1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 821 The first shot

Su Yuanshan was really unsure about paying attention.

On the one hand, Yidoo4 is a product that completely puts Yuanxin on the immortal throne - at least in Su Yuanshan's consciousness. Therefore, when it appears, it must surprise and shock the whole world. This means that it must be kept strictly confidential and there should be no chance of peeping or coveting.

On the other hand, the YOS system that Yidoo4 will be equipped with also carries the historical mission of promoting mobile Internet applications and ecology, which also means that it needs to be vigorously promoted and disseminated...

But now, when two missions fall on Yidoo4 at the same time, it is contradictory and conflicting.

... Duan Yongping knew this very well. He had also had a headache for too long.

The main reason is that the friendly forces are useless. Duan Yongping shook his head with a wry smile, thinking of Su Yuan's previous joke that he could just use YOS as a closed source - in that case, it would be all over.

Well, even if we can get one more enterprising friend, we can write about it without having to force ourselves to show our cards in person...

That's it, Mr. Shan. Duan Yongping hesitated for a while and then said: Anyway, we have to wait until the new year. How about we choose an abandoned case for promotion?

Abolish the case? Su Yuanshan was stunned for a moment.

Well, there are a lot of scrapped projects in the design center. And I have always had an immature idea...

Duan Yongping put down the document, considered it and said slowly: First of all, we need to make it clear that FarCore's future layout direction and profit expectations in the field of handheld mobile devices have already taken shape - to create an application ecosystem as the mainstay, with equipment as a supplement.

Yes! Su Yuanshan nodded immediately - this is one of the main reasons why he respects Lao Duan. Lao Duan is a genius in understanding business models and is completely on the same level as himself.

Think about it, in 2001, you were able to make up your mind to build an ecosystem. This kind of vision and determination, even if Su Yuanshan has been guiding, is not something ordinary people can have...

So, on the premise of ensuring that we launch high-end products, can we also launch 'demonstration' products that are inferior in design aesthetics and grade, but do not compromise on the use of technology? For example, ...public version of the board.”

Su Yuanshan immediately became interested: Be specific.

Duan Yongping smiled slightly: The meaning is that maybe we can cooperate with Hongyuan and release a 'public version' mobile phone design through Hongyuan for reference by other manufacturers.

This mobile phone does not need to be beautifully designed, it only needs to be able to stack up technologies and comply with interface specifications - in this way, it can inspire the inspiration of friends and merchants without affecting the status of our Yidoo series of mobile phones. .At the same time...some lazy low-end manufacturers can also directly use this public version design and adopt low-end prices to better accelerate the popularity of smartphones.

Duan Yongping paused as he spoke: But this is just a guess on my part. I don't know how it will actually work.

Whatever! Isn't the most annoying thing for us now that we have no way to go? Su Yuanshan laughed: It's always good to have an extra way to go.

Okay. Duan Yongping nodded, circled the document, and started to look at the next title.




After seeing Duan Yongping off, Su Yuanshan felt very emotional for a while after returning to his desk.

Yuanxin has come so far, let alone other fields. In the area of ​​mobile phones and mobile operating systems, he really has no experience to draw from.

YOS, in terms of usage habits and its closedness, is similar to Apple's IOS. But in terms of its market position and open source attributes, it is similar to Android.

This kind of freak that combines IOS + Android makes it impossible for even a monster like Su Yuanshan to find a path suitable for it.

You know, it's already the second half of 2001...the Internet is about to fully recover.

By then, no one knows whether the real Android will be born as promised - in the history of IT, there has never been a shortage of brave men who slayed dragons.

Today's YOS really has a dragon look.

Fortunately, Duan Yongping is sober. Regardless of whether it is useful to launch the public version of the mobile phone first this time, at least its launch can open the eyes of a group of friends who all rely on remote cores to improve technology.

Half a month later.

Su Yuanshan and the leaders of the provincial capital took Mr. Hillary, an old friend from country F, who had come all the way, onto the expressway in person.

Su Yuanshan stayed in the leader's car for nearly an hour, and then both parties returned separately.

