1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 819 Higher, faster, stronger

After everyone fell into silence and thought, Su Yuanshan opened a bottle of drink, and then caught a glimpse of everyone looking at him expectantly. After thinking about it, he smiled slightly.

Everyone, let me tell you something. If you are interested, or simply have spare money, you should start working on the Internet - especially Brother Zhu and Brother Qiu, you must have Internet thinking.

As soon as Su Yuanshan said this, Shi Dazhu and Qiu Bojun were nothing - they were a giant and a golden mountain.

Especially the former, Giant has now entered many fields and tracks in the technology field with Yuanxin.

For example, Giant mobile phones, software, games, special effects production, and even hotels... are all available. Simply describing it as a software company or IT company is too one-sided. Technology enterprise is a more complete description.

As for Jinshan, because of his general-seeking nature as a programmer, he has little interest in other fields that tend to be entity, and he only has a soft spot for the world of code. He is also the only CEO among so many people here who is still coding himself... Therefore, Kingsoft has undoubtedly become the No. 1 commercial software company in the country.

Today's Kingsoft is not only competing with Microsoft in the office field, it is also involved in a series of software such as customer management, material management, commodity management, and financial management. In addition, it is second to none in the field of anti-virus and network security protection. .

But the two of them really don't have any Internet website. At most, it is a corporate homepage.

——The two people were a little stunned for a while as to why Su Yuanshan called him alone.

On the contrary, others, especially Han Sui and Cheng Gongying, were startled for a moment, then their eyes lit up and they stood up!

Mr. Shan, spring is coming?

Qiu Bojun turned around and looked at the two of them in astonishment: What spring?

The spring of the Internet, my brother! Han Sui pressed Qiu Bojun's shoulders and beamed with joy: Mr. Shan, please give me an accurate letter!

Su Yuanshan nodded with a smile.

The cold winter cannot last forever.

First of all, with the arrival of the semiconductor spring - no, it should not be a recovery, but the end of the semiconductor cyclical winter - there is a very cruel fact here is that every semiconductor winter, In fact, it was all about the great popularity of personal PCs.

Once the semiconductor winter comes, the cost of electronic computers will drop.

Up to now, the price of an assembled computer in China has dropped from tens of thousands in the past to three to four thousand, and the speed is not bad at all.

Here, Intel, AMD, Cyirx, YUX, etc. are constantly launching processors of different grades, such as Intel's Celeron, AMD's Duron, Cyrix's Sea series, YUX's single-core Tulong series... and so on. Seize the low-end market and constantly lower prices.

There is also the factor of the wafer fab consolidation that has begun in 1997. In the past four years, the memory particle market has been in turmoil, and many heroes have fallen since then...

Put it this way, four years ago, a 64MB SDRAM memory stick cost more than 2,000 yuan.

Nowadays, a 128MB SDRAM only costs 200 yuan. The SDY wafer fabs of Deyuan, Yuanxin, and SK Telecom in Bangkok are continuously producing DRAM particles with a single capacity of 16MB at the price of cabbage. Constantly explore the bottom line of memory particles.

In the face of the challenges of new technologies, big items such as hard drives and monitors have also continuously adjusted their prices due to the rapid increase in production capacity and technology, ultimately forming the price range of a complete computer today.

In the manufacturing industry, it is common sense.

——When the price drops because the productivity of large machines is fully utilized and released, then there is no possibility of it rising again.

Therefore, in order to maintain sufficient benefits, technology can only keep running and use more advanced technology to capture the wealth growth brought about by technological and economic development.

In the next few years, personal PCs will enter a period of explosive growth, and at the same time...

Su Yuanshan paused: Okay, so is a smartphone.

As he said that, Su Yuanshan glanced at Wang Xingang who was standing outside.

The latter smiled at him.

——Among so many people, Wang Xingang is the most enthusiastic about mobile games, so much so that he feels a little out of place among this group of people.

But no one knows that among so many people, only Wang Xingang has seen the next generation mobile phone of Yuanxin - because he has accepted several small games to be jointly released with the Yidoo4 mobile phone. Currently, his boys Currently retreating to practice.

