecosystem. Duan Yongping nodded heavily.

As the boss of Yuanxin who specializes in the mobile phone business, or to be more precise, the handheld mobile smart device business, his understanding of mobile phones and systems is of course top-notch - Su Yuanshan no longer needs to continue to advocate, he has already determined that from now on The system for handheld mobile devices will have a market as large as Windows or even bigger.

Therefore, after Microsoft was rumored to acquire Siemens' mobile phone business unit, Duan Yongping immediately adjusted Microsoft into a major strategic competitor in the mobile phone market.

As a result...Su Yuanshan told him not to panic, Gates would not be able to make a difference.

Haha, Mr. Duan, don't worry about Microsoft. Our layout on YOS is several generations ahead...

Su Yuanshan said as he stood up and took out the documents.

He left Lao Duan behind, so naturally he wanted to discuss real important matters.

——That is, Yuanxin YOS Developer Conference.

——A very depressing fact is that this world is really led by geniuses.

It has been three years since Yuanxin officially released the YOS system and held the first YOS Developer Conference. During these three years, Yuanxin + Sony have spared no effort to cooperate with high-end, Giant, Zhongxin, SK, Samsung, etc. Partners Driven by mid- to low-end PDAs and smartphones, Yuanxin YOS has achieved a monopoly position in the mobile platform system.

Whether it is the newbie SYMBIAN, the persistent Plam, or the BlackBerry, none of them can fundamentally shake YOS in the field of mass handheld consumer products.

There are of course many reasons, but what everyone agrees on is that YOS has a good user experience and is highly compatible with the YX architecture.

In addition to those for users, there are also those for enterprises - YOS has built a development environment for cooperative manufacturers that is considerate and comparable to five-star services, and the services it has launched are really nanny-level...

In the past three years, no partner has made new and sufficiently dazzling demands for YOS.

All partners subconsciously believe that such a YOS, paired with such a PDA, and such a mobile phone, are enough to cope with the current scenario.

How can this be done?

Sometimes, I just want to stop playing with these toads that poke and jump. Su Yuanshan smiled and handed the file to Duan Yongping: We will directly close YOS and make it a closed system. From now on, we will If a company sells smartphones, they are just waiting to eat their shit!”

Haha, that's a good feeling. Duan Yongping laughed, naturally knowing that Su Yuanshan was joking.

He took the document and saw that the first topic of the developer conference was the formation of a push alliance.

——Yuanxin has specialized in various terms and vocabulary in the earlier version of YOS, and push means it is a reminder to users from the mobile application.

Seeing Su Yuanshan put the push alliance first, Duan Yongping was a little surprised: Is this important?

Well, it's very important. Because in addition to standardizing how application developers disturb users, it can also achieve the effect of broadcasting messages through the interface.

Su Yuanshan paused as he spoke: There are already application scenarios.

Oh? Tell me.

We are working on seismic monitoring with Ni Guo. When the time comes, the monitoring system will be added to the push system, and we can notify collectively...

Duan Yongping thought for a while: Well, that's good. But this is mainly to restrain application developers and system purchasers, right?

Yes, after all, we are an open system. If mobile phone manufacturers and application developers are allowed to mess around, everything will be in chaos in the future - which application does not want users to pay attention to itself at all times? But then, the memory of a personal PC is not enough... …”

Duan Yongping nodded slightly. He was not good at software development, and he had been away from front-line technology for a long time, so he did not ask further. After all, this was a common understanding between YOS Laboratory and Su Yuanshan.

But the second one is a bit more difficult.

——Established the App Store Alliance.

In other words, all mobile phones using the YOS system in the future will use the same app store, and then share the revenue based on their respective traffic.

Once interests are involved, it becomes a bit unclear.

What's more, the current YOS app store is far from rich.

And the root of all this is the failure to produce a disruptive product...

Old Duan, I have an immature suggestion.

Su Yuanshan looked at Duan Yongping with burning eyes and an adventurous expression on his face.

I think that when the developer conference is held, we will take out Yidoo4 in advance and show those idiots...how the mobile phone is made.

After saying that, he immediately said: Of course, this is a bit risky, so I have to listen to your opinion.

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