Just three days ago, Mr. Hillary visited the provincial capital as scheduled. Not surprisingly, as soon as he arrived at the industrial area, he was overwhelmed by the miraculously rising new city - Su Yuanshan, who was accompanying him, had been introducing the history and development of the new science and technology city to Mr. Hillary from the moment he got off the plane. .

Of course, as a new science and technology city, the word technology must be highlighted. In addition to introducing the technology companies established here, Su Yuanshan also introduced the technologies and products that have been used in actual applications.

For example, the traffic light system based on big data, the violation identification system based on AI and artificial intelligence, such as network-based water and electricity projects, such as the 3G network that is available around the clock, etc... In short, we must keep Hillary from saying anything. But in your heart you must think that you are a country bumpkin.

In addition to these, Su Yuanshan also worked hard when arranging the visit. Not only did Yuanxin come up with a lot of black technology, but Acer also invited the old man into the most confidential assembly workshop so that the old man could witness it with his own eyes. Let’s talk about “how the money printing press was born”.

——Macrocore's lithography machines, relying on the first-mover advantage of dual workpiece stages, have entered the international front line and become one of the three lithography machine giants alongside Nikon and Canon.

According to Su Yuanshan's visual inspection, after this trip, Mr. Hillary was a little absent-minded even when he went to Li Bai's former residence, which he missed so much.

The subsequent feedback also confirmed Su Yuanshan's guess.

——Not long after Hillary returned to Europe, news came that Hillary planned to officially launch Lyon Silicon Valley. It can be seen that Mr. Hillary was indeed a little shaken.

Almost that same day, the lighthouse shined on Afghanistan.

In mid-November, Su Yuanshan went to HK and stayed with his daughter for a week before returning to the SAR and starting his routine inspection at the end of each year.

The reason why the inspection is in quotation marks is because many companies here are no longer legally controlled by Yuanxin. The only thing he can do is rely on his own influence and relationships to reach consensus and demands of both parties. .

For example, Mei Jie.

As an old store with more than ten years of experience, Meijie has been at the top since its rebirth and has now become a giant in the board and card factory.

With the recovery of the personal PC market, Meijie's shipments have accounted for more than one-third of the entire market - Hongyuan's foundry has a dedicated factory called Meijie Factory, which works day and night. Fully started to produce motherboards for Meijie.

In addition to motherboards, Meijie is no less impressive in other fields, such as graphics cards, notebooks, all-in-one computers, monitors, etc., and it has its presence in every field.

Even in the field of chip design, Meijie has many involvements.

Brother Daohua.

After Su Yuanshan got out of the car, he stretched out his hand to Chen Daohua from a distance.

The latter still looked a little shy. He took two steps forward and held Su Yuanshan's hand with both hands.

Mr. Shan, I'm sorry to hear you come from afar.

Hey, if you go further, you have to go to Luohu District. Su Yuanshan joked and walked side by side to the office with Chen Daohua.

Along the way, Chen Daohua briefly introduced Su Yuanshan's current situation in Mei Jie, and Su Yuanshan just listened casually and continued talking casually.

After all, he came here to ask for something.

Over the years, Mei Jie has maintained a good pace with Yuanxin, but this does not mean that Chen Daohua is a weakling without principles and his own judgment - on the contrary, Chen Daohua's bones are quite hard - if Chen Daohua really has no If he unprincipledly favors Yuan Xin, then Mei Jie may have been pulled down by a group of juniors who are eyeing him.

After entering the office, Chen Daohua poured tea for Su Yuanshan himself, and then looked at Su Yuanshan with a smile.

Of course he knew Su Yuanshan's purpose of coming! His sister is the chairman of Yuanxin, how can he not know?

Brother Chen, you really have to help me this time.

At this time, once the door is closed, there are no more outsiders, and Su Yuanshan doesn't have so many polite words. He smiled and said: I don't care about other people, but you and I must be relying on each other.

PCI-E? Chen Daohua asked with a gentle smile.

Yeah. Su Yuanshan nodded.

He came, naturally, for PCI-E.

The confrontation with Intel is long-term and comprehensive. It is not one city or one place, and it is not limited to high frequency, multiple cores and so on. Instead, new technical rules led by telecore will be formed based on the existing technical system.