Frankly speaking, when Wang Xing first saw the mobile phone, he was really shocked. He never thought that when human hands can replace the stylus to achieve multi-point and precise operations on the screen, it will bring such earth-shaking changes. experience...

In theory, Yuanxin's new mobile phone can do everything.

Following Su Yuanshan's gaze, the others also looked at Wang Xingang. Lao Wang immediately read the warning in Su Yuanshan's eyes. He was shocked - obviously, Mr. Shan had done a good job in keeping the new mobile phone secret. So he coughed and said softly: Don't look at me, everyone. I am a firm believer in mobile phones dominating the world. But I am engaged in games... but I advise you to engage in ecological applications.

Yes! Su Yuanshan nodded with a smile: If...in the existing Internet ecosystem, we will realize that traffic and channels are king, then in the mobile Internet ecosystem, I personally feel that content is king.

Shi Dazhu had been thinking seriously since Su Yuanshan called his name. At this time, he couldn't help but ask: Content is king? Does that mean?

No matter what the content is, the mobile phone screen is just that big, and the information displayed cannot be compared with the PC screen. So... who can display more attractive content and information on such a small screen, win this small With one screen, whoever can dominate the next generation of mobile Internet!



While Su Yuanshan and the big guys from Caotanghui were having fun, Ma Mengqi was setting up a wireless base station himself on the fourth floor platform of the convention and exhibition center.

Chao, are you nervous?

Aisha squatted next to him, looking at the signal strength and parameters on the notebook, with excitement on her face.

Super nervous. Ma Mengqi glanced at his close Russian comrades and said with a smile: Aisha, can you understand this pun?

Yes, super nervous. You can say you are super nervous. Aisha said seriously in fluent Mandarin: You can also say you are nervous.

Well, you can teach me. Ma Mengqi said and stood up. He first looked around, and then made a gesture to the brothers in the distance.

After a while, a brother walked over quickly carrying a file box.

Brother Chao, I feel like we are a bit like the agents in the movie.

Well, I think it's a bit similar. Ma Mengqi laughed: Brothers, let's put up the shed, we must be foolproof.

As he finished speaking, everyone hurriedly took out tent cloth and sticks from the travel bags on the side, and soon set up a four-corner tent on the roof.

After unfolding the portable table and chairs in the tent, Ma Mengqi opened the box.

In the box, there is a palm-sized silver four-wing drone that is too beautiful to put down.

Although I have seen her too many times, I always feel that she is so beautiful, she really looks like an elf. Ma Mengqi sighed while holding up the drone.

Aisha immediately installed the paddles for him.

Baby, you must not let your hair slip today... Ma Mengqi said and kissed the fuselage very sensually.

The others were used to it and said cheerfully: Brother Chao, your hand touched the lens of the binocular camera.

When Ma Mengqi heard this, he immediately changed his posture and carefully wiped the lens with a flannel several times.

Brothers, do you want to give it a try? He felt itchy and looked at everyone.


Power on!

Ma Mengqi took a deep breath and quickly took out the remote control with a special LCD panel for image transmission and reception. He checked the battery and handed it to Aisha. He held up the drone with both hands and walked outside the tent.

He turned to look at Aisha, who nodded at him.

Let's go, baby! Ma Mengqi shouted, and the drone was thrown into the air by him.

Almost instantly, a buzzing sound echoed through the roof.

——Although everyone behind him has seen similar scenes countless times, they still can't help but their eyes light up every time they see this scene.

It seems easy to just throw it and take off, but in practice, you don't know how difficult it is.

In order to achieve this free flight, they lost countless prototypes and how much money they spent...

——Let’s put it this way, if Jingwei Studio is not an independent laboratory, I am afraid that even if they have the strong support of Mr. Shan, they may not be able to dare to “squander their wealth” like this.

Silver elves danced in the humming sound, flying up and down the balcony on the fourth floor.

Brother Chao, enough is enough.

Yeah, that's enough. Ma Mengqi had already taken the remote control and was feeling very happy. After hearing this, he nodded immediately: Here, let's take a group photo.

With his control, the drone changed direction, and clear images were also displayed on not only the remote control panel in Ma Mengqi's hand, but also on Aisha's notebook.

It was an aerial view from the sky.

last step.

Ma Mengqi took a deep breath and nodded towards Aisha.

The latter recalled that he walked out of the tent and stretched out his hand in the air.

Everyone held their breath.

After a moment, Jingwei slowly fell in the air, hovered above Ai Sha's head after circling for a small half circle, and finally fell steadily into Ai Sha's palm after two seconds of hesitation...



As early as 7:30, Su Yuanshan brought a group of well-fed Caotang Club brothers to the press conference - as 01 has high expectations for a big show, the audience at the scene alone today exceeded 2,000 people.

In addition to the media and peers in the technology circle, there are also fans groups from all over the country and even the world. Of course, the most people in the Science and Technology City itself are full of curiosity about Yuanxin's products.

In order not to create tension for Duan Yongping, Su Yuanshan did not go backstage, but directly chatted with acquaintances next to him in the audience and counted the time.

At eight o'clock sharp, as the lights dimmed and only the white light of the curtain remained on the stage, Duan Yongping walked quickly from the backstage to the front stage.

Holding the remote control in both hands, he waited for the spotlight to fall above his head, smiled slightly, and read out today's opening.

“In our past launches, we always concluded with a theme to declare our products.”

For example, MP3 players, music phones, Internet phones, smart phones in the past...

As Duan Yongping spoke, product homepage introductions from previous conferences were also displayed on the curtain behind him.

And today, our theme is...

Duan Yongping paused as he spoke and looked at the audience with a smile: Let's take a guess?

There was good-natured laughter from the audience - how could you guess this?

Well, it's hard to guess, right? Indeed. Because today's subject is...

As Duan Yongping slowly read out those three words, words also appeared on the curtain.

Higher, faster and stronger.

After reading this passage, the crowd was inevitably stunned for a moment, and then immediately burst into applause - it must be noted that Yuanxin now has no shortage of such spontaneous atmosphere boosters, anyway, as long as it is For the far core stuff, let’s applaud first and then talk about it.

Amid applause, Duan Yongping began to play the short film.

The first product released to you today is the CPU that represents the highest design level and industrial level to date - the Aolong dual-core processor. It is the first processor in history to exceed 60 million transistors!

Under the stage, Shi Dazhu was sitting next to Su Yuanshan. When he heard that there were 60 million transistors, he was startled and said in a low voice: Damn it, is it better than Intel?

Well, the main thing is that the process has improved. Our 0.13 process technology has matured a little earlier than Intel... After a pause, Su Yuan smiled softly: In other words, we are not like Intel, they still hope to use the 0.18 process to make money. A handful, but we don’t care, we just go to 0.13, even if we lose money, we have to improve the performance first.”

... Then I don't know how much we will lose.

It's okay. I've made losses over the years, so I'm not afraid of this year or two.

The two people were communicating on and off the stage, and Duan Yongping was also introducing the performance, technology, and parameters of the Aolong processor. Frankly speaking, he knew these by heart. After all, he had been away from front-line technology for too long.

Fortunately, the people in the audience have gradually calmed down after experiencing the initial excitement. After all, they are here. Although they are excited and gratified that Yuanxin can launch a CPU that can compete with Intel and satisfy the G-spot. But what they most want to see is Yuanxin’s innovation in consumer electronics.

After all, in the past few years, Yuanxin can be said to have single-handedly driven the progress of the entire mobile phone industry.

Duan Yongping also knew the mentality of the people who came here this time, so he did not delay the introduction of the processor for a long time - after all, Yuanxin released the 0.18 micron dual-core Aolong last year, which is nothing new. So he quickly controlled the rhythm and cut to the notebook.

Of course, Xbook also has bright spots in design, but... Judging from the reaction in the audience, everyone doesn't buy it.

So, after the Xbook technology and parameters screen disappeared, those three words appeared on the screen again.

Higher, faster and stronger.

Looking at the expectant faces of everyone in the audience, Duan Yongping smiled slightly and waved his hand behind him.

After a while, the curtain shook, revealing a beautiful city night scene.

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