PCI-E is the first shot.

The firing of this shot means that Yuanxin will no longer take care of the emotions and feelings of the boss Intel in its future technical routes, and will directly take action.

As a veteran in the field of board cards, Chen Daohua naturally knew the depth of this. Even though he had been prepared, he was still a little emotional at this time.

On the one hand, he lamented Yuanxin's ambition, and on the other hand, he also lamented, how many years would it take... ten years, right? Yuanxin actually dares to confront Intel's technological hegemony head-on?

But with emotion as emotion, Chen Daohua immediately calmed down and said softly: Xiaoshan, let me be honest and reasonable, Mei Jie knows PCI-E, so you can rest assured. But have you really thought about it? This is It is not a bus like USB and 1394 that actually serve more devices outside the chassis. It can change the ecological environment inside the entire chassis. If consensus cannot be obtained... it will be a disaster for the entire industry. .”

Well, I know. But the problem now is that the fault is not ours, isn't it? Su Yuanshan also sighed.

Why doesn't he know the consequences of pushing PCI-E aside from Intel? For example, the slots of consumer graphics cards are now unified with AGP slots - if consensus cannot be reached, then there will be PCI-E graphics cards, 3GIO graphics cards, etc. in the future.

The inconsistency in platforms and interfaces will definitely lead to an increase in costs, and will also reduce the versatility of the equipment, which will affect the future of the entire industry.

Why does the International Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers have so many standards and so many sub-associations? In the final analysis, it is for the sake of universality and the development of the industry. (Speaking of which, Apple is really emmmmm)

If a company does not consider the development of its peers and the entire industry at all, and only acts recklessly to satisfy its own selfish desires, then this kind of company... is a bit cancerous.

When Su Yuanshan said this, Chen Daohua stopped talking.

He has been under pressure in the past few months, even more because he is from the island and the first technology entrepreneur to defect to the mainland.

Therefore, he knew that when Intel decided not to cooperate with FarCore - no matter what the reason was for Intel not to cooperate, from a technical point of view, Intel was wrong - it would be really difficult for FarCore to continue. .

Let's put it this way. Su Yuanshan paused: For PCI-E, all technical solutions have been prepared, and in addition to the graphics card, the solid-state drive using the PCI-E interface has also been verified. It can be said that everything is ready now Everything is ready, I just need you to light a fire.

Solid-state drives are also available? Chen Daohua was slightly surprised when he heard this. He knew that a big reason that restricts solid-state drives today is actually the data transmission bandwidth. If it can reach PEI-E, then the bandwidth will be better than the current mainstream ATA. How much do you know.

Well, for now, it's just graphics cards and solid-state drives. And according to engineering tests, the performance of solid-state drives should at least double! This means that the experience is great!

Then... Seeing Su Yuanshan's glaring eyes, Chen Daohua couldn't help but smile bitterly: But the problem is, if I don't get orders from major manufacturers, it won't work just by me to launch retail boards.

Who said that! Sister Jing will probably have news soon!

Su Yuanshan chuckled and blinked.

Since this is the first shot, it is obvious that it must be fired comprehensively and thoroughly.

Otherwise, what's the point of farting?

He came to Meijie to persuade Chen Daohua to add PCI-E to all high-end motherboards as much as possible. Then Chen Jingze had already flown to Silicon Valley to discuss with a few old friends.

IBM, Dell, HP, Compaq... As long as one of these major international host manufacturers dares to launch a new product, Su Yuanshan will have enough confidence to forcefully launch PCI-E!

Yes, Su Yuanshan admitted that this kind of cut first and then play behavior is indeed against the spirit of IEEE, but Su Yuanshan is right, and the fault does not lie with Yuanxin - Intel, the X86 boss, does not approve, so what should we do?

If you don't agree, Yuan Xin can only act recklessly and cook the raw rice into cooked rice...

As long as users recognize it, as long as everyone agrees, it doesn't matter whether IEEE recognizes it or not.

——Actually, this was what Mr. Qiao told Su Yuanshan.

Moreover, Mr. Qiao is also a person who does not take things too seriously. He expressed his firm support for Su Yuanshan!

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